上海财经大学学报 2010 年 第 12 卷第 03 期, 页码:44 - 51
①Thomas Lindhqvist&Karl Lidgren,Models for Extended Producer Responsibility,In Ministry of the Envi-ronment From the Cradle to the Grave-six studies of the environmental impact of products.Ds 1991:9,26October 1990.pp.16-17.
②12 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).Extended Producer Responsibility:AGuidance Manual for Governments,OECD Publications,Paris,France,2001,p.18.
⑤⑦K.S.Brady,J.A.Fava,Clipsham,J.Extended Producer Responsibility,Integrated Product Policy andMarket Development:Lessons from Europe and the U.S,Five Winds International,2003,p.4,p.5.
⑧Noah Sachs,Planning the Funeral at the Birth:Extended Producer Responsibility in the European Unionand the United States,in Harvard Environmental Law Review,Vol.30,2006,p.53.
⑨⑩1114 Thomas Lindhqvist,Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production:Policy Principle toPromote Environmental Improvements of Product Systems,IIIEE Dissertations 2000:2,Lund:IIIEE,LundUniversity,Executive summary,2000,pp.ii-iV,p.120.
15 In an article for GreenBiz.com in 2005,Guy Crittenden,editor of Solid Waste Magazine.转引自CanadianInstitute for Business and the Environment,The Gallon Environment Letter(Honoured Reader Edition),Fisherville,Ontario,Canada,Vol.12,No.2,February 19,2007,p.4。
16 C.van Rossem,N.T.Tojo,Lindhqvist,Extended Producer Responsibility:An examination of its impacton innovation and greening products.Report commissioned by Greenpeace International,Friends of theEarth and the European Environmental Bureau(EEB),Sep 2006,p.1.
17 Naoko Tojo,Extended Producer Responsibility as a Driver for Design Change-Utopia or Reality?IIIEE Dis-sertation,2004:2.Lund:IIIEE,Lund University,2004,p.273.
18 Bette Fishbein,Extended Producer Responsibility:A New Concept Spreads Around the World,Rutgers U-niversity Remanufacturing Partnership Program Newsletter,Vol.1,No.2,Winter 1996.
②12 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).Extended Producer Responsibility:AGuidance Manual for Governments,OECD Publications,Paris,France,2001,p.18.
⑤⑦K.S.Brady,J.A.Fava,Clipsham,J.Extended Producer Responsibility,Integrated Product Policy andMarket Development:Lessons from Europe and the U.S,Five Winds International,2003,p.4,p.5.
⑧Noah Sachs,Planning the Funeral at the Birth:Extended Producer Responsibility in the European Unionand the United States,in Harvard Environmental Law Review,Vol.30,2006,p.53.
⑨⑩1114 Thomas Lindhqvist,Extended Producer Responsibility in Cleaner Production:Policy Principle toPromote Environmental Improvements of Product Systems,IIIEE Dissertations 2000:2,Lund:IIIEE,LundUniversity,Executive summary,2000,pp.ii-iV,p.120.
15 In an article for GreenBiz.com in 2005,Guy Crittenden,editor of Solid Waste Magazine.转引自CanadianInstitute for Business and the Environment,The Gallon Environment Letter(Honoured Reader Edition),Fisherville,Ontario,Canada,Vol.12,No.2,February 19,2007,p.4。
16 C.van Rossem,N.T.Tojo,Lindhqvist,Extended Producer Responsibility:An examination of its impacton innovation and greening products.Report commissioned by Greenpeace International,Friends of theEarth and the European Environmental Bureau(EEB),Sep 2006,p.1.
17 Naoko Tojo,Extended Producer Responsibility as a Driver for Design Change-Utopia or Reality?IIIEE Dis-sertation,2004:2.Lund:IIIEE,Lund University,2004,p.273.
18 Bette Fishbein,Extended Producer Responsibility:A New Concept Spreads Around the World,Rutgers U-niversity Remanufacturing Partnership Program Newsletter,Vol.1,No.2,Winter 1996.
胡苑. 生产者延伸责任:范畴、制度路径与规范分析[J]. 上海财经大学学报, 2010, 12(3): 44–51.