财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 04 期, 页码:51 - 59
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[18]R Enger,C.Granger,co-integration and error correction:Representation,estimationand testing[J].Econometrica,1987,35:391~407.
[19]Box George E P,Gwilym M Jenkins.Time series:Forecasting and control,holdenday[M].San Francisco,1976.
[20]C W J Granger.Investigating causal relations by econometric models and cross-spectralmodels[J].Econometrica,1969,37:424~438.
[21]Johansen and K Juselius.Maximum likelihood estimation and inference on cointegrationwith applications to the demand for money[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statis-tic,1990,52:160~210.
[22]J G Mackinnon.Critical values for cointegration tests,long-run economic relationships:Readings in cointegration, R F Enger,G W Granger[M].Oxford UniversityPress,1991,267~276.
[23]Johansen and Soren.Statistical analysis of cointegration vectors[J].Journal of EconomicDynamics and Control,1988,12:231~254.
[24]Granger,Clive W J.Some properties of time series data and their use in econometricmodel specification[J].Journal of Econometrics,1981,16:120~130.
[25]D A Dickey,W A Fuller.Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series witha unit root[J].Econometrica,1981,49:1057~1072.
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