外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 11 期, 页码:85 - 97
[1] Banks J, R Blundell and A Lewbel. Quadratic Engel curves and consumer demand[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1997, 79(4): 527-539.
[2] Bardhan P and Udry C. Development microeconomics[M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press,1999.
[3] Barten A P. Maximum likelihood estimation of a complete system of demand equations[J]. European Economic Review, 1969, 1(1): 7-73.
[4] Deaton A. The analysis of consumer demand in the United Kingdom 1900-1970[J]. Econometrica,1974a,42(2):341-367.
[5] Deaton A. A reconsideration of the empirical implications of additive preferences[J]. In Economic Journal-the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Economic Society. London: MacMillan, 1974b.
[6] Deaton A and Muellbauer J. An almost ideal demand system[J]. American Economic Review, 1980, 70(3): 312-326.
[7] Deaton A and Blinder A. The time series consumption function revisited[J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1985, 2: 465-521.
[8] Deaton A. Panel data from time series of cross-sections[J]. Journal of Econometrics 1985, 30: 109-126.
[9] Deaton A and Muellbauer J. On measuring child costs in poor countries (Published Under the Title"on Measuring Child Costs: With Applications to Poor Countries")[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94: 720-744.
[10] Deaton A Ashenfelter O and Solon G. Collecting panel data in developing countries: Does it make sense?[R]. Living Standard Measurement Study, Working Paper No. 23. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1986.
[11] Deaton A. Life-cycle models of consumption: Is the evidence consistent with the theory?[A]. In Bewley T (ed.). Advances in Econometrics(Vol II)[C]. North-Holland: Amsterdam,1987.
[12] Deaton A and Campbell J Y. Why is consumption so smooth?[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 1989, 56: 357-374.
[13] Deaton A. Looking for boy-girl discrimination in household expenditures[J]. World Bank Economic Review 1989, 3(1): 1-15.
[14] Deaton A. Saving and liquidity constraints[J]. Econometrica, 1991, 59 (4): 1221-1248.
[15] Deaton A and Laroque G. On the behaviour of commodity prices[J]. Review of Economic Studies. 1992,59(1): 1-23.
[16] Deaton A and Laroque G. Competitive storage and commodity price dynamics[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1996, 104(5): 896-923.
[17] Deaton A. The analysis of household surveys: A microeconomic approach to development policy[M]. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
[18] Deaton A and Paxson C. Economies of scale, household size, and the demand for food[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1998, 106(5): 897-930.
[19] Deaton A. Health, inequality, and economic development[J]. Journal of Economic Literature 2003, 41(1):113-158.
[20] Deaton A and V Kozel. Data and dogma: The great Indian poverty debate[J]. The World Bank Research Observer, 2005, 20(2): 177-200.
[21] Deaton A and Drèze J. Food and nutrition in India: Facts and interpretations[J]. Economic and Political Weekly, 2009), 44(7): 42-65.
[22] Deaton A. Price indexes, inequality, and the measurement of world poverty[J]. American Economic Review, 2010, 100(1):5-34.
[23] Deaton A and Dupriez O. Purchasing power parity exchange rates for the global poor[J]. American Economic Journal, 2011, 3: 137-166.
[24] Deaton A. The great escape: Health, wealth, and the origins of inequality[M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
[25] Deaton A and Stone A. Two happiness puzzles[J]. American Economic Review, 2013, 103(3): 591-597.
[26] Duflo E. Women's empowerment and economic development[J]. Journal of Economic Literature,2012,50(4):1051-1079.
[27] Hall R E. Stochastic implications of the life-cycle-permanent income hypothesis: Theory and evidence[J]. Journal of Political Economy. 1978, 86(2):971-987.
[28] Lewbel A and Pendakur K. Tricks with hicks: The EASI demand system[J]. American Economic Review, 2009, 99(3):827-863.
[29] Muellbauer J. Community preferences and the representative consumer[J]. Econometrica, 1976,44(5):979-999.
[30] Subramanian S and Deaton A. The demand for food and calories. Journal of Political Economy, 1996, 104(1): 133-162.
[31] The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Angus Deaton: Consumption, poverty and welfare [EB/OL]. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2015.
[32] 迪顿, 米尔鲍尔. 经济学与消费者行为[M]. 龚志民等译, 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2005.
[33] 迪顿. 理解消费[M]. 胡景北等译, 上海:上海财经大学出版社, 2003.
[34] 叶初升. 寻求发展理论的微观基础-兼论发展经济学理论范式的形成[J]. 中国社会科学, 2005,4: 29-40.
[35] 聂辉华, 江艇, 杨汝岱. 中国工业企业数据库的使用现状和潜在问题[J]. 世界经济, 2012, 5: 142-158.
[2] Bardhan P and Udry C. Development microeconomics[M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press,1999.
[3] Barten A P. Maximum likelihood estimation of a complete system of demand equations[J]. European Economic Review, 1969, 1(1): 7-73.
[4] Deaton A. The analysis of consumer demand in the United Kingdom 1900-1970[J]. Econometrica,1974a,42(2):341-367.
[5] Deaton A. A reconsideration of the empirical implications of additive preferences[J]. In Economic Journal-the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Economic Society. London: MacMillan, 1974b.
[6] Deaton A and Muellbauer J. An almost ideal demand system[J]. American Economic Review, 1980, 70(3): 312-326.
[7] Deaton A and Blinder A. The time series consumption function revisited[J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1985, 2: 465-521.
[8] Deaton A. Panel data from time series of cross-sections[J]. Journal of Econometrics 1985, 30: 109-126.
[9] Deaton A and Muellbauer J. On measuring child costs in poor countries (Published Under the Title"on Measuring Child Costs: With Applications to Poor Countries")[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94: 720-744.
[10] Deaton A Ashenfelter O and Solon G. Collecting panel data in developing countries: Does it make sense?[R]. Living Standard Measurement Study, Working Paper No. 23. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1986.
[11] Deaton A. Life-cycle models of consumption: Is the evidence consistent with the theory?[A]. In Bewley T (ed.). Advances in Econometrics(Vol II)[C]. North-Holland: Amsterdam,1987.
[12] Deaton A and Campbell J Y. Why is consumption so smooth?[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 1989, 56: 357-374.
[13] Deaton A. Looking for boy-girl discrimination in household expenditures[J]. World Bank Economic Review 1989, 3(1): 1-15.
[14] Deaton A. Saving and liquidity constraints[J]. Econometrica, 1991, 59 (4): 1221-1248.
[15] Deaton A and Laroque G. On the behaviour of commodity prices[J]. Review of Economic Studies. 1992,59(1): 1-23.
[16] Deaton A and Laroque G. Competitive storage and commodity price dynamics[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1996, 104(5): 896-923.
[17] Deaton A. The analysis of household surveys: A microeconomic approach to development policy[M]. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
[18] Deaton A and Paxson C. Economies of scale, household size, and the demand for food[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1998, 106(5): 897-930.
[19] Deaton A. Health, inequality, and economic development[J]. Journal of Economic Literature 2003, 41(1):113-158.
[20] Deaton A and V Kozel. Data and dogma: The great Indian poverty debate[J]. The World Bank Research Observer, 2005, 20(2): 177-200.
[21] Deaton A and Drèze J. Food and nutrition in India: Facts and interpretations[J]. Economic and Political Weekly, 2009), 44(7): 42-65.
[22] Deaton A. Price indexes, inequality, and the measurement of world poverty[J]. American Economic Review, 2010, 100(1):5-34.
[23] Deaton A and Dupriez O. Purchasing power parity exchange rates for the global poor[J]. American Economic Journal, 2011, 3: 137-166.
[24] Deaton A. The great escape: Health, wealth, and the origins of inequality[M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
[25] Deaton A and Stone A. Two happiness puzzles[J]. American Economic Review, 2013, 103(3): 591-597.
[26] Duflo E. Women's empowerment and economic development[J]. Journal of Economic Literature,2012,50(4):1051-1079.
[27] Hall R E. Stochastic implications of the life-cycle-permanent income hypothesis: Theory and evidence[J]. Journal of Political Economy. 1978, 86(2):971-987.
[28] Lewbel A and Pendakur K. Tricks with hicks: The EASI demand system[J]. American Economic Review, 2009, 99(3):827-863.
[29] Muellbauer J. Community preferences and the representative consumer[J]. Econometrica, 1976,44(5):979-999.
[30] Subramanian S and Deaton A. The demand for food and calories. Journal of Political Economy, 1996, 104(1): 133-162.
[31] The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Angus Deaton: Consumption, poverty and welfare [EB/OL]. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2015.
[32] 迪顿, 米尔鲍尔. 经济学与消费者行为[M]. 龚志民等译, 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2005.
[33] 迪顿. 理解消费[M]. 胡景北等译, 上海:上海财经大学出版社, 2003.
[34] 叶初升. 寻求发展理论的微观基础-兼论发展经济学理论范式的形成[J]. 中国社会科学, 2005,4: 29-40.
[35] 聂辉华, 江艇, 杨汝岱. 中国工业企业数据库的使用现状和潜在问题[J]. 世界经济, 2012, 5: 142-158.
李宝良, 郭其友. 消费、贫困与福利的微观实证研究及其扩展——2015年度诺贝尔经济学奖得主安格斯·迪顿主要经济理论贡献述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(11): 85–97.