财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 01 期, 页码:95 - 106
[1]Anthony J Crawford,John R Ezzell,James A Miles.Bank CEO pay-performance relations and the effects of deregulation[J].Journal of Business,1995,68[2]:231~256.
[2]Barro J,R Barro.Pay,performance,and turnover of bank CEOs[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1990,8[4]:448~481.
[3]Chidambaran N K,Nagpurnanand Prabhala.Exectutive stock option repricing,internal governance mechanisms,and management turnover[J].Journal of Financial Econom-ics,2003,69:153~189.
[4]Chidambaran N K,K John.Managerial cmpensation,voluntary sclosure,and large shareholder monitoring[R].Unpublished paper,New York University,2000.
[5]Fenghua Song.CEOlongevity and corporate performance:Theory and evidence on the bright and dark sides of leadership continuity[Z].Job Marketing Paper,2006,
[6]Hermalin Benjamin,Michael Weisbach.Endogenously chosen boards of directors and their monitoring of the CEO[J].American Economic Review,1998,88:96~118.
[7]Hambrick D C,Fukutomi G D.The seasons of a CEO’s tenure[J].Academy of Man-agement Review,1991,16:719~742.
[8]Hol mstrom B,P Milgrom.Aggregation and linearity in the provision of intertemporal incentives[J].Econometrica,1987,55[2]:303~328.
[9]Houston J,CJames.CEOcompensation and bankrisk:Is compensation structuredin bank-ing to promote risk taking?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1995,36:405~431.
[10]Jensen Michael C,William H Meckling.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3[4]:305~360.
[11]Jensen MC,Murphy KJ.Performance pay and top management incentives[J].Jour-nal of Political Economy,1990,98,[4]:225~264.
[12]John T A,KJohn.Top-Management compensation and capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,1993,48[3]:949~974.
[13]Kose John,Yi ming Qian.Incentive features in CEOcompensationin the banking in-dustry[J].Economic Policy Review,2003,9[1]:109~121.
[14]Maretno A Harjoto,Donald J Mullineaux.CEOcompensation and the transformation of banking[J].The Journal of Financial Research,2003,26[3]:341~354.
[15]Mengistae,Taye,Xu,Lixin C.Agency theory and compensation of CEOs of Chinese state enterprises[J].Journal of Labor Economics,2004,22:615~637.
[16]Mishra Chandra S,Nielsen James F.Board independence and compensation policies in large bank holding companies[J].Financial Management,2000,29[3]:51.~69.
[17]R Glenn Hubbard,Darius Palia.Executive pay and performance evidence from the U.S.banking industry[J.]Journal of Financial Economics,1995,39[1]:105~130.
[18]Ryan Harley,Roy Wiggins.Who is in whose pocket?Director compensation,board independence,and barriers to erective monitoring[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2004,73:497~524.
[19]Sam Allgood,Kathleen A Farrell.The effect of CEOtenure on the relation between firmperformance and turnover[J].The Journal of Financial Research,2000,23[3]:373~390.
[20]Schaefer S.The dependence of the pay-performance sensitivity on the size of the firm[J].Reviewof Economics and Statistics,1998.80:436~443.
[21]Sungho Choi,Iftekhar Hasan.Ownership,governance,and bank performance:Ko-rean experience[J].Financial Markets,Institutions and Instruments,2005,14[4]:215~242.
[2]Barro J,R Barro.Pay,performance,and turnover of bank CEOs[J].Journal of Labor Economics,1990,8[4]:448~481.
[3]Chidambaran N K,Nagpurnanand Prabhala.Exectutive stock option repricing,internal governance mechanisms,and management turnover[J].Journal of Financial Econom-ics,2003,69:153~189.
[4]Chidambaran N K,K John.Managerial cmpensation,voluntary sclosure,and large shareholder monitoring[R].Unpublished paper,New York University,2000.
[5]Fenghua Song.CEOlongevity and corporate performance:Theory and evidence on the bright and dark sides of leadership continuity[Z].Job Marketing Paper,2006,
[6]Hermalin Benjamin,Michael Weisbach.Endogenously chosen boards of directors and their monitoring of the CEO[J].American Economic Review,1998,88:96~118.
[7]Hambrick D C,Fukutomi G D.The seasons of a CEO’s tenure[J].Academy of Man-agement Review,1991,16:719~742.
[8]Hol mstrom B,P Milgrom.Aggregation and linearity in the provision of intertemporal incentives[J].Econometrica,1987,55[2]:303~328.
[9]Houston J,CJames.CEOcompensation and bankrisk:Is compensation structuredin bank-ing to promote risk taking?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1995,36:405~431.
[10]Jensen Michael C,William H Meckling.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,3[4]:305~360.
[11]Jensen MC,Murphy KJ.Performance pay and top management incentives[J].Jour-nal of Political Economy,1990,98,[4]:225~264.
[12]John T A,KJohn.Top-Management compensation and capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,1993,48[3]:949~974.
[13]Kose John,Yi ming Qian.Incentive features in CEOcompensationin the banking in-dustry[J].Economic Policy Review,2003,9[1]:109~121.
[14]Maretno A Harjoto,Donald J Mullineaux.CEOcompensation and the transformation of banking[J].The Journal of Financial Research,2003,26[3]:341~354.
[15]Mengistae,Taye,Xu,Lixin C.Agency theory and compensation of CEOs of Chinese state enterprises[J].Journal of Labor Economics,2004,22:615~637.
[16]Mishra Chandra S,Nielsen James F.Board independence and compensation policies in large bank holding companies[J].Financial Management,2000,29[3]:51.~69.
[17]R Glenn Hubbard,Darius Palia.Executive pay and performance evidence from the U.S.banking industry[J.]Journal of Financial Economics,1995,39[1]:105~130.
[18]Ryan Harley,Roy Wiggins.Who is in whose pocket?Director compensation,board independence,and barriers to erective monitoring[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2004,73:497~524.
[19]Sam Allgood,Kathleen A Farrell.The effect of CEOtenure on the relation between firmperformance and turnover[J].The Journal of Financial Research,2000,23[3]:373~390.
[20]Schaefer S.The dependence of the pay-performance sensitivity on the size of the firm[J].Reviewof Economics and Statistics,1998.80:436~443.
[21]Sungho Choi,Iftekhar Hasan.Ownership,governance,and bank performance:Ko-rean experience[J].Financial Markets,Institutions and Instruments,2005,14[4]:215~242.
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