外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:33 - 44
[1]Aaker D A.Managing brand equity[M].San Francisco:Free Press,1991.
[2]Agustin C and Singh J.Curvilinear effects of consumer loyalty determinants in relational exchanges[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2005,42(1):96-108.
[3]Ahuvia A C.I love it!Toward a unifying theory of love across diverse love objects[D].Doctoral Dissertations,Northwestern University,1993.
[4]Ahuvia A C.Beyond the extended self:Love objects and consumer’s identity narratives[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,32(1):171-184.
[5]Alba J W and Hutchinson J W.Dimensions of consumer expertise[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1987,13(4):411-454.
[6]Albert N,et al.When consumers love their brands:Exploring the concept and its dimensions[J].Journal of Business Research,2008,61(10):1062-1075.
[7]Albert N,et al.The feeling of love toward a brand:Concept and measurement[J].Advances in Consumer Research,2009,36(1):300-307.
[8]Albert N,et al.Brand passion:Antecedents and consequences[J].Journal of Business Research,2013,66(7):904-909.
[9]Algesheimer R,et al.The social influence of brand community:Evidence from European car clubs[J].Journal of Marketing,2005,69(3):19-34.
[10]Bagozzi R P and Dholakia U M.Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,23(1):45-61.
[11]Batra R,et al.Brand love[J].Journal of Marketing,2012,76(2):1-16.
[12]Bauer H,et al.How to create high emotional consumer-brand relationships?The causalities of brand passion[A].in Wiley J(Ed.).Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand marketing academy conference[C].Dunedin:University of Otago,2007:2189-2198.
[13]Bauer H,et al.All you need is love:Assessing consumers’brand love[A].in Michael K and Ingrid M M(Eds.).Proceedings of the American Marketing Association summer educators conference[C].Chicago:American Marketing Association,2009:252-253.
[14]Baumeister R F and Bratslavsky E.Passion,intimacy and time:Passionate love as a function of change in intimacy[J].Personality and Social Psychology Review,1999,3(1):49-67.
[15]Belk R W.Possessions and the extended self[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1988,15(2):139-168.
[16]Bergami M and Bagozzi R P.Self-categorization,affective commitment and group self-esteem as distinct aspects of social identity in the organization[J].British Journal of Social Psychology,2000,39(4):555-577.
[17]Borghini S,et al.Why are themed brand-stores so powerful?Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place[J].Journal of Retailing,2009,85(3):363-375.
[18]Bowlby J.Attachment and loss:Volume 1:Attachment[M].London:The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis,1969.
[19]Brakus J J,et al.Brand experience:What is it?How is it measured?Does it affect loyalty?[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5):52-68.
[20]Carlson B D,et al.Social versus psychological brand community:The role of psychological sense of brand community[J].Journal of Business Research,2008,61(4):284-291.
[21]Carlson B D,et al.Human brands in sport:Athlete brand personality and identification[J].Journal of Sport Management,2009,37(4):370-384.
[22]Carroll B A and Ahuvia A C.Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love[J].Market Letters,2006,17(2):79-89.
[23]Chaudhuri A and Holbrook B M.The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affects to brand performance:The role of brand loyalty[J].Journal of Marketing,2001,65(2):81-93.
[24]Chiou J S and Shen C C.The effects of satisfaction,opportunism,and asset specificity on consumers’loyalty intention toward internet portal sites[J].International Journal Service Industry Management,2006,17(1):7-22.
[25]Del Rio A B,et al.The effects of brand associations on consumer response[J].Marketing Science,2001,18(5):410-425.
[26]Delgado-Ballester E,et al.Development and validation of a brand trust scale[J].International Journal of Market Research,2001,45(1):35-53.
[27]Dewey J.Human nature and conduct:An introduction to social psychology[M].New York:Henry Holt and Company,1922.
[28]Dick A and Basu K.Customer loyalty:Towards an integrated framework[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,1994,22(2):99-113.
[29]Diehm R and Armatas C.Surfing:An avenue for socially acceptable risk-taking,satisfying needs for sensation seeking and experience seeking[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2004,36(3):663-677.
[30]Donavan D T,et al.Environmental influences in corporate brand identification and outcomes[J].Journal of Brand Management,2006,14(1-2):125-136.
[31]Escalas J E and James R B.Self-construal,reference groups,and brand meaning[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,32(3):378-389.
[32]Fournier S.Consumers and their brands:Developing relationship theory in consumer research[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1998,24(4):343-373.
[33]Gobe M.Making the emotional connection[J].Brandweek,2001,42(5):23-27.
[34]Grace D.Examining service experiences and post-consumption evaluations[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2004,18(6):450-461.
[35]Ha H Y and Perks H.Effects of consumer perceptions of brand experience on the web:Brand familiarity,satisfaction and brand trust[J].Journal of Consumer Behavior,2005,4(6):438-452.
[36]Harrison-Walker J L.The measurement of word-of-mouth communication and an investigation of service quality and customer commitment as potential antecedents[J].Journal of Service Research,2001,4(1):60-75.
[37]Hazan C and Shaver P R.Attachment as an organizational framework for research on close relationships[J].Psychological Inquiry,1994,5(1):1-22.
[38]Hess J S.Construction and assessment of a scale to measure consumer trust[A].in Stern B B and Zinkhan G M(Eds.).Enhancing knowledge development in marketing(Vol.6)[C].Chicago:American Marketing Association,1995:20-25.
[39]Hoch S J.Product experience is seductive[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2002,29(3):448-454.
[40]Holbrook M B.The millennial consumer in the texts of our times:Experience and entertainment[J].Journal of Macromarketing,2000,20(2):178-192.
[41]Homburg C,et al.Social identity and the service-profit chain[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(2):38-54.
[42]Ismail A R.Experience marketing:An empirical investigation[J].Journal of Relationship Marketing,2011,10(3):167-201.
[43]Jacoby J and Kyner D B.Brand loyalty vs.repeat purchasing behavior[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1973,10(1):1-9.
[44]Jacoby J and Chestnut R.Brand loyalty:Measurement and management[M].New York:Wiley,1978.
[45]Johar J S and Sirgy J.Value:Expressive versus utilitarian advertising appeals:When and why to use which appeal[J].Journal of Advertising,1991,20(3):23-33.
[46]Keh H T,et al.Understanding and measuring brand love,in new frontiers in branding:Attitudes,attachments,and relationships[A].in Priester J R,Deborah J M and Whan P(Eds.).New frontiers in branding:Attitudes,attachments,and relationships[C].Santa Monica:Society for Consumer Psychology,2007:84-88.
[47]Keh H T and Xie Y.Corporate reputation and customer behavioral intentions:The roles of trust,identification and commitment[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2009,38(7):732-742.
[48]Kerin R A,et al.How are store shopping experience and consumer price-quality-value perceptions[J].Journal of Retailing,1992,68(4):376-397.
[49]Kim A C,et al.The effect of brand personality and brand identification on brand loyalty:Applying the theory of social identification[J].Japanese Psychological Research,2001,43(4):195-206.
[50]Kuenzel S and Halliday S V.The chain of effects from reputation and brand personality congruence to brand loyalty:The role of brand identification[J].Journal of Targeting,Measurement and Analysis for Marketing,2010,18(3/4):167-176.
[51]Iglesias O,et al.The role of brand experience and affective commitment in determining brand loyalty[J].Journal of Brand Management,2011,18(8):570-582.
[52]LarocheM,et al.The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers,value creation practices,brand trust and brand loyalty[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2012,28(5):1755-1767.
[53]Lars B and Bech-Larsen T.Two studies of consequences and actionable antecedents of brand love[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(7):504-518.
[54]Morrison S and Crane G F.Building the service brand by creating and managing an emotional brand experience[J].Journal of Brand Management,2007,14(5):410-421.
[55]Moorman C,et al.Factors affecting trust in market research relationships[J].Journal of Marketing,1993,57(1):81-101.
[56]Morgan R M and Hunt S H.The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,1994,58(3):20-38.
[57]Newman J W and Richard A W.Multivariate analysis of brand loyalty for major household appliances[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1973,12(4):404-409.
[58]Nicola S S,et al.Drivers of consumer-brand identification[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2012,29(4):406-441.
[59]Oliver R L.Whence consumer loyalty[J].Journal of Marketing,1999,63(Special Issue):33-44.
[60]Park C W,et al.Beyond attitudes:Attachment and consumer behavior[J].Seoul Journal of Business,2006,12(2):3-35.
[61]Park C W,et al.Brand attachment and management of a strategic brand exemplar[A].in Schmitt B H and Rogers D L(Eds.).Handbook of brand and experience management[C].Northampton:Edward Elgar Publishing,2008:3-17.
[62]Park C W,et al.Brand attachment and brand attitude strength:Conceptual and empirical differentiation of two critical brand equity drivers[J].Journal of Marketing,2010,74(6):1-17.
[63]Pawle J and Cooper P.Measuring emotion-love marks,the future beyond brands[J].Journal of Advertising Research,2006,46(1):38-48.
[64]Pentina I,et al.Antecedents and consequences of trust in a social media brand:A cross-cultural study of Twitter[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2013,29(4):1546-1555.
[65]Reichheld F F.The loyalty effect:The hidden force behind growth,profits and lasting value[M].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,1996.
[66]Sahin A,et al.The effects of brand experiences,trust and satisfaction on building brand loyalty:An empirical research on global brands[J].Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,2011,24(1):1288-1301.
[67]Sarkar A.Understanding and measuring romantic brand love[J].Journal of Customer Behavior,2012,11(4):325-348.
[68]Schmitt B H.Experiential marketing:How to get customer to sense,feel,think,act and relate to your company and brand[M].New York:The Free Press,1999.
[69]Seiders K,et al.Do satisfied customers really buy more?Examining moderating influences in a retailing context[J].Journal of Marketing,2005,69(4):26-43.
[70]Sheth J N.How adults learn brand preference[J].Journal of Advertising Research,1968,8(3):25-36.
[71]Sheth J N and Park C W.A theory of multidimensional brand loyalty[J].Advances in Consumer Research,1974,1(1):449-459.
[72]Shimp T A and Madden T J.Consumer-object relations:A conceptual framework based analogously on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love[J].Advances in Consumer Research,1988,15(1):163-168.
[73]Smith R E and Swinyard W R.Attitude-behavior consistency:The impact of product trial versus advertising[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1983,19(3):257-267.
[74]Sternberg R J.A triangular theory of love[J].Psychological Review,1986,93(2):119-135.
[75]Stokburger-Sauer N,et al.Drivers of consumer-brand identification[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2012,29(4):406-418.
[76]Tajfel H and Turner J C.The social identity theory of intergroup behavior[A].in Worchel S and Austin W G(Eds.).Psychology of intergroup relations[C].Chicago:Nelson-Hall,1985:6-24.
[77]Thomson M,et al.The ties that bind:Measuring the strength of consumers’emotional attachments to brands[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2005,15(1):77-91.
[78]Thomson M.Human brands:Investigating antecedents to consumers’strong attachments to celebrities[J].Journal of Marketing,2006,70(3):104-119.
[79]Toffler A.Previews and premises[M].New York:William Morrow&Co.,1983.
[80]Vallerand R J.On passion for life activities:The dualistic model of passion[A].in Zanna M P(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology(Vol.42)[C].New York:Academic Press,2010:97-193.
[81]Voss G B.How complementarity and substitution alter the customer satisfaction-repurchase link[J].Journal of Marketing,2010,74(6):111-127.
[82]Whang Y O,et al.Falling in love with a product:The structure of a romantic consumer-product relationship[J].Advances in Consumer Research,2004,31(1):320-327.
[83]Wu X B,et al.Commitment,satisfaction,and customer loyalty:A theoretical explanation of the“satisfaction trap”[J].Service Industries Journal,2012,32(11):1759-1774.
[2]Agustin C and Singh J.Curvilinear effects of consumer loyalty determinants in relational exchanges[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2005,42(1):96-108.
[3]Ahuvia A C.I love it!Toward a unifying theory of love across diverse love objects[D].Doctoral Dissertations,Northwestern University,1993.
[4]Ahuvia A C.Beyond the extended self:Love objects and consumer’s identity narratives[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,32(1):171-184.
[5]Alba J W and Hutchinson J W.Dimensions of consumer expertise[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1987,13(4):411-454.
[6]Albert N,et al.When consumers love their brands:Exploring the concept and its dimensions[J].Journal of Business Research,2008,61(10):1062-1075.
[7]Albert N,et al.The feeling of love toward a brand:Concept and measurement[J].Advances in Consumer Research,2009,36(1):300-307.
[8]Albert N,et al.Brand passion:Antecedents and consequences[J].Journal of Business Research,2013,66(7):904-909.
[9]Algesheimer R,et al.The social influence of brand community:Evidence from European car clubs[J].Journal of Marketing,2005,69(3):19-34.
[10]Bagozzi R P and Dholakia U M.Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2006,23(1):45-61.
[11]Batra R,et al.Brand love[J].Journal of Marketing,2012,76(2):1-16.
[12]Bauer H,et al.How to create high emotional consumer-brand relationships?The causalities of brand passion[A].in Wiley J(Ed.).Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand marketing academy conference[C].Dunedin:University of Otago,2007:2189-2198.
[13]Bauer H,et al.All you need is love:Assessing consumers’brand love[A].in Michael K and Ingrid M M(Eds.).Proceedings of the American Marketing Association summer educators conference[C].Chicago:American Marketing Association,2009:252-253.
[14]Baumeister R F and Bratslavsky E.Passion,intimacy and time:Passionate love as a function of change in intimacy[J].Personality and Social Psychology Review,1999,3(1):49-67.
[15]Belk R W.Possessions and the extended self[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1988,15(2):139-168.
[16]Bergami M and Bagozzi R P.Self-categorization,affective commitment and group self-esteem as distinct aspects of social identity in the organization[J].British Journal of Social Psychology,2000,39(4):555-577.
[17]Borghini S,et al.Why are themed brand-stores so powerful?Retail brand ideology at American Girl Place[J].Journal of Retailing,2009,85(3):363-375.
[18]Bowlby J.Attachment and loss:Volume 1:Attachment[M].London:The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis,1969.
[19]Brakus J J,et al.Brand experience:What is it?How is it measured?Does it affect loyalty?[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(5):52-68.
[20]Carlson B D,et al.Social versus psychological brand community:The role of psychological sense of brand community[J].Journal of Business Research,2008,61(4):284-291.
[21]Carlson B D,et al.Human brands in sport:Athlete brand personality and identification[J].Journal of Sport Management,2009,37(4):370-384.
[22]Carroll B A and Ahuvia A C.Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love[J].Market Letters,2006,17(2):79-89.
[23]Chaudhuri A and Holbrook B M.The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affects to brand performance:The role of brand loyalty[J].Journal of Marketing,2001,65(2):81-93.
[24]Chiou J S and Shen C C.The effects of satisfaction,opportunism,and asset specificity on consumers’loyalty intention toward internet portal sites[J].International Journal Service Industry Management,2006,17(1):7-22.
[25]Del Rio A B,et al.The effects of brand associations on consumer response[J].Marketing Science,2001,18(5):410-425.
[26]Delgado-Ballester E,et al.Development and validation of a brand trust scale[J].International Journal of Market Research,2001,45(1):35-53.
[27]Dewey J.Human nature and conduct:An introduction to social psychology[M].New York:Henry Holt and Company,1922.
[28]Dick A and Basu K.Customer loyalty:Towards an integrated framework[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,1994,22(2):99-113.
[29]Diehm R and Armatas C.Surfing:An avenue for socially acceptable risk-taking,satisfying needs for sensation seeking and experience seeking[J].Personality and Individual Differences,2004,36(3):663-677.
[30]Donavan D T,et al.Environmental influences in corporate brand identification and outcomes[J].Journal of Brand Management,2006,14(1-2):125-136.
[31]Escalas J E and James R B.Self-construal,reference groups,and brand meaning[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2005,32(3):378-389.
[32]Fournier S.Consumers and their brands:Developing relationship theory in consumer research[J].Journal of Consumer Research,1998,24(4):343-373.
[33]Gobe M.Making the emotional connection[J].Brandweek,2001,42(5):23-27.
[34]Grace D.Examining service experiences and post-consumption evaluations[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2004,18(6):450-461.
[35]Ha H Y and Perks H.Effects of consumer perceptions of brand experience on the web:Brand familiarity,satisfaction and brand trust[J].Journal of Consumer Behavior,2005,4(6):438-452.
[36]Harrison-Walker J L.The measurement of word-of-mouth communication and an investigation of service quality and customer commitment as potential antecedents[J].Journal of Service Research,2001,4(1):60-75.
[37]Hazan C and Shaver P R.Attachment as an organizational framework for research on close relationships[J].Psychological Inquiry,1994,5(1):1-22.
[38]Hess J S.Construction and assessment of a scale to measure consumer trust[A].in Stern B B and Zinkhan G M(Eds.).Enhancing knowledge development in marketing(Vol.6)[C].Chicago:American Marketing Association,1995:20-25.
[39]Hoch S J.Product experience is seductive[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2002,29(3):448-454.
[40]Holbrook M B.The millennial consumer in the texts of our times:Experience and entertainment[J].Journal of Macromarketing,2000,20(2):178-192.
[41]Homburg C,et al.Social identity and the service-profit chain[J].Journal of Marketing,2009,73(2):38-54.
[42]Ismail A R.Experience marketing:An empirical investigation[J].Journal of Relationship Marketing,2011,10(3):167-201.
[43]Jacoby J and Kyner D B.Brand loyalty vs.repeat purchasing behavior[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1973,10(1):1-9.
[44]Jacoby J and Chestnut R.Brand loyalty:Measurement and management[M].New York:Wiley,1978.
[45]Johar J S and Sirgy J.Value:Expressive versus utilitarian advertising appeals:When and why to use which appeal[J].Journal of Advertising,1991,20(3):23-33.
[46]Keh H T,et al.Understanding and measuring brand love,in new frontiers in branding:Attitudes,attachments,and relationships[A].in Priester J R,Deborah J M and Whan P(Eds.).New frontiers in branding:Attitudes,attachments,and relationships[C].Santa Monica:Society for Consumer Psychology,2007:84-88.
[47]Keh H T and Xie Y.Corporate reputation and customer behavioral intentions:The roles of trust,identification and commitment[J].Industrial Marketing Management,2009,38(7):732-742.
[48]Kerin R A,et al.How are store shopping experience and consumer price-quality-value perceptions[J].Journal of Retailing,1992,68(4):376-397.
[49]Kim A C,et al.The effect of brand personality and brand identification on brand loyalty:Applying the theory of social identification[J].Japanese Psychological Research,2001,43(4):195-206.
[50]Kuenzel S and Halliday S V.The chain of effects from reputation and brand personality congruence to brand loyalty:The role of brand identification[J].Journal of Targeting,Measurement and Analysis for Marketing,2010,18(3/4):167-176.
[51]Iglesias O,et al.The role of brand experience and affective commitment in determining brand loyalty[J].Journal of Brand Management,2011,18(8):570-582.
[52]LarocheM,et al.The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers,value creation practices,brand trust and brand loyalty[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2012,28(5):1755-1767.
[53]Lars B and Bech-Larsen T.Two studies of consequences and actionable antecedents of brand love[J].Journal of Brand Management,2010,17(7):504-518.
[54]Morrison S and Crane G F.Building the service brand by creating and managing an emotional brand experience[J].Journal of Brand Management,2007,14(5):410-421.
[55]Moorman C,et al.Factors affecting trust in market research relationships[J].Journal of Marketing,1993,57(1):81-101.
[56]Morgan R M and Hunt S H.The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,1994,58(3):20-38.
[57]Newman J W and Richard A W.Multivariate analysis of brand loyalty for major household appliances[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1973,12(4):404-409.
[58]Nicola S S,et al.Drivers of consumer-brand identification[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2012,29(4):406-441.
[59]Oliver R L.Whence consumer loyalty[J].Journal of Marketing,1999,63(Special Issue):33-44.
[60]Park C W,et al.Beyond attitudes:Attachment and consumer behavior[J].Seoul Journal of Business,2006,12(2):3-35.
[61]Park C W,et al.Brand attachment and management of a strategic brand exemplar[A].in Schmitt B H and Rogers D L(Eds.).Handbook of brand and experience management[C].Northampton:Edward Elgar Publishing,2008:3-17.
[62]Park C W,et al.Brand attachment and brand attitude strength:Conceptual and empirical differentiation of two critical brand equity drivers[J].Journal of Marketing,2010,74(6):1-17.
[63]Pawle J and Cooper P.Measuring emotion-love marks,the future beyond brands[J].Journal of Advertising Research,2006,46(1):38-48.
[64]Pentina I,et al.Antecedents and consequences of trust in a social media brand:A cross-cultural study of Twitter[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2013,29(4):1546-1555.
[65]Reichheld F F.The loyalty effect:The hidden force behind growth,profits and lasting value[M].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,1996.
[66]Sahin A,et al.The effects of brand experiences,trust and satisfaction on building brand loyalty:An empirical research on global brands[J].Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,2011,24(1):1288-1301.
[67]Sarkar A.Understanding and measuring romantic brand love[J].Journal of Customer Behavior,2012,11(4):325-348.
[68]Schmitt B H.Experiential marketing:How to get customer to sense,feel,think,act and relate to your company and brand[M].New York:The Free Press,1999.
[69]Seiders K,et al.Do satisfied customers really buy more?Examining moderating influences in a retailing context[J].Journal of Marketing,2005,69(4):26-43.
[70]Sheth J N.How adults learn brand preference[J].Journal of Advertising Research,1968,8(3):25-36.
[71]Sheth J N and Park C W.A theory of multidimensional brand loyalty[J].Advances in Consumer Research,1974,1(1):449-459.
[72]Shimp T A and Madden T J.Consumer-object relations:A conceptual framework based analogously on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love[J].Advances in Consumer Research,1988,15(1):163-168.
[73]Smith R E and Swinyard W R.Attitude-behavior consistency:The impact of product trial versus advertising[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1983,19(3):257-267.
[74]Sternberg R J.A triangular theory of love[J].Psychological Review,1986,93(2):119-135.
[75]Stokburger-Sauer N,et al.Drivers of consumer-brand identification[J].International Journal of Research in Marketing,2012,29(4):406-418.
[76]Tajfel H and Turner J C.The social identity theory of intergroup behavior[A].in Worchel S and Austin W G(Eds.).Psychology of intergroup relations[C].Chicago:Nelson-Hall,1985:6-24.
[77]Thomson M,et al.The ties that bind:Measuring the strength of consumers’emotional attachments to brands[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2005,15(1):77-91.
[78]Thomson M.Human brands:Investigating antecedents to consumers’strong attachments to celebrities[J].Journal of Marketing,2006,70(3):104-119.
[79]Toffler A.Previews and premises[M].New York:William Morrow&Co.,1983.
[80]Vallerand R J.On passion for life activities:The dualistic model of passion[A].in Zanna M P(Ed.).Advances in experimental social psychology(Vol.42)[C].New York:Academic Press,2010:97-193.
[81]Voss G B.How complementarity and substitution alter the customer satisfaction-repurchase link[J].Journal of Marketing,2010,74(6):111-127.
[82]Whang Y O,et al.Falling in love with a product:The structure of a romantic consumer-product relationship[J].Advances in Consumer Research,2004,31(1):320-327.
[83]Wu X B,et al.Commitment,satisfaction,and customer loyalty:A theoretical explanation of the“satisfaction trap”[J].Service Industries Journal,2012,32(11):1759-1774.
朱振中, 李晓丹, 程钧谟. 基于品牌至爱的品牌忠诚形成机制研究[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(11): 33–44.