上海财经大学学报 2011 年 第 13 卷第 03 期, 页码:84 - 91
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[4]Hendrik Bessembinder and William Maxwell.Markets Transparency and the Corporate Bond Market[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,Volume 22,No.2,217-234,2008.
[5]Bernhardt,D.,V.Dvoracek,E.Hughson,and I.Werner.Why do large orders receive discounts on theLondon Stock Exchange?[J].Reviewof Financial Studies 18,1343-1368,2005.
[6]Admati,A.,Peiderer,P.Atheory of intraday patterns:Volume and price variability[J].Review of Fi-nancial Studies 1,3-40,1988.
[7]Bruno Biais and Richard C.Green.The microstructure of the bond market in the 20th century[D].Carne-gie Mellon University,Tepper School of Business,Working Paper,2007.
[8]Guthmann,H.The movement of debt toinstitutions andits i mplications for theinterest rate[J].The Jour-nal of Finance,5,70-87,1950.
[2]Pri me,J.Invest ment Analysis[M].Prentice-Hall,New York,1946.
[3]Gellermann,H.How to make money make money:Professional Advice About Stocks and Bonds[M].Thomas Y.Crowell Company,New York,1957.
[4]Hendrik Bessembinder and William Maxwell.Markets Transparency and the Corporate Bond Market[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,Volume 22,No.2,217-234,2008.
[5]Bernhardt,D.,V.Dvoracek,E.Hughson,and I.Werner.Why do large orders receive discounts on theLondon Stock Exchange?[J].Reviewof Financial Studies 18,1343-1368,2005.
[6]Admati,A.,Peiderer,P.Atheory of intraday patterns:Volume and price variability[J].Review of Fi-nancial Studies 1,3-40,1988.
[7]Bruno Biais and Richard C.Green.The microstructure of the bond market in the 20th century[D].Carne-gie Mellon University,Tepper School of Business,Working Paper,2007.
[8]Guthmann,H.The movement of debt toinstitutions andits i mplications for theinterest rate[J].The Jour-nal of Finance,5,70-87,1950.
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