外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 08 期, 页码:11 - 17
[1]Baker T,et al.Improvising firms:Bricolage,account giving,and improvisational competency in the founding process[J].Research Policy,2003,32(2):255-276.
[2]Baron R A.The cognitive perspective:A valuable tool for an-swering entrepreneurships’basic“why”questions[J].Journalof Business Venturing,2004,19(2):221-239.
[3]Barsky E D.Entrepreneurial heuristics and serial entrepre-neurs[D].Temple University,United States,2010.
[4]Bazerman M.Judgment in managerial decision making[M].New York:John Wiley and Sons,2006.
[5]Crossan M,et al.Time and organizational improvisation[J].Academy of Management Review,2005,30(1):129-145.
[6]Davidsson P.The entrepreneurial process as a matching pro-blem[R].Proceedings of Academy of Management Confe-rence,Hawaii,US,2005.
[7]Forster W and York J.The effects of effectual logic:Nascent en-trepreneurial performance and effectuation[R].Academy of Man-agement Annual Meeting,Chicago,2009.
[8]Gaglio C M.The role of mental simulations and counterfactu-al thinking in the opportunity identification process[J].En-trepreneurship Theory and Practice,2004,28(6):533-552.
[9]Gigerenzer G and Todd P M.Simple heuristics that make ussmart[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1999.
[10]Gustafsson V.Entrepreneurial decision-making:Individuals,tasks and cognitions[M].Northampton,MA and Chelten-ham:Edward Elgar,2006.
[11]Hmieleski K and Corbett A.Proclivity for improvisation as apredictor of entrepreneurial intentions[J].Journal of SmallBusiness Management,2006,44(1):45-63.
[12]Miner A S,et al.Organizational improvisation and learning:A field study[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2001,46(2):304-337.
[13]Mintzberg H and Westley F.Decision-making:It’s not whatyou think[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2001,42(Spr.):89-93.
[14]Read S and Sarasvathy S D.Knowing what to do and doingwhat you know:Entrepreneurship as a form of expertise[J].Journal of Private Equity,2005,9(1):45-62.
[15]Read S,et al.Marketing under uncertainty:The logic of aneffectual approach[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(3):1-18.
[16]Read S,et al.A meta analytic review of effectuation and ven-ture performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2009,24(6):573-587.
[17]Sarasvathy S and Kotha S.Dealing with Knightian uncer-tainty in the new economy:The real networks case[A].But-ler J(Ed.).Research on management and entrepreneurship[C].Greenwich,CT:IAP Inc.,2001:31-62.
[18]Sarasvathy S D.Entrepreneurship as a science of the artifi-cial[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2003,24(2):203-221.
[19]Sarasvathy S.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial ex-pertise[M].Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2008.
[20]Vera D and Crossan M.Improvisation and innovative per-formance in teams[J].Organization Science,2005,16(3):203-224.
[21]Wright M,et al.Firm rebirth:Leveraged buyouts as facilita-tors of strategic growth and entrepreneurship[J].Academyof Management Executive,2001,15(1):111-125.
[22]Ucbasaran D,et al.The extent and nature of opportunity i-dentification by experienced entrepreneurs[J].Journal ofBusiness Venturing,2009,24(2):99-115.
[2]Baron R A.The cognitive perspective:A valuable tool for an-swering entrepreneurships’basic“why”questions[J].Journalof Business Venturing,2004,19(2):221-239.
[3]Barsky E D.Entrepreneurial heuristics and serial entrepre-neurs[D].Temple University,United States,2010.
[4]Bazerman M.Judgment in managerial decision making[M].New York:John Wiley and Sons,2006.
[5]Crossan M,et al.Time and organizational improvisation[J].Academy of Management Review,2005,30(1):129-145.
[6]Davidsson P.The entrepreneurial process as a matching pro-blem[R].Proceedings of Academy of Management Confe-rence,Hawaii,US,2005.
[7]Forster W and York J.The effects of effectual logic:Nascent en-trepreneurial performance and effectuation[R].Academy of Man-agement Annual Meeting,Chicago,2009.
[8]Gaglio C M.The role of mental simulations and counterfactu-al thinking in the opportunity identification process[J].En-trepreneurship Theory and Practice,2004,28(6):533-552.
[9]Gigerenzer G and Todd P M.Simple heuristics that make ussmart[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1999.
[10]Gustafsson V.Entrepreneurial decision-making:Individuals,tasks and cognitions[M].Northampton,MA and Chelten-ham:Edward Elgar,2006.
[11]Hmieleski K and Corbett A.Proclivity for improvisation as apredictor of entrepreneurial intentions[J].Journal of SmallBusiness Management,2006,44(1):45-63.
[12]Miner A S,et al.Organizational improvisation and learning:A field study[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2001,46(2):304-337.
[13]Mintzberg H and Westley F.Decision-making:It’s not whatyou think[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2001,42(Spr.):89-93.
[14]Read S and Sarasvathy S D.Knowing what to do and doingwhat you know:Entrepreneurship as a form of expertise[J].Journal of Private Equity,2005,9(1):45-62.
[15]Read S,et al.Marketing under uncertainty:The logic of aneffectual approach[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(3):1-18.
[16]Read S,et al.A meta analytic review of effectuation and ven-ture performance[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2009,24(6):573-587.
[17]Sarasvathy S and Kotha S.Dealing with Knightian uncer-tainty in the new economy:The real networks case[A].But-ler J(Ed.).Research on management and entrepreneurship[C].Greenwich,CT:IAP Inc.,2001:31-62.
[18]Sarasvathy S D.Entrepreneurship as a science of the artifi-cial[J].Journal of Economic Psychology,2003,24(2):203-221.
[19]Sarasvathy S.Effectuation:Elements of entrepreneurial ex-pertise[M].Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2008.
[20]Vera D and Crossan M.Improvisation and innovative per-formance in teams[J].Organization Science,2005,16(3):203-224.
[21]Wright M,et al.Firm rebirth:Leveraged buyouts as facilita-tors of strategic growth and entrepreneurship[J].Academyof Management Executive,2001,15(1):111-125.
[22]Ucbasaran D,et al.The extent and nature of opportunity i-dentification by experienced entrepreneurs[J].Journal ofBusiness Venturing,2009,24(2):99-115.
郑秀芝, 龙丹. 基于过程观的创业决策研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(8): 11–17.