财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 09 期, 页码:133 - 144
[7]North D C.制度、制度变迁与经济绩效[M].杭行,译.上海:格致出版社、上海三联书店、上海人民出版社,2008.
[13]Williamson O E.资本主义经济制度[M].段毅才等,译.北京:商务印书馆,2002.
[14]Alchian A A.The basis of some recent advances in the theory of management of the firm[J].The Journal of Industrial Economics,1965,14(1):30-41.
[15]Allen F,Babus A.Networks in finance[R].Working Paper,University of Pennsylvania and University of Cambridge,2008.
[16]Allen F,Qian J,Qian M J.Law,finance,and economic growth in China[J].Journal of Financial Economics 2005,77(1):57-116.
[17]Banerjee S,Dasgupta S,Kim Y.Buyer-Supplier relationships and the stakeholder theory of capital structure[J].The Journal of Finance,2008,63(5):2507-2552.
[18]Chen C J,Hus C Y,Relationship-Specific investments and pay-for-performance:The impact of corporate governance[R].Working Paper,Chung Yuan Christian University,2013.
[19]Dou Y,Hope O.,Thomas W.Relationship-Specificity,contract enforceability,and income smoothing[J].The Accounting Review,2013,88(5):1629-1656.
[20]Engel E,Hayes R M,Wang X.CEO turnover and properties of accounting information[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2003,36(1-3):197-226.
[21]Graham J R,Harvey C R,Rajgopal S.The economic implications of corporate financial reporting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2005,40(1-3):3-73.
[22]Hwang B,Kim S.It pay to have friends[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,93(1):138-158.
[23]Joskow P L.Asset specificity and the structure of vertical relationships:Empirical evidence[J].Journal of Law,Economics and Organization,1988,4(1):95-117.
[24]Kale J R,Shahrur H.Corporate capital structure and the characteristics of suppliers and customers[J].Journal of Financial and Economics,2007,83:321-365.
[25]Knack S,Keefer P.Does social capital have an economic payoff?A cross-country investigation[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112(4):1251-1288.
[26]Klein B,Leffler K B.The role of market forces in assuring contractual performance[J].The Journal of Political Economy,1981,89(4):615-641.
[27]Kong X.Why are social network transactions important?Evidence based on the concentration of key suppliers and customers in China[J].China Journal of Accounting Research,2011,4(3):121-133.
[28]Levin J.Relational incentive contracts[J].The American Economic Review,2003,93(3):835-857.
[29]Nunn N.Relationship-Specificity,incomplete contracts,and the pattern of trade[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2007,122(2):569-600.
[30]Ogden S,Watson R.Corporate performance and stakeholder management:Balancing shareholder and customer interests in the UK privatized water industry[J].Academy of Management Journal,1999,42(5):526-538.
[31]Titman S.The effect of capital structure on a firm’s liquidation decision[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(1):137-151.
[7]North D C.制度、制度变迁与经济绩效[M].杭行,译.上海:格致出版社、上海三联书店、上海人民出版社,2008.
[13]Williamson O E.资本主义经济制度[M].段毅才等,译.北京:商务印书馆,2002.
[14]Alchian A A.The basis of some recent advances in the theory of management of the firm[J].The Journal of Industrial Economics,1965,14(1):30-41.
[15]Allen F,Babus A.Networks in finance[R].Working Paper,University of Pennsylvania and University of Cambridge,2008.
[16]Allen F,Qian J,Qian M J.Law,finance,and economic growth in China[J].Journal of Financial Economics 2005,77(1):57-116.
[17]Banerjee S,Dasgupta S,Kim Y.Buyer-Supplier relationships and the stakeholder theory of capital structure[J].The Journal of Finance,2008,63(5):2507-2552.
[18]Chen C J,Hus C Y,Relationship-Specific investments and pay-for-performance:The impact of corporate governance[R].Working Paper,Chung Yuan Christian University,2013.
[19]Dou Y,Hope O.,Thomas W.Relationship-Specificity,contract enforceability,and income smoothing[J].The Accounting Review,2013,88(5):1629-1656.
[20]Engel E,Hayes R M,Wang X.CEO turnover and properties of accounting information[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2003,36(1-3):197-226.
[21]Graham J R,Harvey C R,Rajgopal S.The economic implications of corporate financial reporting[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2005,40(1-3):3-73.
[22]Hwang B,Kim S.It pay to have friends[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2009,93(1):138-158.
[23]Joskow P L.Asset specificity and the structure of vertical relationships:Empirical evidence[J].Journal of Law,Economics and Organization,1988,4(1):95-117.
[24]Kale J R,Shahrur H.Corporate capital structure and the characteristics of suppliers and customers[J].Journal of Financial and Economics,2007,83:321-365.
[25]Knack S,Keefer P.Does social capital have an economic payoff?A cross-country investigation[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112(4):1251-1288.
[26]Klein B,Leffler K B.The role of market forces in assuring contractual performance[J].The Journal of Political Economy,1981,89(4):615-641.
[27]Kong X.Why are social network transactions important?Evidence based on the concentration of key suppliers and customers in China[J].China Journal of Accounting Research,2011,4(3):121-133.
[28]Levin J.Relational incentive contracts[J].The American Economic Review,2003,93(3):835-857.
[29]Nunn N.Relationship-Specificity,incomplete contracts,and the pattern of trade[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,2007,122(2):569-600.
[30]Ogden S,Watson R.Corporate performance and stakeholder management:Balancing shareholder and customer interests in the UK privatized water industry[J].Academy of Management Journal,1999,42(5):526-538.
[31]Titman S.The effect of capital structure on a firm’s liquidation decision[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(1):137-151.
林钟高, 郑军, 汤谢莹. 关系专用性投资与高管薪酬业绩敏感性[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(9): 133–144.