财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 10 期, 页码:27 - 35
[4]游智贤,姚瑜忠.台湾共同基金操作策略之研究[J].Journal of Financial Studies,2000,(8):49~71.
[5]Badrinath G,Wahal S Momentum.Trading by institutions[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(12):2449~2477.
[6]Choe H,B C Kho,RStulz.Doforeigninvestors destabilize stock markets?The Korean experience in1997[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1999,5(2):227~264.
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[8]Hong H,Stein J.A unified theory of underreaction,momentumtrading and overreact ionin asset markets[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(6):2143~2184.
[9]Jegadeesh N,Tit man S.Returns to buying winners and selling losers:I mplication for stock market efficiency[J].Journal of Finance,1993,48(1):65~91.
[10]Grinblatt M,Tit man S,R Warmers.Momentuminvest ment strategies,portfolio per-formance,and herding:Astudy of mutual fund behavior[J].American Economic Re-view,1995,85(5):1088~1105.
[11]Grinblatt M,MKeloharju.Theinvest ment behavior and performance of various inves-tor types:A study of Finland’s unique data set[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,55(1):43~67.
[12]Lakonishok,J A Shleifer,R Vishny.Contrarian invest ment,extrapolation,and risk[J].Journal of Finance,1994,49(5):1541~1578.
[13]Pinnuck M.Stock preferences and derivative activities of Australian fund managers[J].Accounting and Finance,2004,144(1):97~120.
[14]Sirri E P,Tufano.Costly search and mutual fund flows[J].Journal of Finance,1998,53(5):1589~1622.
[15]Wermers,Russ.Mutual fund herding and thei mpact on stock prices[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1999,54(2):581~622.
[4]游智贤,姚瑜忠.台湾共同基金操作策略之研究[J].Journal of Financial Studies,2000,(8):49~71.
[5]Badrinath G,Wahal S Momentum.Trading by institutions[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(12):2449~2477.
[6]Choe H,B C Kho,RStulz.Doforeigninvestors destabilize stock markets?The Korean experience in1997[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1999,5(2):227~264.
[7]Debondt,Thaler.Does the stock market overreact?[J].Journal of Finance,1985,40(6):793~805.
[8]Hong H,Stein J.A unified theory of underreaction,momentumtrading and overreact ionin asset markets[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(6):2143~2184.
[9]Jegadeesh N,Tit man S.Returns to buying winners and selling losers:I mplication for stock market efficiency[J].Journal of Finance,1993,48(1):65~91.
[10]Grinblatt M,Tit man S,R Warmers.Momentuminvest ment strategies,portfolio per-formance,and herding:Astudy of mutual fund behavior[J].American Economic Re-view,1995,85(5):1088~1105.
[11]Grinblatt M,MKeloharju.Theinvest ment behavior and performance of various inves-tor types:A study of Finland’s unique data set[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,55(1):43~67.
[12]Lakonishok,J A Shleifer,R Vishny.Contrarian invest ment,extrapolation,and risk[J].Journal of Finance,1994,49(5):1541~1578.
[13]Pinnuck M.Stock preferences and derivative activities of Australian fund managers[J].Accounting and Finance,2004,144(1):97~120.
[14]Sirri E P,Tufano.Costly search and mutual fund flows[J].Journal of Finance,1998,53(5):1589~1622.
[15]Wermers,Russ.Mutual fund herding and thei mpact on stock prices[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1999,54(2):581~622.
谢赤, 禹湘, 周晖. 证券投资基金惯性反转投资行为实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2006, 32(10): 27–35.