外国经济与管理 2010 年 第 32 卷第 12 期, 页码:36 - 42
[1]Babin,L A,and Carder,S T.Viewer’s recognition of brands placed within a fil m[J].International Journal of Advertising,1996,15(4):140-151.
[2]Ti wsakul,R,Hackley,C,and Szmigin,I.Explicit,non-integrated product placement in British television programmes[J].Interna-tional Journal of Advertising,2005,24(1):95-111.
[3]Sharmistha,L,and Braun-LaTour,K A.Product placements:How to measure their i mpact[A].in Adaval,R,and Aksoy,L(Eds.).The psychology of entertainment media[C].Mahwah,NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc.,2004.
[4]Miller,MC.Seeing through movies[M].New York:Pantheon,1990.
[5]Marie,S E.The cost efficiency and communication effects associated with brand name exposure within motion pictures[D].WestVirginia University,1987.
[6]Gupta,P,and Lord,K R.Product placement in movies:The effect of prominence and mode on audience recall[J].Journal of Cur-rent Issues and Researchin Advertising,1998,20(1):47-59.
[7]Glass,Z.The effectiveness of product placement in video games[J].Journal of Interactive Advertising,2007,18(1):23-32.
[8]Mahyari,P,et al.Virtual product placement:Examining the role of involvement and presence in second life[R].Australian andNew Zealand Marketing Academy Conference,2009.
[9]Wilbur,K C,Michelle,S G,and Ridder,G.Effects of advertising and product placement on television audiences[R].Working Pa-per,Marshall School of Business,USC,1998.
[10]d’Astous,A,and Chartier,F.Astudy of factors affecting consumer evaluations and memory of product placements in movies[J].Journal of Current Issues and Researchin Advertising,2000,22(2):31-40.
[11]Cowley,E,and Barron,C.When product placement goes wrong:The effects of programliking and placement prominence[J].Journal of Advertising,2008,37(1):89-98.
[12]DeLorme,D E,and Reid,L N.Moviegoers’experiences andinterpretations of brandsinfil mrevisited[J].Journal of Advertising,1999,28(2):71-95.
[13]Gould,S,Gupta,P,and Grabner-Krauter,S.Product placements in movies:A cross-cultural analysis of Austrian,French andAmerican consumers’attitudes toward this emerging,international promotional medium[J].Journal of Advertising,2000,29(4):41-58.
[14]Lai-man,S S,and Wai-yee,S K.Predicting the effectiveness of product placement:Astudy on the execution strategy andi mpactson hierarch of effects[R].Oxford Business and Economics Conference Program,2008.
[15]Balasubramanian,S K,Karrh,J A,and Patwardhan,H.Audience response to product placements:Anintegrative framework andfuture research agenda[J].Journal of Advertising,2006,35(3):115-141.
[16]Scott,J,and Craig-Lees,M.Audience engagement and its effects on product placement recognition[J].Journal of PromotionManagement,2010,16(1):39-58.
[17]de Gregorio,F,and Sung,Y.Understanding attitudes toward and behaviorsin response to product placement:Aconsumer social-ization framework[J].Journal of Advertising,2010,39(1):83-96.
[18]Bressoud,E,Lehu,J-M,and Russell,C.Integrating placement and audience characteristics to assess the recall of product place-ments in fil m:Findings froma field study[R].The 7th International Conference on Researchin Advertising,2008.
[19]Roy,S,and Bhattacharya,S.Product placement in Bollywood movies[J].Journal of Marketing Trends,2008,1(1):50-57.
[20]Sutherland,L A,Mackenzie,T,et al.Prevalence of food and beverage brands in movies:1996-2005[J].American Academy ofPediatrics,2010,125(3):468-474.
[2]Ti wsakul,R,Hackley,C,and Szmigin,I.Explicit,non-integrated product placement in British television programmes[J].Interna-tional Journal of Advertising,2005,24(1):95-111.
[3]Sharmistha,L,and Braun-LaTour,K A.Product placements:How to measure their i mpact[A].in Adaval,R,and Aksoy,L(Eds.).The psychology of entertainment media[C].Mahwah,NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Inc.,2004.
[4]Miller,MC.Seeing through movies[M].New York:Pantheon,1990.
[5]Marie,S E.The cost efficiency and communication effects associated with brand name exposure within motion pictures[D].WestVirginia University,1987.
[6]Gupta,P,and Lord,K R.Product placement in movies:The effect of prominence and mode on audience recall[J].Journal of Cur-rent Issues and Researchin Advertising,1998,20(1):47-59.
[7]Glass,Z.The effectiveness of product placement in video games[J].Journal of Interactive Advertising,2007,18(1):23-32.
[8]Mahyari,P,et al.Virtual product placement:Examining the role of involvement and presence in second life[R].Australian andNew Zealand Marketing Academy Conference,2009.
[9]Wilbur,K C,Michelle,S G,and Ridder,G.Effects of advertising and product placement on television audiences[R].Working Pa-per,Marshall School of Business,USC,1998.
[10]d’Astous,A,and Chartier,F.Astudy of factors affecting consumer evaluations and memory of product placements in movies[J].Journal of Current Issues and Researchin Advertising,2000,22(2):31-40.
[11]Cowley,E,and Barron,C.When product placement goes wrong:The effects of programliking and placement prominence[J].Journal of Advertising,2008,37(1):89-98.
[12]DeLorme,D E,and Reid,L N.Moviegoers’experiences andinterpretations of brandsinfil mrevisited[J].Journal of Advertising,1999,28(2):71-95.
[13]Gould,S,Gupta,P,and Grabner-Krauter,S.Product placements in movies:A cross-cultural analysis of Austrian,French andAmerican consumers’attitudes toward this emerging,international promotional medium[J].Journal of Advertising,2000,29(4):41-58.
[14]Lai-man,S S,and Wai-yee,S K.Predicting the effectiveness of product placement:Astudy on the execution strategy andi mpactson hierarch of effects[R].Oxford Business and Economics Conference Program,2008.
[15]Balasubramanian,S K,Karrh,J A,and Patwardhan,H.Audience response to product placements:Anintegrative framework andfuture research agenda[J].Journal of Advertising,2006,35(3):115-141.
[16]Scott,J,and Craig-Lees,M.Audience engagement and its effects on product placement recognition[J].Journal of PromotionManagement,2010,16(1):39-58.
[17]de Gregorio,F,and Sung,Y.Understanding attitudes toward and behaviorsin response to product placement:Aconsumer social-ization framework[J].Journal of Advertising,2010,39(1):83-96.
[18]Bressoud,E,Lehu,J-M,and Russell,C.Integrating placement and audience characteristics to assess the recall of product place-ments in fil m:Findings froma field study[R].The 7th International Conference on Researchin Advertising,2008.
[19]Roy,S,and Bhattacharya,S.Product placement in Bollywood movies[J].Journal of Marketing Trends,2008,1(1):50-57.
[20]Sutherland,L A,Mackenzie,T,et al.Prevalence of food and beverage brands in movies:1996-2005[J].American Academy ofPediatrics,2010,125(3):468-474.
卢长宝, 王丹丹. 国外植入式广告研究新进展评介[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2010, 32(12): 36–42.