财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 05 期, 页码:81 - 94
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[5]Arrow K J.Social choice and individual values[M].John Wiley and Sons,Inc.,1951.
[6]Becker Gary S.A theory of competition among pressure groups for political influence[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1983,98(3):371~400.
[7]Becker Gary S.Public policies,pressure groups,and dead weight costs[J].Journal ofPublic Economics,1985,28(3):329~347.
[8]Brennan G.The distributional implications of public goods[J].Econometrica,1976,44:391~399.
[9]Buchanan Tullock.The calculus of consent:Logical foundations of constitutional de-mocracy[M].University.of Michigan Press,1962.
[10]Goodman J C,Porter P K.Theory of competitive regulatory equilibrium[J].PublicChoice,1988,59:51~66.
[11]Goodman,J C,Porter,P K.Political equilibrium and the provision of public goods[J].Public Choice,2004,120:247~266.
[12]Meltzer Richard.A rational theory of the size of government[J].Journal of PoliticalEconomy,1981,89(5):914~927.
[13]Niskanen W A.Bureaucracy and representative government[M].Chicago,Aldine,Atherton,1971.
[14]Peacock A T,Wiseman,J.The growth of public expenditure in the United Kingdom[M].Princeton University Press,Princeton,1961.
[15]Samuelson P A.The pure theory of public expenditure[J].The Review of Economicsand Statistics,1954,36:387~389.
[16]Weber Max.Bureaucracy,chapter 6,partшof Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft,in H.Gerch and C.Mills,eds.,From Max Weber:Essays in Sociology,New York:OxfordUniversity Press,1946.
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