财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 05 期, 页码:85 - 96
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[18]Henderson J V.The urbanization process and economic growth:The so-what question[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2003,8:47~71.
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[20]Simon,C J,Nardinelli C.Human capital and the rise of American cities,1900~1990[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2002,32:59~96.
[21]Wu F L.Modeling intrametropolitan location of foreign investment firms in a Chinesecity[J].Urban Studies,2000,37:244~2464.
[11]Amin A,Thrift N.Living in the globlal,in globalizatio,institutions,and regional de-velopment in europe[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994.
[12]Anselin L,Raymond J G M.Advanced in spatial econometrics:Methodology,toolsand applications[M].Berlin:Springer-Verlag,2004.
[13]Brun J F,Combes J L,Renard M F.Are there spillover effects between coastal andnon-coastal regions in China?[J].China Economc Review,2002,13:161~169.
[14]Dobkins L H,Y M Ioannides.Spatial interactions among U.S.cities[J].RegionalScience and Urban Economics,2000,31:701~731.
[15]Fare R S,Grosskopf,B Lindgren,P Ross.Productivity changes in Swedish Pharma-cies 1980~1989:A non-parametric malmquist approach[J].Journal of Productivity A-nalysis,1992,3:85~101.
[16]Frankel,Jeffrey,David Romer.Does trade cause growth[J].American Economic Re-view,1999,89:379~399.
[17]Fujita M,P Krugman,A J Venables.The spatial economy[M].Massachusetts:MITpress,1999.
[18]Henderson J V.The urbanization process and economic growth:The so-what question[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2003,8:47~71.
[19]Jia H.Regional catching up and productivity growth in Chinese reform period[J].In-ternational Journal of Social Economy,1998,25:1160~1177.
[20]Simon,C J,Nardinelli C.Human capital and the rise of American cities,1900~1990[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2002,32:59~96.
[21]Wu F L.Modeling intrametropolitan location of foreign investment firms in a Chinesecity[J].Urban Studies,2000,37:244~2464.
李培. 中国城市经济运行的特征分析[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(5): 85–96.