外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 10 期, 页码:1 - 12
②一阶因子(first-order factor)处于构念的最底层,与测量指标直接相关;对二阶构念而言,一阶因子是构念的维度;对三阶构念来说,一阶因子是构念的子维度。
③该标准由Jarvis等在其2003年发表在《Journal of Con-sumer Research》的论文中提出,是学术界公认的判定测量指标类别的经典标准之一,详见本文参考文献[10]。其中,反映型指标判定标准的要点有:(1)指标是构念的外在表现形式;(2)指标的变化不会影响构念;(3)构念的变化会影响指标;(4)各指标共同反映构念;(5)删除某个指标不会影响构念的完整性;(6)指标之间存在很大的共同变异;(7)各指标具有相同的前因和结果。
⑨Karahanna等(2006)梳理了前人的研究成果,并结合构念结构的相关判定标准(参见本文参考文献[10]),将“相容性”概念化为一个含有四个维度的伪多维构念,从而解决了前人将其概念化为LMC时出现的各维度间区分效度(discriminant va-lidity)未达标的问题。这是Karahanna等(2006)这项研究的最大贡献,或许也是此项研究成果能够在国际顶级杂志《MISQuarterly》上发表的重要原因之一。但任何方法都是“双刃剑”,由于把“相容性”作为伪多维构念处理,因此无法从构念整体层面对其做出任何判断。
⑩在后续的探索性因子分析(explorative factor analysis,EFA)中,此维度的部分指标没有达到标准。因此,Karahanna等(2006)未将其用于后续的路径分析。
[1]Barrutia J and Gilsanz A.E-service quality:Overview and re-search agenda[J].International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences,2009,1(1):29-50.
[2]Bauer H H,et al.ETransQual:A transaction process-based approach for capturing service quality in online shopping[J].Journal of Business Research,2006,59(7):866-875.
[3]Carlson J and O’Cass A.Exploring the relationships between e-service quality,satisfaction,attitudes and behaviors in con-tent-driven e-service web sites[J].Journal of Services Market-ing,2010,24(2):112-127.
[4]Collier J E and Bienstock C C.Measuring service quality in e-retailing[J].Journal of Service Research,2006,8(3):260-275.
[5]Fassnacht M and Koese I.Quality of electronic services:Con-ceptualizing and testing a hierarchical model[J].Journal of Service Research,2006,9(1):19-37.
[6]Grove S J,et al.The future of services marketing:Forecasts from ten services experts[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2003,17(2):107-121.
[7]Gummerus J,et al.Customer loyalty to content-based web-sites:The case of an online health-care service[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2004,18(3):175-186.
[8]Hart D N and Gregor S D.Information systems foundations:Theory,representation and reality[M].Canberra:ANUE Press,2007.
[9]Hassan H S,et al.Recent advances in e-service in the public sector:State-of-the-art and future trends[J].Business Process Management Journal,2011,11(3):526-545.
[10]Jarvis C B,et al.A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model misspecification in marketing and con-sumer research[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2003,30(2):199-218.
[11]Karahanna E,et al.Reconceptualizing compatibility beliefs in technology acceptance research[J].MIS Quarterly,2006,30(4):781-804.
[12]Kim H and Fesenmaier D R.Persuasive design of destination web sites:An analysis of first impression[J].Journal of Travel Research,2008,47(1):3-13.
[13]Kotler P.Marketing management:Analysis,planning,imple-mentation,and control[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1994.
[14]Koufteros X,et al.A paradigm for examining second-order factor models employing structural equation modeling[J].In-ternational Journal of Production Economics,2009,120(2):633-652.
[15]Ladhari R.Developing e-service quality scales:A literature review[J].Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,2010,17(6):464-477.
[16]Parasuraman A.Understanding and leveraging the role of customer service in external,interactive and internal marke-ting[R].Paper Presented at the1996Frontiers in Services Conference,Nashville,1996.
[17]Parasuraman A.Technology readiness index:A multiple-item scale to measure readiness to embrace new technologies[J].Journal of Service Research,2000,2(4):307-320.
[18]Parasuraman A and Colby C L.Techno-ready marketing:How and why your customers adopt technology[M].New York:The Free Press,2001.
[19]Parasuraman A and Grewal D.The impact of technology on the quality-value-loyalty chain:A research agenda[J].Jour-nal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2000,28(1):168-174.
[20]Parasuraman A,et al.E-S-QUAL:A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality[J].Journal of Service Re-search,2005,7(3):213-233.
[21]Parasuraman A and Zinkhan G M.Marketing to and serving customers through the internet:An overview and research a-genda[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2002,30(4):286-295.
[22]Park Y A and Gretzel U.Success factors for destination mar-keting web sites:A qualitative meta-analysis[J].Journal of Travel Research,2007,46(1):46-63.
[23]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[24]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Service-dominant logic continuing the evolution[J].Journal of the Academy Marketing Science,2008,36(1):1-10.
[25]Walczuch R,et al.The effect of service employees’technolo-gy readiness on technology acceptance[J].Information&Management,2007,44(2):206-215.
[26]Wolfinbarger M and Gilly M C.ETailQ:Dimensionalizing,measuring and predicting etail quality[J].Journal of Retai-ling,2003,79(3):183-198.
[27]Zeithaml V A,et al.Service quality delivery through web sites:A critical review of extant knowledge[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2002,30(4):362-375.
[28]Zhao X D,et al.Decision sciences research in China:Current status,opportunities and propositions for research in logis-tics,supply chain management and quality management[J].Decision Sciences,2007,38(1):39-80.
②一阶因子(first-order factor)处于构念的最底层,与测量指标直接相关;对二阶构念而言,一阶因子是构念的维度;对三阶构念来说,一阶因子是构念的子维度。
③该标准由Jarvis等在其2003年发表在《Journal of Con-sumer Research》的论文中提出,是学术界公认的判定测量指标类别的经典标准之一,详见本文参考文献[10]。其中,反映型指标判定标准的要点有:(1)指标是构念的外在表现形式;(2)指标的变化不会影响构念;(3)构念的变化会影响指标;(4)各指标共同反映构念;(5)删除某个指标不会影响构念的完整性;(6)指标之间存在很大的共同变异;(7)各指标具有相同的前因和结果。
⑨Karahanna等(2006)梳理了前人的研究成果,并结合构念结构的相关判定标准(参见本文参考文献[10]),将“相容性”概念化为一个含有四个维度的伪多维构念,从而解决了前人将其概念化为LMC时出现的各维度间区分效度(discriminant va-lidity)未达标的问题。这是Karahanna等(2006)这项研究的最大贡献,或许也是此项研究成果能够在国际顶级杂志《MISQuarterly》上发表的重要原因之一。但任何方法都是“双刃剑”,由于把“相容性”作为伪多维构念处理,因此无法从构念整体层面对其做出任何判断。
⑩在后续的探索性因子分析(explorative factor analysis,EFA)中,此维度的部分指标没有达到标准。因此,Karahanna等(2006)未将其用于后续的路径分析。
[1]Barrutia J and Gilsanz A.E-service quality:Overview and re-search agenda[J].International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences,2009,1(1):29-50.
[2]Bauer H H,et al.ETransQual:A transaction process-based approach for capturing service quality in online shopping[J].Journal of Business Research,2006,59(7):866-875.
[3]Carlson J and O’Cass A.Exploring the relationships between e-service quality,satisfaction,attitudes and behaviors in con-tent-driven e-service web sites[J].Journal of Services Market-ing,2010,24(2):112-127.
[4]Collier J E and Bienstock C C.Measuring service quality in e-retailing[J].Journal of Service Research,2006,8(3):260-275.
[5]Fassnacht M and Koese I.Quality of electronic services:Con-ceptualizing and testing a hierarchical model[J].Journal of Service Research,2006,9(1):19-37.
[6]Grove S J,et al.The future of services marketing:Forecasts from ten services experts[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2003,17(2):107-121.
[7]Gummerus J,et al.Customer loyalty to content-based web-sites:The case of an online health-care service[J].Journal of Services Marketing,2004,18(3):175-186.
[8]Hart D N and Gregor S D.Information systems foundations:Theory,representation and reality[M].Canberra:ANUE Press,2007.
[9]Hassan H S,et al.Recent advances in e-service in the public sector:State-of-the-art and future trends[J].Business Process Management Journal,2011,11(3):526-545.
[10]Jarvis C B,et al.A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model misspecification in marketing and con-sumer research[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2003,30(2):199-218.
[11]Karahanna E,et al.Reconceptualizing compatibility beliefs in technology acceptance research[J].MIS Quarterly,2006,30(4):781-804.
[12]Kim H and Fesenmaier D R.Persuasive design of destination web sites:An analysis of first impression[J].Journal of Travel Research,2008,47(1):3-13.
[13]Kotler P.Marketing management:Analysis,planning,imple-mentation,and control[M].Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice Hall,1994.
[14]Koufteros X,et al.A paradigm for examining second-order factor models employing structural equation modeling[J].In-ternational Journal of Production Economics,2009,120(2):633-652.
[15]Ladhari R.Developing e-service quality scales:A literature review[J].Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,2010,17(6):464-477.
[16]Parasuraman A.Understanding and leveraging the role of customer service in external,interactive and internal marke-ting[R].Paper Presented at the1996Frontiers in Services Conference,Nashville,1996.
[17]Parasuraman A.Technology readiness index:A multiple-item scale to measure readiness to embrace new technologies[J].Journal of Service Research,2000,2(4):307-320.
[18]Parasuraman A and Colby C L.Techno-ready marketing:How and why your customers adopt technology[M].New York:The Free Press,2001.
[19]Parasuraman A and Grewal D.The impact of technology on the quality-value-loyalty chain:A research agenda[J].Jour-nal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2000,28(1):168-174.
[20]Parasuraman A,et al.E-S-QUAL:A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality[J].Journal of Service Re-search,2005,7(3):213-233.
[21]Parasuraman A and Zinkhan G M.Marketing to and serving customers through the internet:An overview and research a-genda[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2002,30(4):286-295.
[22]Park Y A and Gretzel U.Success factors for destination mar-keting web sites:A qualitative meta-analysis[J].Journal of Travel Research,2007,46(1):46-63.
[23]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing[J].Journal of Marketing,2004,68(1):1-17.
[24]Vargo S L and Lusch R F.Service-dominant logic continuing the evolution[J].Journal of the Academy Marketing Science,2008,36(1):1-10.
[25]Walczuch R,et al.The effect of service employees’technolo-gy readiness on technology acceptance[J].Information&Management,2007,44(2):206-215.
[26]Wolfinbarger M and Gilly M C.ETailQ:Dimensionalizing,measuring and predicting etail quality[J].Journal of Retai-ling,2003,79(3):183-198.
[27]Zeithaml V A,et al.Service quality delivery through web sites:A critical review of extant knowledge[J].Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2002,30(4):362-375.
[28]Zhao X D,et al.Decision sciences research in China:Current status,opportunities and propositions for research in logis-tics,supply chain management and quality management[J].Decision Sciences,2007,38(1):39-80.
李雷, 简兆权. 国外电子服务质量研究述评与趋势展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(10): 1–12.