财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 10 期, 页码:121 - 134
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[20]Shi X,Sicular T,Zhao Y.Analyzing urban-rural income inequality in China[R].Paper presented at the International Symposium on Equity and Social Justice in Transitional China,2002.
[21]Yang X.Economics:New classical versus neoclassical frameworks[M].New York:Blackwell Publishers,2001.
[14]Arellano M,Bond S.Some tests of specification for panel data:Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations[J].Review of Economic Studies,1991,58(2):277-297.
[15]Blum B S.Trade,technology,and the rise of the service sector:The effects on US wage inequality[J].Journal of International Economics,2008,74(2):441-458.
[16]Blundell R,Bond S.Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models[J].Journal of Economics,1998,87(1):115-143.
[17]Kanbur R,Zhang X.Which regional inequality?The evolution of rural-urban and inland-coastal inequality in China from 1983to 1995[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,1999,27(4):686-701.
[18]Kassab C.Income and inequality:The role of the service sector in the changing distribution of income[M].Westport,Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1992.
[19]Koenker R,Hallock K.Quantile regression:An introduction[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2001,15(4):143—156.
[20]Shi X,Sicular T,Zhao Y.Analyzing urban-rural income inequality in China[R].Paper presented at the International Symposium on Equity and Social Justice in Transitional China,2002.
[21]Yang X.Economics:New classical versus neoclassical frameworks[M].New York:Blackwell Publishers,2001.
周立群, 王向. 城乡融合、服务业增长与城乡居民收入差距——基于新兴古典经济学的经验研究[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(10): 121–134.