财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 03 期, 页码:82 - 95
[7]Bradley M.Interfirm tender offers and the market for corporate control[J].Journal ofBusiness,1980,53:345-376.
[8]Chen Zhiwu,Xiong Peng.Discounts on illiquidity stocks:Evidence from China[R].Yale Inter-national Center for Finance,Yale ICF Working Paper,No.00-56,September 2001.
[9]Gelman,Milton.An economist financial analyst’s approach to valuing stock of a closelyheld company[J].Journal of Taxation,1972,6:353-354.
[10]Grossman S J,O D Hart.One share-one vote and the market for corporate control[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1988,20:175-202.
[11]Hamilton,James L.Marketplace organization and marketability:NASDAQ,the stockexchange and the national market system[J].Journal of Finance,1978,5:487-503.
[12]Longstaff F A.How much can mrketability affect security values?[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1995a,50:1767-1774.
[13]Longstaff F A.Placing no arbitrage bounds on the value of nonmarketable and thinlytraded securities[J].Advances in Futures and Options Research,1995b,8:203-228.
[14]Longstaff F A.Optimal portfolio choice and the valuation of illiquid securities[J].TheReview of Financial Studies,2001,14:407-431.
[15]Maher,Michael J.Discounts for lack-of-marketability for closely held business interests[J].Taxes,1976,9:562-571.
[16]Moroney,Robert E.Most courts overvalue closely held stocks[J].Taxes,1973,3:144-154.
[17]Trout,Robert R.Estimation of the discount associated with the transfer of restrictedsecurities[J].Taxes,1977,6:381-384.
[18]U.S.Congress,House.Discounts involved in purchases of common stock(1966-1969)[M].Institutional Investor Study Report of the Securities and Exchange Commis-sion.H.R.Doc.No.64,Part 5,92nd Congress,1st Session,1971:2444-2456.The results suggest that the marketability owns its value,and before SSR themarketability value is about 66%.The market liquidity,corporate scale,per-formance and dividend are the critical factors influencing marketability val-ue,while the liquidity and price volatility of tradable shares have no effectson it.After SSR the marketability is about 56%,and the liquidity and pricevolatility of tradable shares do affect the marketability value.
[7]Bradley M.Interfirm tender offers and the market for corporate control[J].Journal ofBusiness,1980,53:345-376.
[8]Chen Zhiwu,Xiong Peng.Discounts on illiquidity stocks:Evidence from China[R].Yale Inter-national Center for Finance,Yale ICF Working Paper,No.00-56,September 2001.
[9]Gelman,Milton.An economist financial analyst’s approach to valuing stock of a closelyheld company[J].Journal of Taxation,1972,6:353-354.
[10]Grossman S J,O D Hart.One share-one vote and the market for corporate control[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1988,20:175-202.
[11]Hamilton,James L.Marketplace organization and marketability:NASDAQ,the stockexchange and the national market system[J].Journal of Finance,1978,5:487-503.
[12]Longstaff F A.How much can mrketability affect security values?[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1995a,50:1767-1774.
[13]Longstaff F A.Placing no arbitrage bounds on the value of nonmarketable and thinlytraded securities[J].Advances in Futures and Options Research,1995b,8:203-228.
[14]Longstaff F A.Optimal portfolio choice and the valuation of illiquid securities[J].TheReview of Financial Studies,2001,14:407-431.
[15]Maher,Michael J.Discounts for lack-of-marketability for closely held business interests[J].Taxes,1976,9:562-571.
[16]Moroney,Robert E.Most courts overvalue closely held stocks[J].Taxes,1973,3:144-154.
[17]Trout,Robert R.Estimation of the discount associated with the transfer of restrictedsecurities[J].Taxes,1977,6:381-384.
[18]U.S.Congress,House.Discounts involved in purchases of common stock(1966-1969)[M].Institutional Investor Study Report of the Securities and Exchange Commis-sion.H.R.Doc.No.64,Part 5,92nd Congress,1st Session,1971:2444-2456.The results suggest that the marketability owns its value,and before SSR themarketability value is about 66%.The market liquidity,corporate scale,per-formance and dividend are the critical factors influencing marketability val-ue,while the liquidity and price volatility of tradable shares have no effectson it.After SSR the marketability is about 56%,and the liquidity and pricevolatility of tradable shares do affect the marketability value.
王旻, 杨朝军, 廖士光. 中国股票市场流通性价值研究——基于非流通股协议转让与限售股转让的证据[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(3): 82–95.