财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 12 期, 页码:108 - 122
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[7]Copeland B,Taylor M.Trade,growth and the environment[J].Journal of Economic Lit-erature XLI 2004,(1),7~71.
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[15]Hotelling H.The Economics of exhaustible resources[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1931,39:137~185.
[16]Lopez R.The environment as a factor of production:The effects of economic growthand trade liberalization[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,1994,27:163~184.
[17]Elbasha E,Roe T.Endogenous growth and the environment[R].Mi meo,University ofMinnesota,Minnesota,1996.
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[21]Scholz,Christian M,Georg Ziemes.Exhaustible resources,monopolistic competition,and endogenous growth[M].Mineo,University of Kiel,1996.
[22]Schou P.Naturresurser og endogen vaekst[M].Unpublished manuscript,University ofCopenhagen,1995.
[23]Schou P.A growth model with technological progress and non-renewable resources[M].Mi meo,University of Copenhagen,1996.
[24]Selden T,Song D.Environmental quality and development:Is there a kuznets curve forair pollution emissions[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,1994,27:147~162.
[25]Solow R M.Intergenerational equity and exhaustible resources[J].Reviewof EconomicStudies,1974,41:29~45.
[26]Stern D.Progress on the environmental Kuznets curve[J].Environment and Develop-ment Economics,1998,3:175~198.
[27]Stiglitz J.Growth with exhaustible natural resources:Efficient and opti mal growthpaths[J].Reviewof Economic Studies,1974,41:123~137.
[28]Stokey N.Are there li mits to growth[J].International Economic Review,1998,39:1~31.
[29]Takayama A.Opti mal technical progress with exhaustible resources[A].Kemp,Long,eds.Exhaustible Resources[C].Opti mality,and Trade.Amsterdam:North-Holland,1980.
[5]Aghion P,Howitt P.A model of growth through creative destruction[J].Econometrica,1992,60:323~351.
[6]Barro R J,Sala-i-Martin X.Economic growth[M].McGraw-Hill,Ince.,New York,1995.
[7]Copeland B,Taylor M.Trade,growth and the environment[J].Journal of Economic Lit-erature XLI 2004,(1),7~71.
[8]Dasgupta P S,Heal G M.Economic theory and exhaustible resources[J].UK,OxfordUniversity Press,Oxford,1979.
[9]Donella H Meadows,Dennis L Meadows,Jorgen Randers,et al.Li mits to growth[M].PotomacAssociates,New York,1972.
[10]Garg P C,Sweeney J L.Opti mal growth with depletable resources[J].Resources andEnergy,1978:43~56.
[11]Gri maud A,Rouge L.Non-renewable resources and growth with vertical innovations:Opti mum,equilibrium and economic policies[J].Journal of Environmental Economicsand Management,2003,45:433~453.
[12]Grossman G,Helpman E.Innovation and growth in the global economy[M].Cambridge:MIT Press,1991.
[13]Grossman G,Krueger A.Environmental i mpacts of the North American Free Trade A-greement[R].NBER Working Paper 3914.
[14]Grossman G,Krueger A.Economic growth and the environment[J].Quarterly Journalof Economics,1995,110(2):353~377.
[15]Hotelling H.The Economics of exhaustible resources[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1931,39:137~185.
[16]Lopez R.The environment as a factor of production:The effects of economic growthand trade liberalization[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,1994,27:163~184.
[17]Elbasha E,Roe T.Endogenous growth and the environment[R].Mi meo,University ofMinnesota,Minnesota,1996.
[18]Robson A J.Costly innovation and natural resources[J].International Economic Re-view,1980,21:17~30.
[19]Romer P M.Endogenous technological change[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98:71~102.
[20]Rivera-Batiz,Luis A,Romer P M.Economic integration and endogenous growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1991,106:531~555.
[21]Scholz,Christian M,Georg Ziemes.Exhaustible resources,monopolistic competition,and endogenous growth[M].Mineo,University of Kiel,1996.
[22]Schou P.Naturresurser og endogen vaekst[M].Unpublished manuscript,University ofCopenhagen,1995.
[23]Schou P.A growth model with technological progress and non-renewable resources[M].Mi meo,University of Copenhagen,1996.
[24]Selden T,Song D.Environmental quality and development:Is there a kuznets curve forair pollution emissions[J].Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,1994,27:147~162.
[25]Solow R M.Intergenerational equity and exhaustible resources[J].Reviewof EconomicStudies,1974,41:29~45.
[26]Stern D.Progress on the environmental Kuznets curve[J].Environment and Develop-ment Economics,1998,3:175~198.
[27]Stiglitz J.Growth with exhaustible natural resources:Efficient and opti mal growthpaths[J].Reviewof Economic Studies,1974,41:123~137.
[28]Stokey N.Are there li mits to growth[J].International Economic Review,1998,39:1~31.
[29]Takayama A.Opti mal technical progress with exhaustible resources[A].Kemp,Long,eds.Exhaustible Resources[C].Opti mality,and Trade.Amsterdam:North-Holland,1980.
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