外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 09 期, 页码:24 - 30
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[7]K innear,T.A perspective on how firm s relate to theirmarkets[J].Journal ofMarketing,1999,63(2):112-114.
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[9]Morris,M H,Sch indehutte,M,&LaForge,R W.Entrepreneurialmarketing:a construct for integrating em erging entrepreneur-sh ip and marketing perspectives[J].Journal ofMarketing Theory and Practice,2002,(Fal.):1-19.
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[14]N ilson,T.Value-added marketing-marketing:marketing managem ent for superior resu lts[M].Europe:M cG raw-H ill BookCompany,2000:5-15.
[15]Morris,M H,Sch indehutte,M,&LaForge,R W.The em ergence of entrepreneurial marketing:nature and m ean ing[R].Coleman Foundation W h ite Paper,2001.
[16]Jaworsk i,B,Kohli,K,&Sahay,A.Market-driven versus driving markets[J].Academy ofMarketing Science,2000,28(1):45-52.
[17]M iller,D,and Friesen,P H.Innovation in conservative and entrepreneurial firm s:two models of strategic mom entum[J].Stra-tegic Managem ent Journal,1983,3:1-5.
[18]Lumpk in,G T,and D ess,G G.C larifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and link ing it to performance[J].AcademyofManagem ent Review,1996,21(1):135-172.
[19]Collinson,E,and Shaw,E leanor.Entrepreneurialmarketing:a h istorical perspective on developm ent and practice[J].Man-agem ent D ecision,2001,39(9):761-772.
[20]K irzner,I.Entrepreneurial d iscovery and the competitive market process:an Austrian approach[J].The Journal of Econom icL iterature,1997,35:60-85.
[21]Van de Ven,A H,and Poole,M S.Explain ing developm ent and change in organ izations[J].Academy ofManagem ent Re-view,1995,20(3):510-529.
[22]G r nroos,C.Relationsh ip approach to marketing in service contexts:the marketing and organ izational behavior interface[J].Journal of Business Research,1990,20(4):3-11.
[23]Runser-Span jol,J.Reconceptualizing organ izational resources and their relationsh ip w ith innovation[R].Proceed ings,W interEducators Conference,Ch icago,Am erica Marketing Association,2001:120-127.
[24]W ebster,F E.The changing role ofmarketing in the corporation[J].Journal ofMarketing,1992,56(4):1-17.
[25]Stokes,D.Putting entrepreneursh ip intomarketing:the processes of entrepreneurialmarketing[J].Journal ofResearch inMar-keting&Entrepreneursh ip,2000,2(1):1-16.
[2]Day,George S.The capab ilities ofmarket-driven organ izations[J].Journal ofMarketing,1994,10:37-52.
[3]Jaworsk i,B J,and Kohli,A K.Marketing orientation:antecedents and consequences[J].Journal ofMarketing,1993,57(3):53-71.
[4]Ruekert,R W.D evelop ing a marketing orientation:an organ izational strategy perspective[J].International Journal ofMarket-ing,1992,9(3):13-37.
[5]Narver,J D,and Slater,S F.The effect of a market orientation on business profitab ility[J].Journal ofMarketing,1990,5(10):20-35.
[6]Day,G S,&Montgom ery,D B.Charting new d irections formarketing[J].Journal ofMarketing,1999,63(2):3-13.
[7]K innear,T.A perspective on how firm s relate to theirmarkets[J].Journal ofMarketing,1999,63(2):112-114.
[8]W ebster,F E.The future role ofmarketing in the organ ization[A].In D R Lehmann&K E Jocz(eds.).Reflections on the fu-tures ofmarketing[C].Cambridge,MA:Marketing Science Institute,1997:39-66.
[9]Morris,M H,Sch indehutte,M,&LaForge,R W.Entrepreneurialmarketing:a construct for integrating em erging entrepreneur-sh ip and marketing perspectives[J].Journal ofMarketing Theory and Practice,2002,(Fal.):1-19.
[11]Zeitham l,C,and Zeitham l,V.Environm ental managem ent:revising the marketing perspective[J].Journal of Marketing,1984,48(Spr.):46-43.
[12]Stevenson,H H,and Gumpert,D.The heart of entrepreneurship[J].Harvard Business Review,1985,63(Mar./Apr.):85-94.
[14]N ilson,T.Value-added marketing-marketing:marketing managem ent for superior resu lts[M].Europe:M cG raw-H ill BookCompany,2000:5-15.
[15]Morris,M H,Sch indehutte,M,&LaForge,R W.The em ergence of entrepreneurial marketing:nature and m ean ing[R].Coleman Foundation W h ite Paper,2001.
[16]Jaworsk i,B,Kohli,K,&Sahay,A.Market-driven versus driving markets[J].Academy ofMarketing Science,2000,28(1):45-52.
[17]M iller,D,and Friesen,P H.Innovation in conservative and entrepreneurial firm s:two models of strategic mom entum[J].Stra-tegic Managem ent Journal,1983,3:1-5.
[18]Lumpk in,G T,and D ess,G G.C larifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and link ing it to performance[J].AcademyofManagem ent Review,1996,21(1):135-172.
[19]Collinson,E,and Shaw,E leanor.Entrepreneurialmarketing:a h istorical perspective on developm ent and practice[J].Man-agem ent D ecision,2001,39(9):761-772.
[20]K irzner,I.Entrepreneurial d iscovery and the competitive market process:an Austrian approach[J].The Journal of Econom icL iterature,1997,35:60-85.
[21]Van de Ven,A H,and Poole,M S.Explain ing developm ent and change in organ izations[J].Academy ofManagem ent Re-view,1995,20(3):510-529.
[22]G r nroos,C.Relationsh ip approach to marketing in service contexts:the marketing and organ izational behavior interface[J].Journal of Business Research,1990,20(4):3-11.
[23]Runser-Span jol,J.Reconceptualizing organ izational resources and their relationsh ip w ith innovation[R].Proceed ings,W interEducators Conference,Ch icago,Am erica Marketing Association,2001:120-127.
[24]W ebster,F E.The changing role ofmarketing in the corporation[J].Journal ofMarketing,1992,56(4):1-17.
[25]Stokes,D.Putting entrepreneursh ip intomarketing:the processes of entrepreneurialmarketing[J].Journal ofResearch inMar-keting&Entrepreneursh ip,2000,2(1):1-16.
李剑力. 创业型营销及其机理分析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(9): 24–30.