财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 05 期, 页码:112 - 124
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[18]Yang X,Borland J.A microeconomic mechanismfor economic growth[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1991,99:460-482.
[3]Arrow,Kenneth J.The economic i mplications of learning by doing[J].Reviewof Eco-nomic Studies,1962,29(3):155-173.
[4]Aschauer D A.Is public expenditure productive[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1989,23(1):177-200.
[5]Chu C.Productivity,invest ment in infrastructure,and population size:Formalizing thetheory of Ester Boserup[J].Reviewof Development Economics,1997,(1):294-304.
[6]Chu C,Tsai Y.Productivity,invest ment in infrastructure,and population size:For-malizing the theory of Ester Boserup[J].Review of Development Economics,1997,(1):294-304.
[7]Chu C,Tsai Y.Productivity,invest ment in infrastructure,and population size:For-malizing the theory of Ester Boserup[R].Working Paper,1998.
[8]Howitt P.Steady endogenous growth with population and R&Dinputs growing[J].Journal of Political Economy,1999,107(4):715-730.
[9]Lucas RJr.On the mechanics of economic development[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1988,22:3-42.
[10]Manki w N G,Romer D,Weil D N.Acontributionto the empirics of economic growth[J].Quartely Journal of Economics,1992,107:407-437.
[11]North D,Thomas R.The rise of the Western World:A new economic history[M].Cambridge University Press,1973.
[12]Park W G.Atheoretical model of government research and growth[J].Journal of E-conomic Behavior and Organization,1998,34(1):69-85.
[13]Pelloni A.Public financing of education and researchin a model of endogenous growth[J].Labor,1997,11(3):517-539.
[14]Romer P.Increasing returns and long-run growth[J].Journal of Political Economy,1986,94(5):1002-1037.
[15]Smith A.Aninquiryinto the nature and causes of the wealth of nations[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1776.
[16]Solow R A.Contribution to the theory of economic growth[J].Quarterly Journal ofEconomics,1956,70:65-94.
[17]Uzawa H.Opti mumtechnical change in an aggregative model of economic growth[J].International Economic Review,1965,(6):18-31.
[18]Yang X,Borland J.A microeconomic mechanismfor economic growth[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1991,99:460-482.
骆永民. 公共物品、分工演进与经济增长[J]. 财经研究, 2008, 34(5): 112–124.