外国经济与管理 2007 年 第 29 卷第 09 期, 页码:1 - 9
[1]Charles Bryce Perrow.Complex organizations:A critical essay[M].New York:McGraw-Hill,1979.
[2]Donald MacKenzie,and Judy Wajcman.Introductory essay[A].in Donald MacKenzie,and Judy Wajcman(Eds.).The social shapingof technology:How the refrigerator got its hum[C].Milton Keynes,UK:Open University Press,1985:2-25.
[3]Wiebe E Bijker,and John Law.Shaping technology/building society:Studies in sociotechnical change[M].Cambridge,Massachu-setts:MIT Press,1992.
[4]Stephen R Barley.Technology as an occasion for structuring:Evidence from observations of CT scanners and the social order of radi-ology departments[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1986,31(1):78-108.
[5]Matthew S Bothner.Competition and social influence:The diffusion of the sixth-generation processor in the global computer industry[J].American Journal of Socionology,2003,108(6):1 175-1 210.
[6]Elizabeth Davidson.A technological frames perspective on information technology and organizational change[J].Journal of AppliedBehavioral Science,2006,42(1):23-39.
[7]Peter F Drucker.The information executives truly need[J].Harvard Business Review,1995,73(1/2):54-62.
[8]Peter F Drucker.Managing in the next society:Beyond the information revolution[M].New York:The St.Martin’s Press,2002.
[9]Thomas H Davenport,and James E Short.The new industrial engineering:Information technology and business process re-design[J].Sloan Management Review,1990,31(4):11-27.
[10]Michael E Porter.Strategy and the Internet[J].Harvard Business Review,2001,(Mar.):12-18.
[11]Michael E Porter,and Victor E Millar.How information gives you competitive advantage[J].Harvard Business Review,1985,63(7/8):149-160.
[12]Wanda J Orlikowski.Using technology and constituting structures:A practice lens for studying technology in organizations[J].Or-ganization Science,2000,11(4):404-428.
[13]Victor Bekkers.The playground of the electronic superhighway:Players,interests,and deadlocks[A].in Victor Bekkers,Bert-Jaap Koopd,and Sjaak Nouwt(Eds.).Emerging electronic highways:New challenges for politics and law[C].The Hague/London/Boston:Kluwer Law International,1996:9-26.
[14]John King,and Kenneth Kraemer.Computer and communication technologies:Impacts on the organization of enterprise and the es-tablishment and maintenance of civil society[A].in National Research Council(Ed.).Fostering research on the economic and socialimpacts of information technology[C].Washington,DC:National Academy Press,1998.
[15]Rueylin Hsiao.The failure of IT-enabled change:A technological frames analysis[J].MIS Quarterly,2000,(May):102-119.
[16]Kenneth C Laudon,and Jane P Laudon.Essentials of management information systems:Managing the digital firm[M].6th Ed.En-glewood Cliffs,New Jersey:Prentice Hall,2003.
[17]Christine Bellamy,and John A Taylor.Governing in the information age[M].Buckingham and Philadelphia:Open UniversityPress,1998.
[18]Paul Frissen.The virtual state:Post-modernisation,informatization,and public administration[A].in B Loader(Ed.).The gov-ernance of cyberspace[C].London:Routledge,1997.
[19]Don Tapscott.The digital economy:Promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence[M].New York:McGraw-Hill,1997.
[20]Fiona Czerniawska,and Gavin Potter.Global-investor bookshop,business in a virtual world:Exploiting information for competitiveadvantage[M].New York:Palgrave(Trade),1998.
[21]Frances Cairncross.The death of distance:How the communications revolution will change our lives[M].Boston,Massachusetts:Harvard Business School Press,1997.
[2]Donald MacKenzie,and Judy Wajcman.Introductory essay[A].in Donald MacKenzie,and Judy Wajcman(Eds.).The social shapingof technology:How the refrigerator got its hum[C].Milton Keynes,UK:Open University Press,1985:2-25.
[3]Wiebe E Bijker,and John Law.Shaping technology/building society:Studies in sociotechnical change[M].Cambridge,Massachu-setts:MIT Press,1992.
[4]Stephen R Barley.Technology as an occasion for structuring:Evidence from observations of CT scanners and the social order of radi-ology departments[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,1986,31(1):78-108.
[5]Matthew S Bothner.Competition and social influence:The diffusion of the sixth-generation processor in the global computer industry[J].American Journal of Socionology,2003,108(6):1 175-1 210.
[6]Elizabeth Davidson.A technological frames perspective on information technology and organizational change[J].Journal of AppliedBehavioral Science,2006,42(1):23-39.
[7]Peter F Drucker.The information executives truly need[J].Harvard Business Review,1995,73(1/2):54-62.
[8]Peter F Drucker.Managing in the next society:Beyond the information revolution[M].New York:The St.Martin’s Press,2002.
[9]Thomas H Davenport,and James E Short.The new industrial engineering:Information technology and business process re-design[J].Sloan Management Review,1990,31(4):11-27.
[10]Michael E Porter.Strategy and the Internet[J].Harvard Business Review,2001,(Mar.):12-18.
[11]Michael E Porter,and Victor E Millar.How information gives you competitive advantage[J].Harvard Business Review,1985,63(7/8):149-160.
[12]Wanda J Orlikowski.Using technology and constituting structures:A practice lens for studying technology in organizations[J].Or-ganization Science,2000,11(4):404-428.
[13]Victor Bekkers.The playground of the electronic superhighway:Players,interests,and deadlocks[A].in Victor Bekkers,Bert-Jaap Koopd,and Sjaak Nouwt(Eds.).Emerging electronic highways:New challenges for politics and law[C].The Hague/London/Boston:Kluwer Law International,1996:9-26.
[14]John King,and Kenneth Kraemer.Computer and communication technologies:Impacts on the organization of enterprise and the es-tablishment and maintenance of civil society[A].in National Research Council(Ed.).Fostering research on the economic and socialimpacts of information technology[C].Washington,DC:National Academy Press,1998.
[15]Rueylin Hsiao.The failure of IT-enabled change:A technological frames analysis[J].MIS Quarterly,2000,(May):102-119.
[16]Kenneth C Laudon,and Jane P Laudon.Essentials of management information systems:Managing the digital firm[M].6th Ed.En-glewood Cliffs,New Jersey:Prentice Hall,2003.
[17]Christine Bellamy,and John A Taylor.Governing in the information age[M].Buckingham and Philadelphia:Open UniversityPress,1998.
[18]Paul Frissen.The virtual state:Post-modernisation,informatization,and public administration[A].in B Loader(Ed.).The gov-ernance of cyberspace[C].London:Routledge,1997.
[19]Don Tapscott.The digital economy:Promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence[M].New York:McGraw-Hill,1997.
[20]Fiona Czerniawska,and Gavin Potter.Global-investor bookshop,business in a virtual world:Exploiting information for competitiveadvantage[M].New York:Palgrave(Trade),1998.
[21]Frances Cairncross.The death of distance:How the communications revolution will change our lives[M].Boston,Massachusetts:Harvard Business School Press,1997.
石磊. 技术与组织结构关系研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2007, 29(9): 1–9.