财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:52 - 65
[1]Bolton P,David S Scharfstein.Atheory of predation based on agency problems infinan.cial contracting[J].American Economic Review,1990,80:93.106.
[2]Borenstein S.Airline mergers,airport dominance,and market power[J].American E.conomic Review Papers and Proceedings,1990,80:400.404.
[3]Brander J,Tracy Lewis.Oligopoly and financial structure:The li mited liability effect[J].American Economic Review,1986,76:956.970.
[4]Brueckner Jan K,N J Dyer,P T Spiller.Fare determination in airline hub.and.spoke networks[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1992,23:309.333.
[5]Brueckner Jan K,Eric Pels.European airline mergers,alliance consolidation,and con.sumer welfare[J].Journal of Air Transport Management,2005,11:27.41.
[6]Chevalier J,D Scharfstein.The capital structure and behavior:Liquidity constraints and the cyclical behavior of markups[J].American Economic Review,1995,85:390.396.
[7]Chevalier J,D i mperfections and countercyclical markups:Theory and evidence[J].American Economic Review,1996,85:703.725.
[8]Cooper Mark N.Mergers between major airlines:The anti.competitive and anti.con.sumer effects of the creation of a private cartel[R].Consumer Federation of America,2001.
[9]Dasgupta S,S Tit man.Pricing strategy and financial policy[J].Review of Financial Studies,1998,11:705.737.
[10]Fudenberg D,J Tirole.A‘Signal.Jamming’theory of predation[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1986,17:366.376.
[11]Glazer J.The strategic effect of long.termdebt ini mperfect competition[J].Journal of Economic Theory,1994,62:428.443.
[12]Kanatas G,J Qi.I mperfect competition,agency,and financing decisions[J].Journal of Business,2001,74:307.338.
[13]Ki m E H,V Singal.Mergers and market power:Evidence fromthe airline industry[J].American Economic Review,1993,83:549.569.
[14]Kreps D,R Wilson.Reputation and i mperfect information[J].Journal of Economic Theory,1982,27:253.279.
[15]Lambrecht B M.The i mpact of debt financing on entry and exit in a duopoly[J].Re.viewof Financial Studies,2001,14:765.804.
[16]Levine ME.Airline competition in deregulated markets:Theory,firmstrategy,and public policy[J].Yale Journal on Regulation,1987,4:393.494.
[17]Maksi movic V.Capital structure in repeated oligopolies[J].Rand Journal of Econom.ics,1988,19:389.407.
[18]McGee J.Predatory pricing cutting:The standard oil(N.J.)case[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1958,1:137.169.
[19]Milgrom P,J Roberts.Predation,reputation,and entry deterrence[J].Journal of E.conomic Theory,1982,27:280.312.
[20]Peteraf M A,R Reed.Pricing and performance in monopoly airline markets[J].Jour.nal of Lawand Economics,1994,37:193.213.
[21]Povel P,M Raith.Financial constraints and product market competition:Ex ante vs.Ex post incentives[J].International Journal of Industrial Organization,2004,22:917.949.
[22]Shleifer A,R W Vishny.A survey of corporate governance[J].Journal of Finance1997,52:737.783.
[23]Showalter D M.Oligopoly and financial structure:Comment[J].American Economic Review1995,85:647.654.
[24]Wanzenried G.Capital structure decisions and output market competition under demand un.certainty[J].International Journal of Industrial Organization,2003,21:171.200.
[2]Borenstein S.Airline mergers,airport dominance,and market power[J].American E.conomic Review Papers and Proceedings,1990,80:400.404.
[3]Brander J,Tracy Lewis.Oligopoly and financial structure:The li mited liability effect[J].American Economic Review,1986,76:956.970.
[4]Brueckner Jan K,N J Dyer,P T Spiller.Fare determination in airline hub.and.spoke networks[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1992,23:309.333.
[5]Brueckner Jan K,Eric Pels.European airline mergers,alliance consolidation,and con.sumer welfare[J].Journal of Air Transport Management,2005,11:27.41.
[6]Chevalier J,D Scharfstein.The capital structure and behavior:Liquidity constraints and the cyclical behavior of markups[J].American Economic Review,1995,85:390.396.
[7]Chevalier J,D i mperfections and countercyclical markups:Theory and evidence[J].American Economic Review,1996,85:703.725.
[8]Cooper Mark N.Mergers between major airlines:The anti.competitive and anti.con.sumer effects of the creation of a private cartel[R].Consumer Federation of America,2001.
[9]Dasgupta S,S Tit man.Pricing strategy and financial policy[J].Review of Financial Studies,1998,11:705.737.
[10]Fudenberg D,J Tirole.A‘Signal.Jamming’theory of predation[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1986,17:366.376.
[11]Glazer J.The strategic effect of long.termdebt ini mperfect competition[J].Journal of Economic Theory,1994,62:428.443.
[12]Kanatas G,J Qi.I mperfect competition,agency,and financing decisions[J].Journal of Business,2001,74:307.338.
[13]Ki m E H,V Singal.Mergers and market power:Evidence fromthe airline industry[J].American Economic Review,1993,83:549.569.
[14]Kreps D,R Wilson.Reputation and i mperfect information[J].Journal of Economic Theory,1982,27:253.279.
[15]Lambrecht B M.The i mpact of debt financing on entry and exit in a duopoly[J].Re.viewof Financial Studies,2001,14:765.804.
[16]Levine ME.Airline competition in deregulated markets:Theory,firmstrategy,and public policy[J].Yale Journal on Regulation,1987,4:393.494.
[17]Maksi movic V.Capital structure in repeated oligopolies[J].Rand Journal of Econom.ics,1988,19:389.407.
[18]McGee J.Predatory pricing cutting:The standard oil(N.J.)case[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1958,1:137.169.
[19]Milgrom P,J Roberts.Predation,reputation,and entry deterrence[J].Journal of E.conomic Theory,1982,27:280.312.
[20]Peteraf M A,R Reed.Pricing and performance in monopoly airline markets[J].Jour.nal of Lawand Economics,1994,37:193.213.
[21]Povel P,M Raith.Financial constraints and product market competition:Ex ante vs.Ex post incentives[J].International Journal of Industrial Organization,2004,22:917.949.
[22]Shleifer A,R W Vishny.A survey of corporate governance[J].Journal of Finance1997,52:737.783.
[23]Showalter D M.Oligopoly and financial structure:Comment[J].American Economic Review1995,85:647.654.
[24]Wanzenried G.Capital structure decisions and output market competition under demand un.certainty[J].International Journal of Industrial Organization,2003,21:171.200.
徐龙炳, 李科. 公司治理、资本市场掠夺和市场进入障碍——国航竞购东航的案例分析[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(2): 52–65.