财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 09 期, 页码:113 - 123
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[10]Bertinelli L,Black D.Urbanization and growth[J].Journal of Urban Economics,2004,56:80-96.
[11]Black D,Henderson J V.Atheory of urban growth[J].Journal of Political Economy,1999,107:252-284.
[12]Carlino G A,Chatterjee S,Hunt R M.Urban density and the rate of invention[J].Jour-nal of Urban Economics,2007,61:389-419.
[13]Chow G C.Capital formation and economic growth in China[J].Quarterly Journal ofEconomics,1993,108:809-842.
[14]Ciccone A,Hall R E.Productivity and the density of economic activity[J].AmericanEconomic Review,1996,86:54-70.
[15]Fujita M,Ogawa H.Multiple equilibria and structural transition of non-monocentricurban configurations[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,1982,12:161-196.
[16]Henderson J V.Opti mum city size:The external diseconomy question[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1974,82:373-388.
[17]Henderson J V.The effects of urban concentration on economic growth[R].NBERWorking Paper No 7503,2000.
[18]Henderson J V.The urbanization process and economic growth:The so-what question[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2003,8:47-71.
[19]Lucas R E.Externalities and cities[J].Review of Economic Dynamics,2001,4:245-274.
[20]Ranis G,Fei J C H.A theory of economic development[J].American Economic Re-view,1961,51:533-565.
[21]Solow R M.Acontribution to the theory of economic growth[J].Quarterly Journal ofEconomics,1956,70:65-94.
[22]Young A.Gold into base metals:Productivity growthin the People’s Republic of Chi-na during the reformperiod[R].NBER Working Paper No.7856,2000.
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