财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 12 期, 页码:70 - 85
[3]Abay Asfaw,Joachim Von Braun.Can community health insurance schemes shield thepoor against the downside health effects of economic reforms?The case of rural ethiopia[J].Health Policy,2004,70:97-108.
[4]Ranson K.Reduction of catastrophic health care expenditures by a community-basedhealth insurance scheme in Gujurat,India:Current experiences and challenges[J].Bul-letin of the World Health Organization,2002,80:8.
[5]Steven Russell,Lucy Gilson.Are health services protecting the livelihoods of the urbanpoor in Sri Lanka?Findings from two low-income areas of Colombo[J].Social Science&Medicine,2006,63:1732-1744.
[6]Wagstaff A,Lindelow M.Can insurance increase financial risk?[J].Health Economy,2008,(2):1-16.
[7]Gilson L,McIntyre D.Removing user fees for primary care in Africa:The need for care-ful action[J].British Medical Journal,2005,331:762-765.
[8]Ensor T,B S Pham.Access and payment for health care:The poor of Nothern Vietnam[J].International Journal of Health Planning and Management,1996,(11):69-83.
[9]Pannarunothai S,A Mills.The poor pay more:Health-related inequality in Thailand[J].Social Science Medicine,1997,12:1781-1790.
[10]Van Damme W.Out-of-pocket health expenditure and debt in poor households:Evi-dence from Cambodia[J].Tropical Medicine and International Health,2004,(2):273-280.
[11]Skarbinski J,H K Walker.The burden of out-of-pocket payments for health care inTblisi,Republic of Georgia[J].Journal of American Medical Association,2002,(8):1043-1049.
[12]Van Doorslaer E.Paying out-of-pocket for health care in Asia:Catastrophic and pover-ty impact[R].Equitap Project Working Paper,2005,No.2,Erasmus University Rot-terdam.
[13]Henderson G,Jin S,Akin J,Li Z,Wang J.Distribution of medical insurance in China[J].Social Science&Medicine,1995,(8):1119-1130.
[14]World Bank.China 2020:Financing health care[R].Washington:The World Bank,1997.
[15]Feng xueshan,Tang shenglan,Gerald Bloom.Cooperative medical schemes in contem-porary rural China[J].Social Science Medical,1995,(8):1111-1118.
[16]Ravallion M.Poverty comparisons[M].Harwood Academic Publishers,Chur,1994.
[17]Pradhan M,N Prescott.Social risk management options for medical care in Indonesia[J].Health Economics,2002,(1):431-446.
[18]Wagstaff A,E Van Doorslaer.Catastrophe and impoverishment in paying for healthcare:With applications to Vietnam 1993-1998[J].Health Economics,2003,(12):921-934.
[19]Jan Pen.Income distribution[J].The Economic Journal,1972,82:242-244.
[20]Stephen P Jenkins,Peter J Lambert.Three‘I’s of poverty curves,with an analysis ofUK Poverty Trends[R].Oxford Economic Papers,1997,3:317-327.
[3]Abay Asfaw,Joachim Von Braun.Can community health insurance schemes shield thepoor against the downside health effects of economic reforms?The case of rural ethiopia[J].Health Policy,2004,70:97-108.
[4]Ranson K.Reduction of catastrophic health care expenditures by a community-basedhealth insurance scheme in Gujurat,India:Current experiences and challenges[J].Bul-letin of the World Health Organization,2002,80:8.
[5]Steven Russell,Lucy Gilson.Are health services protecting the livelihoods of the urbanpoor in Sri Lanka?Findings from two low-income areas of Colombo[J].Social Science&Medicine,2006,63:1732-1744.
[6]Wagstaff A,Lindelow M.Can insurance increase financial risk?[J].Health Economy,2008,(2):1-16.
[7]Gilson L,McIntyre D.Removing user fees for primary care in Africa:The need for care-ful action[J].British Medical Journal,2005,331:762-765.
[8]Ensor T,B S Pham.Access and payment for health care:The poor of Nothern Vietnam[J].International Journal of Health Planning and Management,1996,(11):69-83.
[9]Pannarunothai S,A Mills.The poor pay more:Health-related inequality in Thailand[J].Social Science Medicine,1997,12:1781-1790.
[10]Van Damme W.Out-of-pocket health expenditure and debt in poor households:Evi-dence from Cambodia[J].Tropical Medicine and International Health,2004,(2):273-280.
[11]Skarbinski J,H K Walker.The burden of out-of-pocket payments for health care inTblisi,Republic of Georgia[J].Journal of American Medical Association,2002,(8):1043-1049.
[12]Van Doorslaer E.Paying out-of-pocket for health care in Asia:Catastrophic and pover-ty impact[R].Equitap Project Working Paper,2005,No.2,Erasmus University Rot-terdam.
[13]Henderson G,Jin S,Akin J,Li Z,Wang J.Distribution of medical insurance in China[J].Social Science&Medicine,1995,(8):1119-1130.
[14]World Bank.China 2020:Financing health care[R].Washington:The World Bank,1997.
[15]Feng xueshan,Tang shenglan,Gerald Bloom.Cooperative medical schemes in contem-porary rural China[J].Social Science Medical,1995,(8):1111-1118.
[16]Ravallion M.Poverty comparisons[M].Harwood Academic Publishers,Chur,1994.
[17]Pradhan M,N Prescott.Social risk management options for medical care in Indonesia[J].Health Economics,2002,(1):431-446.
[18]Wagstaff A,E Van Doorslaer.Catastrophe and impoverishment in paying for healthcare:With applications to Vietnam 1993-1998[J].Health Economics,2003,(12):921-934.
[19]Jan Pen.Income distribution[J].The Economic Journal,1972,82:242-244.
[20]Stephen P Jenkins,Peter J Lambert.Three‘I’s of poverty curves,with an analysis ofUK Poverty Trends[R].Oxford Economic Papers,1997,3:317-327.
解垩. 医疗保险与城乡反贫困:1989-2006[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(12): 70–85.