财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 02 期, 页码:37 - 48
[2]Blanchard,Olivier and Augustin Landier.The perverse effects of partial labour marketreform:Fixed-term contracts in France[J].Economic Journal,2002,112:214-244.
[3]Booth,Alison L.Temporary jobs:Stepping stones or dead ends[J].Economic Journal,2002,112:F189-F213.
[4]Davia,Maria A,Virginia Hernanz.Temporary employment and segmentation in theSpanish labor market:an empirical analysis through the study of wage differentials[J].Spanish Economic Review,2004,6(4):291-318.
[5]Freeman,Richard B.Labour market institutions around the world[J].NBER WorkingPaper No.13242,2007.
[6]Hagen,Tobias.Do temporary workers receive risk premiums?Assessing the wageeffects of fixed-term contracts in West Germany by a matching estimator compared withparametric approaches[J].Labour,2002,16(4):667-705.
[7]Mertens,Antje.Vanessa gash and Frances Mcginnity:The cost of flexibility at themargin,comparing the wage penalty for fixed-term contracts in Germany and Spain u-sing quantile regression[J].Labour,2007,21:637-666.
[8]Neuman,Shoshana and Ronald Oaxaca.Wage decompositions with selectivity-correctedwage equations:A methodological note[J].Journal of Economic Inequality,2004,:3-10.
[2]Blanchard,Olivier and Augustin Landier.The perverse effects of partial labour marketreform:Fixed-term contracts in France[J].Economic Journal,2002,112:214-244.
[3]Booth,Alison L.Temporary jobs:Stepping stones or dead ends[J].Economic Journal,2002,112:F189-F213.
[4]Davia,Maria A,Virginia Hernanz.Temporary employment and segmentation in theSpanish labor market:an empirical analysis through the study of wage differentials[J].Spanish Economic Review,2004,6(4):291-318.
[5]Freeman,Richard B.Labour market institutions around the world[J].NBER WorkingPaper No.13242,2007.
[6]Hagen,Tobias.Do temporary workers receive risk premiums?Assessing the wageeffects of fixed-term contracts in West Germany by a matching estimator compared withparametric approaches[J].Labour,2002,16(4):667-705.
[7]Mertens,Antje.Vanessa gash and Frances Mcginnity:The cost of flexibility at themargin,comparing the wage penalty for fixed-term contracts in Germany and Spain u-sing quantile regression[J].Labour,2007,21:637-666.
[8]Neuman,Shoshana and Ronald Oaxaca.Wage decompositions with selectivity-correctedwage equations:A methodological note[J].Journal of Economic Inequality,2004,:3-10.
孙睿君, 李子奈. 不同期限类型劳动合同的工资决定机制及差异——基于中国家庭住户收入调查数据的经验研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(2): 37–48.