财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 06 期, 页码:5 - 17
[15]Alchian A A.Some economics of property rights[J].Il Politico,1965,30(4):816-829.
[16]Beck Thorsten,Ross Levine,Norman Loayza.Finance and the sources of growth[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58:261-300.
[17]Cheung Steven NS.The theory of share tenancy[M].Chicago:The University of Chi-cago Press,1969.
[18]Cheung,Steven N S.The contractual nature of the firm[J].Journal of Law and Eco-nomics,1983,26:1-21.
[19]Coase R H.The nature of the firm[J].Economica,1937,(4):386-405.
[20]Demsetz H.The exchange and enforcement of property rights[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1964,(3):11-26
[21]Grossman Sanford J,Hart Oliver.Corporate financial structure and managerial incen-tives[A].J McCall.The economics of information and uncertainty[C].Chicago:Uni-versity of Chicago Press,1982:107-140.
[22]Harris M,Raviv A.The theory of capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46:297-355.
[23]Jensen MC.Agency costs of free cashflow,corporate capital finance and takeovers[J].A-merican Economic Review,1986,76:323-339.
[24]Jensen M C,Meckling W H.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,(3):305-360.
[25]King Robert G,Ross Levine.Finance and growth:Schumpeter might be right[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1993,108:717-737.
[26]Levine Ross,Sara Zervos.Stock markets,banks,and economic growth[J].American Economic Review,1998,88:537-558.
[27]Love L.Financial development and financial constraints:International evidence from the structural invest ment model[R].Working Paper,World Bank,2001.
[28]Rajan Raghuram,Luigi Zingales.Financial dependence and growth[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1998,88:559-586.
[29]Stulz R.Managerial discretion and opti mal financing policies[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,26:3-27.
[30]Wurgler J.Financial markets and the allocation of capital[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,2000,58:187-214.
[15]Alchian A A.Some economics of property rights[J].Il Politico,1965,30(4):816-829.
[16]Beck Thorsten,Ross Levine,Norman Loayza.Finance and the sources of growth[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58:261-300.
[17]Cheung Steven NS.The theory of share tenancy[M].Chicago:The University of Chi-cago Press,1969.
[18]Cheung,Steven N S.The contractual nature of the firm[J].Journal of Law and Eco-nomics,1983,26:1-21.
[19]Coase R H.The nature of the firm[J].Economica,1937,(4):386-405.
[20]Demsetz H.The exchange and enforcement of property rights[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1964,(3):11-26
[21]Grossman Sanford J,Hart Oliver.Corporate financial structure and managerial incen-tives[A].J McCall.The economics of information and uncertainty[C].Chicago:Uni-versity of Chicago Press,1982:107-140.
[22]Harris M,Raviv A.The theory of capital structure[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46:297-355.
[23]Jensen MC.Agency costs of free cashflow,corporate capital finance and takeovers[J].A-merican Economic Review,1986,76:323-339.
[24]Jensen M C,Meckling W H.Theory of the firm:Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1976,(3):305-360.
[25]King Robert G,Ross Levine.Finance and growth:Schumpeter might be right[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1993,108:717-737.
[26]Levine Ross,Sara Zervos.Stock markets,banks,and economic growth[J].American Economic Review,1998,88:537-558.
[27]Love L.Financial development and financial constraints:International evidence from the structural invest ment model[R].Working Paper,World Bank,2001.
[28]Rajan Raghuram,Luigi Zingales.Financial dependence and growth[J].American Eco-nomic Review,1998,88:559-586.
[29]Stulz R.Managerial discretion and opti mal financing policies[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,26:3-27.
[30]Wurgler J.Financial markets and the allocation of capital[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,2000,58:187-214.
唐松, 杨勇, 孙铮. 金融发展、债务治理与公司价值——来自中国上市公司的经验证据[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(6): 5–17.