外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 08 期, 页码:18 - 25
[1]Ambrosini V,et al.Should acquiring firms pursue more thanone value creation strategy?An empirical test of acquisitionperformance[J].British Journal of Management,2011,22(1):173-185.
[2]Bannert V and Tschirky H.Integration planning for technolo-gy intensive acquisitions[J].R&D Management,2004,34(5):481-494.
[3]Buckley P J,et al.Knowledge accession and knowledge acqui-sition in strategic alliances:The impact of supplementary andcomplementary dimensions[J].British Journal of Manage-ment,2009,20(3):598-609.
[4]Capron L and Mitchell W.Bilateral resource redeploymentand capabilities improvement following horizontal acquisitions[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,1998,7(3):453-484.
[5]Chirico F and Salvato C.Knowledge integration and dynamicorganizational adaptation in family firms[J].Family BusinessReview,2008,2(1):169-181.
[6]De Boer M,et al.Managing organizational knowledge integrationin the emerging multimedia complex[J].Journal of Mana-gement Studies,1999,36(3):287-418.
[7]Eisenhardt K M and Martin J A.Dynamic capabilities:Whatare they?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(5):1105-1121.
[8]Galunic D C and Rodan S.Resource recombinations in thefirm:Knowledge structures and the potential for Schumpeteri-an innovation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(6):1193-1201.
[9]Grant R M and Baden-Fuller C.A knowledge accessing theory ofstrategic alliances[J].Journal of Management Studies,2004,41(1):61-84.
[10]Grant R M.Prospering in dynamically-competitive environ-ments:Organizational capability as knowledge integration[J].Organization Science,1996,7(4):375-387.
[11]Karim S.Business unit reorganization and innovation in newproduct markets[J].Management Science,2009,55(7):1237-1254.
[12]Kogut B and Zander U.Knowledge of the firm,combinativecapabilities,and the replication of technology[J].Organiza-tion Science,1992,3(3):383-397.
[13]Kraaijenbrink J,et al.Towards a Kernel theory of externalknowledge integration for high-tech firms:Exploring a failedtheory test[J].Technological Forcasting&Social Change,2007,74(8):1215-1233.
[14]Law K S,et al.Toward a taxonomy of multidimensional con-structs[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):741-755.
[15]Luca L M D and Atuahene-Gima K.Market knowledge di-mensions and cross-functional collaboration:Examining thedifferent routes to product innovation performance[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,2007,71(1):95-112.
[16]Prieto I M,et al.Building dynamic capabilities in product de-velopment:How do contextual antecedents matter?[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2009,25(2):313-326.
[17]Ravasi D and Verona G.Organising the process of know-ledge integration:The benefits of structural ambiguity[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2001,17(1):41-66.
[18]Sirmon D G and Hitt M A.Managing resources:Linking u-nique resources,management,and wealth creation in familyfirms[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(4):339-358.
[19]Sirmon D G,et al.Managing firm resources in dynamic envi-ronments to create value:Looking inside the black box[J].A-cademy of Management Review,2007,32(1):273-292.
[20]Teece D J,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-533.
[21]Tsai W and Ghoshal S.Social capital and value creation:Therole of intrafirm networks[J].Academy of Management Jour-nal,1998,41(4):464-476.
[22]Verona G and Ravasi D.Unbundling dynamic capabilities:An exploratory study of continuous product innovation[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2003,12(3):577-606.
[2]Bannert V and Tschirky H.Integration planning for technolo-gy intensive acquisitions[J].R&D Management,2004,34(5):481-494.
[3]Buckley P J,et al.Knowledge accession and knowledge acqui-sition in strategic alliances:The impact of supplementary andcomplementary dimensions[J].British Journal of Manage-ment,2009,20(3):598-609.
[4]Capron L and Mitchell W.Bilateral resource redeploymentand capabilities improvement following horizontal acquisitions[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,1998,7(3):453-484.
[5]Chirico F and Salvato C.Knowledge integration and dynamicorganizational adaptation in family firms[J].Family BusinessReview,2008,2(1):169-181.
[6]De Boer M,et al.Managing organizational knowledge integrationin the emerging multimedia complex[J].Journal of Mana-gement Studies,1999,36(3):287-418.
[7]Eisenhardt K M and Martin J A.Dynamic capabilities:Whatare they?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(5):1105-1121.
[8]Galunic D C and Rodan S.Resource recombinations in thefirm:Knowledge structures and the potential for Schumpeteri-an innovation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(6):1193-1201.
[9]Grant R M and Baden-Fuller C.A knowledge accessing theory ofstrategic alliances[J].Journal of Management Studies,2004,41(1):61-84.
[10]Grant R M.Prospering in dynamically-competitive environ-ments:Organizational capability as knowledge integration[J].Organization Science,1996,7(4):375-387.
[11]Karim S.Business unit reorganization and innovation in newproduct markets[J].Management Science,2009,55(7):1237-1254.
[12]Kogut B and Zander U.Knowledge of the firm,combinativecapabilities,and the replication of technology[J].Organiza-tion Science,1992,3(3):383-397.
[13]Kraaijenbrink J,et al.Towards a Kernel theory of externalknowledge integration for high-tech firms:Exploring a failedtheory test[J].Technological Forcasting&Social Change,2007,74(8):1215-1233.
[14]Law K S,et al.Toward a taxonomy of multidimensional con-structs[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):741-755.
[15]Luca L M D and Atuahene-Gima K.Market knowledge di-mensions and cross-functional collaboration:Examining thedifferent routes to product innovation performance[J].Jour-nal of Marketing,2007,71(1):95-112.
[16]Prieto I M,et al.Building dynamic capabilities in product de-velopment:How do contextual antecedents matter?[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2009,25(2):313-326.
[17]Ravasi D and Verona G.Organising the process of know-ledge integration:The benefits of structural ambiguity[J].Scandinavian Journal of Management,2001,17(1):41-66.
[18]Sirmon D G and Hitt M A.Managing resources:Linking u-nique resources,management,and wealth creation in familyfirms[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(4):339-358.
[19]Sirmon D G,et al.Managing firm resources in dynamic envi-ronments to create value:Looking inside the black box[J].A-cademy of Management Review,2007,32(1):273-292.
[20]Teece D J,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-533.
[21]Tsai W and Ghoshal S.Social capital and value creation:Therole of intrafirm networks[J].Academy of Management Jour-nal,1998,41(4):464-476.
[22]Verona G and Ravasi D.Unbundling dynamic capabilities:An exploratory study of continuous product innovation[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2003,12(3):577-606.
周丹. “资源整合”与“资源重构”两大构念比较——基于资源观视角[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(8): 18–25.