财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 06 期, 页码:59 - 69
[3]Sahl man William A.The structure and governance of venture capital organizations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,27:421-473.
[4]Lerner Josh.The syndication of venture capital invest ments[J].Financial Manage-ment,1994,23:16-27.
[5]Du Qianqian.Birds of a feather or celebrating differences?The formation and i mpact ofventure capital syndication[R].Sept.2009,Close to Submission.
[6]Olav Sorenson,Toby E Stuart.Syndication networks and the spatial distribution ofventure capital invest ments[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,106:1546-1588.
[7]Olav Sorenson,Toby E Stuart.Bringing the context backin:Settings and the searchforsyndicate partners in venture capital invest ment networks[J].Administrative ScienceQuarterly,2008,53:266-294.
[8]Yael V.Hochberg,Alexander Ljungqvist,Yang Lu.Whom you know matters:Ven-ture capital networks and invest ment performance[J].Journal of Finance,2007,62:252-301.
[9]Umit Ozmel,Jeffrey J Reuer,Ranjay Gulati.Network interdependencies:Relationshipsbetween venture capital and strategic alliances[R].Working Paper,2009,3.
[10]James A Brander,Raphael Amit,Werner Antweiler.Venture capital syndication:I m-proved venture selection vs the value-added hypothesis[J].Journal of Economics&Management Strategy,2002,11:423-452.
[11]Yael Hochberg,Alexander Ljungqvist,Yang Lu.Networking as a barrier to entry andthe competitive supply of venture capital[R].Journal of Finance,Forthcoming,2009.
[12]M Wright,A Lockett.The structure and management of alliances:Syndicationin theventure capital industry[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40:2073-2102.
[13]Fund B R,Pollock T G,Baker T,Wowak A.Who’s the newkid?The process of de-veloping network centrality in venture capitalist deal networks[J].Advances in Strate-gic Management,2008,25:563-593.
[3]Sahl man William A.The structure and governance of venture capital organizations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1990,27:421-473.
[4]Lerner Josh.The syndication of venture capital invest ments[J].Financial Manage-ment,1994,23:16-27.
[5]Du Qianqian.Birds of a feather or celebrating differences?The formation and i mpact ofventure capital syndication[R].Sept.2009,Close to Submission.
[6]Olav Sorenson,Toby E Stuart.Syndication networks and the spatial distribution ofventure capital invest ments[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,106:1546-1588.
[7]Olav Sorenson,Toby E Stuart.Bringing the context backin:Settings and the searchforsyndicate partners in venture capital invest ment networks[J].Administrative ScienceQuarterly,2008,53:266-294.
[8]Yael V.Hochberg,Alexander Ljungqvist,Yang Lu.Whom you know matters:Ven-ture capital networks and invest ment performance[J].Journal of Finance,2007,62:252-301.
[9]Umit Ozmel,Jeffrey J Reuer,Ranjay Gulati.Network interdependencies:Relationshipsbetween venture capital and strategic alliances[R].Working Paper,2009,3.
[10]James A Brander,Raphael Amit,Werner Antweiler.Venture capital syndication:I m-proved venture selection vs the value-added hypothesis[J].Journal of Economics&Management Strategy,2002,11:423-452.
[11]Yael Hochberg,Alexander Ljungqvist,Yang Lu.Networking as a barrier to entry andthe competitive supply of venture capital[R].Journal of Finance,Forthcoming,2009.
[12]M Wright,A Lockett.The structure and management of alliances:Syndicationin theventure capital industry[J].Journal of Management Studies,2003,40:2073-2102.
[13]Fund B R,Pollock T G,Baker T,Wowak A.Who’s the newkid?The process of de-veloping network centrality in venture capitalist deal networks[J].Advances in Strate-gic Management,2008,25:563-593.
刘志阳, 江晓东. 我国创业投资网络绩效研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(6): 59–69.