财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 05 期, 页码:95 - 108
[12]Aghion,Philippe,and Howitt Peter.A model of grow through creative destruction[J].Econometrica,1992,60(March):323~351.
[13]Charles Jones.R&D based models of economic growth[J].The Journal of Political E-conomy,1995,103(4):759~784.
[14]Clarida R H.International capital mobility,public investment and economic growth[R].NBER Working Paper,National Bureau of Economic Research,1993.
[15]Dere H C,Chen and Hiau Looi Kee.A model on knowledge and endogenous growth[R].World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,2003,3935.
[16]Grossman,Gene M,Helpman.Endogenous product cycles[J].Economic Journal,101(September):1214~1229.
[17]Grossman,Gene and Elhanan Helpman.Innovation and growth in the global economy[M].MIT Press,1991.
[18]Hall Robert E,Charles I Jones.Why do some countries produce so much more output perworker than others?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(2):83~116.
[19]Howitt,Peter and Philippe Aghion.Capital accumulation and innovation as complementaryfactors in long-fun growth[J].Journal of Economic Growth,1998,3(6):111~130.
[20]Jones Charles.R&D based models of economic growth[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1995,103:759~784.
[21]Jones Charles.Growth:With or without scale effects?[J].American Economic Re-view,1999,89(2):139~144.
[22]Jorgenson Dale W,Kevin Stiroh.Raising the speed limit:U.S.economic growth inthe information age[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2000,1:125~211.
[23]Kortum Samuel.Research,patenting and technological change[J].Econometrica,1997,65(6):1389~1419.
[24]Krueger,Allan B,Mikael Lindahl.Education for growth:Why and for whom?[R].National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper,2000,No.7591.
[25]McMillin Smyth.A multivariate time series analysis of the United State aggregate pro-duction function[J].Empirical Economics,1994,(3):659~673.
[26]Park Watler G.A theoretical model of government research and growth[J].Journal ofEconomic Behavior and Organization,1998,34:69~85.
[27]Paul M Romer.Increasing returns and long run growth[J].The Journal of Political E-conomy,1986,94(5):1002~1037.
[28]Romer Paul M.Endogenous technological change[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98(October,Part 2):71~102.
[29]Robert E Locus.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of MonetaryEconomics,1998,22(3):30~42.
[12]Aghion,Philippe,and Howitt Peter.A model of grow through creative destruction[J].Econometrica,1992,60(March):323~351.
[13]Charles Jones.R&D based models of economic growth[J].The Journal of Political E-conomy,1995,103(4):759~784.
[14]Clarida R H.International capital mobility,public investment and economic growth[R].NBER Working Paper,National Bureau of Economic Research,1993.
[15]Dere H C,Chen and Hiau Looi Kee.A model on knowledge and endogenous growth[R].World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,2003,3935.
[16]Grossman,Gene M,Helpman.Endogenous product cycles[J].Economic Journal,101(September):1214~1229.
[17]Grossman,Gene and Elhanan Helpman.Innovation and growth in the global economy[M].MIT Press,1991.
[18]Hall Robert E,Charles I Jones.Why do some countries produce so much more output perworker than others?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1999,114(2):83~116.
[19]Howitt,Peter and Philippe Aghion.Capital accumulation and innovation as complementaryfactors in long-fun growth[J].Journal of Economic Growth,1998,3(6):111~130.
[20]Jones Charles.R&D based models of economic growth[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1995,103:759~784.
[21]Jones Charles.Growth:With or without scale effects?[J].American Economic Re-view,1999,89(2):139~144.
[22]Jorgenson Dale W,Kevin Stiroh.Raising the speed limit:U.S.economic growth inthe information age[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2000,1:125~211.
[23]Kortum Samuel.Research,patenting and technological change[J].Econometrica,1997,65(6):1389~1419.
[24]Krueger,Allan B,Mikael Lindahl.Education for growth:Why and for whom?[R].National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper,2000,No.7591.
[25]McMillin Smyth.A multivariate time series analysis of the United State aggregate pro-duction function[J].Empirical Economics,1994,(3):659~673.
[26]Park Watler G.A theoretical model of government research and growth[J].Journal ofEconomic Behavior and Organization,1998,34:69~85.
[27]Paul M Romer.Increasing returns and long run growth[J].The Journal of Political E-conomy,1986,94(5):1002~1037.
[28]Romer Paul M.Endogenous technological change[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98(October,Part 2):71~102.
[29]Robert E Locus.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of MonetaryEconomics,1998,22(3):30~42.
郭玉清, 刘红, 郭庆旺. 中国财政科教支出动态经济效应分析[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(5): 95–108.