财经研究 2005 年 第 31 卷第 08 期, 页码:91 - 101
[1]Aitchison J,Brown J A C.The lognormal distribution[M].Cambridge University Press,1963.
[2] Balisacan, Arsenio M.Poverty and inequality [ C ].Arsenio M.Balisacan, Hal Hill,eds.The Philippine economy:Development,policies,and challenges[A].New York:Ox-ford University Press,2003.
[3]Balisacan,Arsenio M.Averting hunger and food insecurity in Asia[J].Paper presented at theRegional Workshop on Policy Issues and Options to Avert Hunger and Food Insecurity in A-sia (organized by FAO and SEARCA),Cha-am,Thailand,March 2004:25~26.
[4]Balisacan Arsenio M, Nobuhiko Fuwa.Growth, inequality, and politics revisited: A de-veloping-country case[J].Economics Letters,2003,79:53~58.
[5]Besley T R Burgess.Halving global poverty[J].Journal of Economic Perspective,2003,17:3~22.
[6] Bhalla S.Imagine there is no country: Globalization and its consequences for poverty[R].working paper,2001.
[7]Birdsall Nancy Ross D,Sabot R.Inequality and growth reconsidered:Lessons from EastAsia[J].World Bank Economic Review,1995,9(3):477~508.
[8] Bourguignon Francois.The pace of economic growth and poverty reduction[R].Paperpresented at LACEA 2001 Conference,2001.
[9]Datt G,M Ravallion.Growth and redistribution components of changes in poverty meas-ures:A decomposition with applications to Brazil and India in the 1980s[ J].Journal ofDevelopment Economics,1992,38:275~295.
[10]Datt G,M Ravallion.Is India’s economic growth leaving the poor behind[J].The Jour-nal of Economic Perspectives,2002,(3):89~108.
[11]Deaton A,J Dreze.Poverty and inequality in India:A reexamination[J].Economic andPolitical Weekly,2002,September 7:3729~3748.
[12]Dhongde S.Measuring the impact of growth and income distribution on poverty in Indi-a[R].working paper,2004.
[13]Dollar D, A Kraay.Growth is good for the poor [ J].Journal of Economic Growth,2002,7(3):195~225.
[14] Ferreira Francisco, Ricardo Paes de Barros.Climbing a moving mountain: Explainingthe decline of income inequality in Brazil from 1976 to 1996[R].Inter-American Devel-opment Bank mimeo,1998.
[15]Foster J,Greer J,Thorbecke E.A cass of dcomposable pverty masures [J].Economet-rica,1984.52:761~766.
[16]Jain L, S Tendulkar.Role of growth and distribution in the observed change of theheadcount ratio measure of poverty:A decomposition exercise for India[R].TechnicalReport,No.9004,Indian Statistical Institute,Delhi,1990.
[17]Kakwani N.On a class of poverty measures[J].Econometrica,1980,48,(2):437~446.
[18]Kakwani N, K Subbarao.Rural poverty and its alleviation in India[ J].Economic andPolitical Weekly,1990,March 31,A2~A16.
[19]Kakwani N,E Pernia.What is pro-poor growth[J].Asian Development Review,2000,16(1):1~22.
[20]Ravallion M.Huppi M.Measuring changes in poverty:A methodological case study of Indo-nesia during an adjustment period[J].World Bank Economic Review,1991,5:57~84.
[21]Ravallion M.Growth,inequality and poverty:Looking beyond averages[M].World De-velopment,29:1803~1815.
[22]Villasenor J,B C Arnold.The general quadratic Lorenz curve[R].Technical report,Co-legio de Postgraduados,Mexico City.Photocopy,1984.
[23]Villasenor J,B C Arnold.Elliptical lorenz curves[J].Journal of Econometrics,1989,40(2):327~338.
[24] World Bank.World development report: Poverty [ M].New York: Oxford UniversityPress,1990.
[25]World Bank.World development report:Attacking poverty[M].New York:Oxford U-niversity Press,2000.
[27]李实,古斯塔夫森.八十年代末中国贫困规模和程度的估计[ J].中国社会科学,1996,(6):29~44.
[1]Aitchison J,Brown J A C.The lognormal distribution[M].Cambridge University Press,1963.
[2] Balisacan, Arsenio M.Poverty and inequality [ C ].Arsenio M.Balisacan, Hal Hill,eds.The Philippine economy:Development,policies,and challenges[A].New York:Ox-ford University Press,2003.
[3]Balisacan,Arsenio M.Averting hunger and food insecurity in Asia[J].Paper presented at theRegional Workshop on Policy Issues and Options to Avert Hunger and Food Insecurity in A-sia (organized by FAO and SEARCA),Cha-am,Thailand,March 2004:25~26.
[4]Balisacan Arsenio M, Nobuhiko Fuwa.Growth, inequality, and politics revisited: A de-veloping-country case[J].Economics Letters,2003,79:53~58.
[5]Besley T R Burgess.Halving global poverty[J].Journal of Economic Perspective,2003,17:3~22.
[6] Bhalla S.Imagine there is no country: Globalization and its consequences for poverty[R].working paper,2001.
[7]Birdsall Nancy Ross D,Sabot R.Inequality and growth reconsidered:Lessons from EastAsia[J].World Bank Economic Review,1995,9(3):477~508.
[8] Bourguignon Francois.The pace of economic growth and poverty reduction[R].Paperpresented at LACEA 2001 Conference,2001.
[9]Datt G,M Ravallion.Growth and redistribution components of changes in poverty meas-ures:A decomposition with applications to Brazil and India in the 1980s[ J].Journal ofDevelopment Economics,1992,38:275~295.
[10]Datt G,M Ravallion.Is India’s economic growth leaving the poor behind[J].The Jour-nal of Economic Perspectives,2002,(3):89~108.
[11]Deaton A,J Dreze.Poverty and inequality in India:A reexamination[J].Economic andPolitical Weekly,2002,September 7:3729~3748.
[12]Dhongde S.Measuring the impact of growth and income distribution on poverty in Indi-a[R].working paper,2004.
[13]Dollar D, A Kraay.Growth is good for the poor [ J].Journal of Economic Growth,2002,7(3):195~225.
[14] Ferreira Francisco, Ricardo Paes de Barros.Climbing a moving mountain: Explainingthe decline of income inequality in Brazil from 1976 to 1996[R].Inter-American Devel-opment Bank mimeo,1998.
[15]Foster J,Greer J,Thorbecke E.A cass of dcomposable pverty masures [J].Economet-rica,1984.52:761~766.
[16]Jain L, S Tendulkar.Role of growth and distribution in the observed change of theheadcount ratio measure of poverty:A decomposition exercise for India[R].TechnicalReport,No.9004,Indian Statistical Institute,Delhi,1990.
[17]Kakwani N.On a class of poverty measures[J].Econometrica,1980,48,(2):437~446.
[18]Kakwani N, K Subbarao.Rural poverty and its alleviation in India[ J].Economic andPolitical Weekly,1990,March 31,A2~A16.
[19]Kakwani N,E Pernia.What is pro-poor growth[J].Asian Development Review,2000,16(1):1~22.
[20]Ravallion M.Huppi M.Measuring changes in poverty:A methodological case study of Indo-nesia during an adjustment period[J].World Bank Economic Review,1991,5:57~84.
[21]Ravallion M.Growth,inequality and poverty:Looking beyond averages[M].World De-velopment,29:1803~1815.
[22]Villasenor J,B C Arnold.The general quadratic Lorenz curve[R].Technical report,Co-legio de Postgraduados,Mexico City.Photocopy,1984.
[23]Villasenor J,B C Arnold.Elliptical lorenz curves[J].Journal of Econometrics,1989,40(2):327~338.
[24] World Bank.World development report: Poverty [ M].New York: Oxford UniversityPress,1990.
[25]World Bank.World development report:Attacking poverty[M].New York:Oxford U-niversity Press,2000.
[27]李实,古斯塔夫森.八十年代末中国贫困规模和程度的估计[ J].中国社会科学,1996,(6):29~44.
胡兵, 胡宝娣, 赖景生. 经济增长、收入分配对农村贫困变动的影响[J]. 财经研究, 2005, 31(8): 91–101.