财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 03 期, 页码:74 - 81
[6]Choe Hyuk Kho,Bong Chan,Stulz RenéM.Do foreign investors destabilize stock mar-kets?[R].The Korean Experience in 1997,1998.
[7]Grinblatt Mark,Titman Sheridan,Wermers Russ.Momentum investment strategies,portfolio performance and herding:A study of mutual fund behavior[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1995,85(5):1088-1105.
[8]Grinblatt Mark,Keloharju Matti.The investment behavior and performance of variousinvestor types:A study of finland’s unique data set[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,55(1):43-67.
[9]Lakonishok J,Shleifer A,Vishny Robert W.The impact of institutional trading on stockprice[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1992,82:23-43.
[10]Nofsinger John R,Sias Richard W.Herding and feedback trading by institutional andindividual investors[J].The Journal of Finance,1999,54(6):2263-2295.
[11]Pinnuck Matt.Stock preferences and derivative activities of australian fund managers[J].Accounting and Finance,2004,44:97-120.
[12]Sunstein Cass R,Kahneman Daniel,Schkade David.Assessing punitive damages(Withnotes on cognition and valuation in law)[J].The Yale Law Journal,1998,107(7):2071-2153.
[13]Tversky Amos,Slovic Paul,Kahneman Daniel.The causes of preference reversal[J].The American Economic Review,1990,80(1):204-217.
[14]Wermers R.Mutual fund herding and the impact on stock price[R].Working Paper ofColorado University,1998.
[6]Choe Hyuk Kho,Bong Chan,Stulz RenéM.Do foreign investors destabilize stock mar-kets?[R].The Korean Experience in 1997,1998.
[7]Grinblatt Mark,Titman Sheridan,Wermers Russ.Momentum investment strategies,portfolio performance and herding:A study of mutual fund behavior[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1995,85(5):1088-1105.
[8]Grinblatt Mark,Keloharju Matti.The investment behavior and performance of variousinvestor types:A study of finland’s unique data set[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,55(1):43-67.
[9]Lakonishok J,Shleifer A,Vishny Robert W.The impact of institutional trading on stockprice[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1992,82:23-43.
[10]Nofsinger John R,Sias Richard W.Herding and feedback trading by institutional andindividual investors[J].The Journal of Finance,1999,54(6):2263-2295.
[11]Pinnuck Matt.Stock preferences and derivative activities of australian fund managers[J].Accounting and Finance,2004,44:97-120.
[12]Sunstein Cass R,Kahneman Daniel,Schkade David.Assessing punitive damages(Withnotes on cognition and valuation in law)[J].The Yale Law Journal,1998,107(7):2071-2153.
[13]Tversky Amos,Slovic Paul,Kahneman Daniel.The causes of preference reversal[J].The American Economic Review,1990,80(1):204-217.
[14]Wermers R.Mutual fund herding and the impact on stock price[R].Working Paper ofColorado University,1998.
李学峰, 张舰, 茅勇峰. 我国开放式证券投资基金与QFII行为比较研究——基于交易策略视角的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(3): 74–81.