财经研究 2006 年 第 32 卷第 02 期, 页码:80 - 91
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[10]Senhadji A.Sources of economic growth:An extensive growth accounting exercise[C].IMF Staff Papers,2000,(47):129~157.
[2]Aschauer D.Does public capital crowd out private capital?[J].Journal Of Monetary E-conomics[J].1989,(24):171~88.
[3]Gramlich E M.How should public investment be financed[C].In Munnell,A.(ed.)Isthere a shortfall in public capital Investment?[A].Conference Series,Federal ReserveBank of Boston,1990,(34):223~237.
[4]Munnell A.Infrastructure investment and economic growth[J].Journal of EconomicPerspectives,1992,(6):189~198.
[5]Gramlich E M.Infrastructure investment:A review essay[J].Journal of Economic Lit-erature,1994,(32):1176~1196.
[6]Holtz-Eakin,Douglas.Private output,government capital,and the infrastructure crisis[C].Discussion Paper Series,Columbia University,1994,(39).
[7]Evans,P,G Karras.Are government activities productive?Evidence from a panel ofU.S States[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,1996,(76):1~11.
[8]Khan,M S,M S Kumar.Public and private investment and the growth process in de-veloping countries[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,1997,(59):69~88.
[9]Aschauer D.Do States optimize?Public capital and economic growth[J].Annals of Re-gional Science,2000,(34):343~363.
[10]Senhadji A.Sources of economic growth:An extensive growth accounting exercise[C].IMF Staff Papers,2000,(47):129~157.
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