上海财经大学学报 2015 年 第 17 卷第 03 期, 页码:
[1]董直庆,蔡啸,王林辉. 技术进步方向、城市用地规模和环境质量[J]. 经济研究,2014,(10).
[2]李斌,彭星,陈柱华. 环境规制、FDI 与中国治污技术创新——基于省际动态面板数据的分析[J]. 财经研究,2011,(10).
[3]李斌,彭星,欧阳铭珂. 环境规制、绿色全要素生产率与中国工业发展方式转变[J]. 中国工业经济,2013,(4).
[4]宋马林,王舒鸿. 环境规制、技术进步与经济增长[J].经济研究,2013,(3).
[5]许慧. 低碳经济发展与政府环境规制研究[J]. 财经问题研究,2014,(1).
[7]张海洋. R&D两面性、外资活动与中国工业生产率增长[J]. 经济研究,2005,(5).
[8]Acemoglu D., Aghion P., Bursztyn L., et al. The Environment and Directed Technical Change[J]. American Economic Review,2012,102(1): 131-166.
[9]Aiken D.V., Fre R., Grosskopf S., et al. Pollution Abatement and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States[J]. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2009, 44: 11-28.
[10]Ambec S., Barla P. A Theoretical Foundation of Porter Hypothesis[J]. Economic Letters,2002,75(3):355-360.
[11]Ambec S., Barla P. Can Environmental Regulations be Good for Business?[J]. An Assessment of the Porter Hypothesis, Energy Studies Review,2006,14(2):42-62.
[12]Cesaroni F., Arduini R. Environmental Technology in the European Chemical Industry[R]. LEM Working Paper,2001.
[13]Conrad K., Wastl D.,The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Productivity in German Industries[J]. Empirical Economics,1995,20(4):615-633.
[14]Gollop F. M., Roberts M. J. Environmental Regulations and Productivity Growth:The Case of FossilFueled Electric Power Generation[J]. Journal of Political Economy,1983,91:654-674.
[15]Hansen B. E. Threshold Effects in nondynamic Panels: Estimation, Testing, and Inference[J]. Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2): 345-368.
[16]Hartman R., Kwon O. Sustainable Growth and the Environmental Kuznets Curve[J]. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,2005,29(10): 1701-1736.
[17]Johnstone N., Hacˇicˇ I., Popp D. Renewable Energy Policies and Technological Innovation: Evidence based on Patent Counts[J]. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2010, 45(1):133-155.
[18]Popp D., Newell R.G., Jaffe A.B. Energy, the Environment, and Technological Change[J]. National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper Series, No.14832,2009.
[19]Porter M.E. America’s Green Strategy[J]. Scientific American,1991,268(4):168.
[20]Porter M.E., Van der Linde C.Toward a New Conception of the Environment Competitiveness Relationship[J]. Journal of Economics Perspectives,1995,9: 97-118.
[2]李斌,彭星,陈柱华. 环境规制、FDI 与中国治污技术创新——基于省际动态面板数据的分析[J]. 财经研究,2011,(10).
[3]李斌,彭星,欧阳铭珂. 环境规制、绿色全要素生产率与中国工业发展方式转变[J]. 中国工业经济,2013,(4).
[4]宋马林,王舒鸿. 环境规制、技术进步与经济增长[J].经济研究,2013,(3).
[5]许慧. 低碳经济发展与政府环境规制研究[J]. 财经问题研究,2014,(1).
[7]张海洋. R&D两面性、外资活动与中国工业生产率增长[J]. 经济研究,2005,(5).
[8]Acemoglu D., Aghion P., Bursztyn L., et al. The Environment and Directed Technical Change[J]. American Economic Review,2012,102(1): 131-166.
[9]Aiken D.V., Fre R., Grosskopf S., et al. Pollution Abatement and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States[J]. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2009, 44: 11-28.
[10]Ambec S., Barla P. A Theoretical Foundation of Porter Hypothesis[J]. Economic Letters,2002,75(3):355-360.
[11]Ambec S., Barla P. Can Environmental Regulations be Good for Business?[J]. An Assessment of the Porter Hypothesis, Energy Studies Review,2006,14(2):42-62.
[12]Cesaroni F., Arduini R. Environmental Technology in the European Chemical Industry[R]. LEM Working Paper,2001.
[13]Conrad K., Wastl D.,The Impact of Environmental Regulation on Productivity in German Industries[J]. Empirical Economics,1995,20(4):615-633.
[14]Gollop F. M., Roberts M. J. Environmental Regulations and Productivity Growth:The Case of FossilFueled Electric Power Generation[J]. Journal of Political Economy,1983,91:654-674.
[15]Hansen B. E. Threshold Effects in nondynamic Panels: Estimation, Testing, and Inference[J]. Journal of Econometrics,1999,93(2): 345-368.
[16]Hartman R., Kwon O. Sustainable Growth and the Environmental Kuznets Curve[J]. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,2005,29(10): 1701-1736.
[17]Johnstone N., Hacˇicˇ I., Popp D. Renewable Energy Policies and Technological Innovation: Evidence based on Patent Counts[J]. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2010, 45(1):133-155.
[18]Popp D., Newell R.G., Jaffe A.B. Energy, the Environment, and Technological Change[J]. National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper Series, No.14832,2009.
[19]Porter M.E. America’s Green Strategy[J]. Scientific American,1991,268(4):168.
[20]Porter M.E., Van der Linde C.Toward a New Conception of the Environment Competitiveness Relationship[J]. Journal of Economics Perspectives,1995,9: 97-118.
董直庆, 焦翠红, 王芳玲. 环境规制陷阱与技术进步方向转变效应检验[J]. 上海财经大学学报, 2015, 17(3): 0.