财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 06 期, 页码:109 - 120
[2]邓曲恒.城镇居民与流动人口的收入差异——基于Oaxaca Blinder和Quantile方法的分解[J].中国人口科学,2007,(2):8-16.
[11]Albrecht J,Bjorklund A,Vroman S.Is there a glass ceiling in Sweden?[J].Journal of Labor Economics,2003,21(1):145-177.
[12]Arulampalam W,Booth A L,Bryan M L.Is there a glass ceiling over Europe?Exploring the gender pay gap across the wage distribution[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,2007,60(2):163-186.
[13]Autor D H,Katz L F,Kearney M S.Rising wage inequality:The role of composition and prices[R].NBER Working Paper No.11628,2005.
[14]Chi W,Li B.Glass ceiling or sticky floor?Examining the gender earnings differential across the earnings distribution in urban China,1987-2004[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2008,36(2):243-263.
[15]DiNardo J,Fortin N M,Lemieux T.Labor market institutions and the distribution of wages,1973-1992:A semiparametric approach[J].Econometrica,1996,64(5):1001-1044.
[16]Dong X,Bowles P.Segmentation and discrimination in China’s emerging industrial labor market[J].China Economic Review,2002,13(2):170-196.
[17]Firpo S,Fortin N,Lemieux T.Unconditional quantile regression[J].Econometrica,2009,77(3):953-973.
[18]Fortin N,Lemieux T,Firpo S.Decomposition methods in economics[A].Ashenfelter O,Card D.Handbook of Labor Economics,Vol.4[C].Netherlands:North-Holland Publishing Company,2011.
[19]Kee H J.Glass ceiling or sticky floor?Exploring the Australian gender pay gap[J].Economic Record,2006,82(259):408-427.
[20]Koenker R,Bassett G.Regression quantiles[J].Econometrica,1978,46(1):33-50.
[21]Maurer-Fazio M,Hughes J.The effects of market liberalization on the relative earnings of Chinese women[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2002,30(4):709-731.
[22]Pham H T,Reilly B.The gender pay gap in Vietnam,1993-2002:A quantile regression approach[J].Journal of Asian Economics,2007,18(5):775-808.
[23]Ravallion M,Chen S.China’s(uneven)progress against poverty[J].Journal of Development Economics,2007,82(1):1-42.
[24]Wang M,Cai F.Gender earnings differential in urban China[J].Review of Development Economics,2008,12(2):442-454.
[2]邓曲恒.城镇居民与流动人口的收入差异——基于Oaxaca Blinder和Quantile方法的分解[J].中国人口科学,2007,(2):8-16.
[11]Albrecht J,Bjorklund A,Vroman S.Is there a glass ceiling in Sweden?[J].Journal of Labor Economics,2003,21(1):145-177.
[12]Arulampalam W,Booth A L,Bryan M L.Is there a glass ceiling over Europe?Exploring the gender pay gap across the wage distribution[J].Industrial and Labor Relations Review,2007,60(2):163-186.
[13]Autor D H,Katz L F,Kearney M S.Rising wage inequality:The role of composition and prices[R].NBER Working Paper No.11628,2005.
[14]Chi W,Li B.Glass ceiling or sticky floor?Examining the gender earnings differential across the earnings distribution in urban China,1987-2004[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2008,36(2):243-263.
[15]DiNardo J,Fortin N M,Lemieux T.Labor market institutions and the distribution of wages,1973-1992:A semiparametric approach[J].Econometrica,1996,64(5):1001-1044.
[16]Dong X,Bowles P.Segmentation and discrimination in China’s emerging industrial labor market[J].China Economic Review,2002,13(2):170-196.
[17]Firpo S,Fortin N,Lemieux T.Unconditional quantile regression[J].Econometrica,2009,77(3):953-973.
[18]Fortin N,Lemieux T,Firpo S.Decomposition methods in economics[A].Ashenfelter O,Card D.Handbook of Labor Economics,Vol.4[C].Netherlands:North-Holland Publishing Company,2011.
[19]Kee H J.Glass ceiling or sticky floor?Exploring the Australian gender pay gap[J].Economic Record,2006,82(259):408-427.
[20]Koenker R,Bassett G.Regression quantiles[J].Econometrica,1978,46(1):33-50.
[21]Maurer-Fazio M,Hughes J.The effects of market liberalization on the relative earnings of Chinese women[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2002,30(4):709-731.
[22]Pham H T,Reilly B.The gender pay gap in Vietnam,1993-2002:A quantile regression approach[J].Journal of Asian Economics,2007,18(5):775-808.
[23]Ravallion M,Chen S.China’s(uneven)progress against poverty[J].Journal of Development Economics,2007,82(1):1-42.
[24]Wang M,Cai F.Gender earnings differential in urban China[J].Review of Development Economics,2008,12(2):442-454.
屈小博. 城镇本地与迁移劳动力工资差异变化:“天花板”还是“黏地板”?[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(6): 109–120.