外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 11 期, 页码:72 - 84
[1] Akinci C and Sadler-Smith E.Intuition in management research: A historical review[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2012,14:104-122.
[2] Armstrong S J,Cools E and Sadler-smith E.Role of cognitive styles in business and management: Reviewing 40 years of research[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2012,14:238-262.
[3] Baron R A.Opportunity recognition as pattern recognition: How entrepreneurs "connect the dots" to identify new business opportunities[J].The Academy of Management Perspectives,2006,Feb:104-119.
[4] Baron R A and Ensley M D.Opportunity recognition as the detection of meaningful patterns: Evidence from comparisons of novice and experienced entrepreneurs[J].Management Science,2006,52(9):1331-1344.
[5] Blume B D and Covin J G.Attributions to intuition in the venture founding process: Do entrepreneurs actually use intuition or just say that they do?[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2011,26:137-151.
[6] Clarke I and Mackaness W.Management "intuition": An interpretative account of structure and content of decision schemas using cognitive maps[J].Journal of Management Studies,2001,38(2):147-172.
[7] Dane E and Pratt M G.Exploring intuition and its role in managerial decision making[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(1):33-54.
[8] Dane E and Pratt M G.Conceptualizing and measuring intuition: A review of recent trends[M].International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Hodgkinson G P and Ford J K,Wiley-Blackwell,2009,24:1-40.
[9] Dane E.Reconsidering the trade-off between expertise and flexibility: A cognitive entrenchment perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(4):579-603.
[10] Dane E,Rockmann K W and Pratt M G.When should I trust my gut? Linking domain expertise to intuitive decision-making effectiveness[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2012,119:187-194.
[11] Dayan M and Benedetto C A D.Team intuition as a continuum construct and new product creativity: The role of environmental turbulence,team experience,and stress[J].Research Policy,2011,40:276-286.
[12] Dayan M and Elbanna S.Antecedents of team intuition and its impact on the success of new product development projects[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2011,28(s1):159-174.
[13] Eisenhardt K M.Making fast strategic decisions in high-velocity environments[J].Academy of Management Journal,1989,32(3):543-576.
[14] Elbanna S and Child J.Influences on strategic decision effectiveness: Development and test of an integrative model[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007a,28:431-453.
[15] Elbanna S and Child J.The influence of decision,environmental and firm characteristics on the rationality of strategic decision-making[J].Journal of Management Studies,2007b,44(4):561-591.
[16] Epstein S.Demystifying intuition: What it is,what it does,and how it does it[J].Psychological Inquiry,2010,21:295-312.
[17] Fukukura J,Ferguson M J and Fujita K.Psychological distance can improve decision making under information overload via gist memory[J].Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,2013,142(3):658-665.
[18] Glöckner A and Witteman C.Beyond dual-process models: A categorization of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making[J].Thinking & Reasoning,2010,16(1):1-25.
[19] Hough J R and Ogilvie D.An empirical test of cognitive style and strategic decision outcomes[J].Journal of Management Studies,2005,42(2):417-448.
[20] Miller C C and Ireland R D.Intuition in strategic decision making: Friend or foe in the fast-paced 21st century?[J].The Academy of Management Executive,2005,19(1):19-30.
[21] Mitchell J R,Friga P N and Mitchell R K.Untangling the intuition mess: Intuition as a construct in entrepreneurship research[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,Nov:1042-2587.
[22] Moxley J H,et al.The role of intuition and deliberative thinking in experts' superior tactical decision-making[J].Cognition,2012,124:72-78.
[23] Kickul J,et al.Intuition versus analysis? Testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial and self-efficacy and the new venture creation process[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,Mar: 439-453.
[24] 柏菊.直觉决策研究综述与展望[J].中国软科学,2008,5:140-1475.
[25] 陈海贤,何贵兵.心理距离对跨期选择和风险选择的影响[J].心理学报,2014,46(5):677-690.
[26] 黄俊,李晔,张宏伟.解释水平理论的应用及发展[J].心理科学进展,2015,23(1):110-119.
[27] 孙美佳,李新建.群体交互记忆系统研究述评[J].外国经济与管理,2012,10:30-38.
[28] 张静,刘远.社会网络视角下产品创新直觉的社会性[J].现代经济探讨,2013,10:73-77.
[29] 张静,刘远.直觉型决策效用下的专业性与灵活性的悖论和应对研究[J].南京社会科学,2014,11:32-38.
[30] 张静,陈传明.专业性与直觉效用的非线性关系——基于个体双元能力视角[J].财经论丛,2014,12:74-81.
[2] Armstrong S J,Cools E and Sadler-smith E.Role of cognitive styles in business and management: Reviewing 40 years of research[J].International Journal of Management Reviews,2012,14:238-262.
[3] Baron R A.Opportunity recognition as pattern recognition: How entrepreneurs "connect the dots" to identify new business opportunities[J].The Academy of Management Perspectives,2006,Feb:104-119.
[4] Baron R A and Ensley M D.Opportunity recognition as the detection of meaningful patterns: Evidence from comparisons of novice and experienced entrepreneurs[J].Management Science,2006,52(9):1331-1344.
[5] Blume B D and Covin J G.Attributions to intuition in the venture founding process: Do entrepreneurs actually use intuition or just say that they do?[J].Journal of Business Venturing,2011,26:137-151.
[6] Clarke I and Mackaness W.Management "intuition": An interpretative account of structure and content of decision schemas using cognitive maps[J].Journal of Management Studies,2001,38(2):147-172.
[7] Dane E and Pratt M G.Exploring intuition and its role in managerial decision making[J].Academy of Management Review,2007,32(1):33-54.
[8] Dane E and Pratt M G.Conceptualizing and measuring intuition: A review of recent trends[M].International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Hodgkinson G P and Ford J K,Wiley-Blackwell,2009,24:1-40.
[9] Dane E.Reconsidering the trade-off between expertise and flexibility: A cognitive entrenchment perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2010,35(4):579-603.
[10] Dane E,Rockmann K W and Pratt M G.When should I trust my gut? Linking domain expertise to intuitive decision-making effectiveness[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2012,119:187-194.
[11] Dayan M and Benedetto C A D.Team intuition as a continuum construct and new product creativity: The role of environmental turbulence,team experience,and stress[J].Research Policy,2011,40:276-286.
[12] Dayan M and Elbanna S.Antecedents of team intuition and its impact on the success of new product development projects[J].Journal of Product Innovation Management,2011,28(s1):159-174.
[13] Eisenhardt K M.Making fast strategic decisions in high-velocity environments[J].Academy of Management Journal,1989,32(3):543-576.
[14] Elbanna S and Child J.Influences on strategic decision effectiveness: Development and test of an integrative model[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007a,28:431-453.
[15] Elbanna S and Child J.The influence of decision,environmental and firm characteristics on the rationality of strategic decision-making[J].Journal of Management Studies,2007b,44(4):561-591.
[16] Epstein S.Demystifying intuition: What it is,what it does,and how it does it[J].Psychological Inquiry,2010,21:295-312.
[17] Fukukura J,Ferguson M J and Fujita K.Psychological distance can improve decision making under information overload via gist memory[J].Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,2013,142(3):658-665.
[18] Glöckner A and Witteman C.Beyond dual-process models: A categorization of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making[J].Thinking & Reasoning,2010,16(1):1-25.
[19] Hough J R and Ogilvie D.An empirical test of cognitive style and strategic decision outcomes[J].Journal of Management Studies,2005,42(2):417-448.
[20] Miller C C and Ireland R D.Intuition in strategic decision making: Friend or foe in the fast-paced 21st century?[J].The Academy of Management Executive,2005,19(1):19-30.
[21] Mitchell J R,Friga P N and Mitchell R K.Untangling the intuition mess: Intuition as a construct in entrepreneurship research[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2005,Nov:1042-2587.
[22] Moxley J H,et al.The role of intuition and deliberative thinking in experts' superior tactical decision-making[J].Cognition,2012,124:72-78.
[23] Kickul J,et al.Intuition versus analysis? Testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial and self-efficacy and the new venture creation process[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2009,Mar: 439-453.
[24] 柏菊.直觉决策研究综述与展望[J].中国软科学,2008,5:140-1475.
[25] 陈海贤,何贵兵.心理距离对跨期选择和风险选择的影响[J].心理学报,2014,46(5):677-690.
[26] 黄俊,李晔,张宏伟.解释水平理论的应用及发展[J].心理科学进展,2015,23(1):110-119.
[27] 孙美佳,李新建.群体交互记忆系统研究述评[J].外国经济与管理,2012,10:30-38.
[28] 张静,刘远.社会网络视角下产品创新直觉的社会性[J].现代经济探讨,2013,10:73-77.
[29] 张静,刘远.直觉型决策效用下的专业性与灵活性的悖论和应对研究[J].南京社会科学,2014,11:32-38.
[30] 张静,陈传明.专业性与直觉效用的非线性关系——基于个体双元能力视角[J].财经论丛,2014,12:74-81.
张静, 刘远, 陈传明. 直觉型决策研究现状和展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(11): 72–84.