财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:63 - 72
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[7]Berle A,Means G.The modern corporation and private property[M].New York:Mae-millan,1932.
[8]Dielt H.Capital markets and corporate governance in Japan,Germany and United Statesorganizational response to market inefficiencies[M].London:Rutledge,1998.
[9]Dunning J H.The Study of international business:A plea for a more interdisciplinaryapproach[J].Journal of International Business Studies,1989,20:411-436.
[10]Franks J,Mayer C.The ownership and control of German corporation[R].Manuscript,London Business School,1994.
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[13]Rajan R.Insiders and outsiders:The choice between relationship and arms-length debt[J].Journal of Finance,1992,47:1367-1400.
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