外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 02 期, 页码:35 - 42
③资料来源:Swiss Re.Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2008.Sigma,NO.2,2009。
[1]Argote L and Miron-Spektor E.Organizational learning:From experience to knowledge[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1123-1137.
[2]Barr P S.Adapting to unfamiliar environmental events:A look at the evolution of interpretation and its role in strategic change[J].Organization Science,1998,9(6):644-669.
[3]Beck T E and Plowman D A.Experiencing rare and unusual e-vents richly:The role of middle managers in animating and guiding organizational interpretation[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):909-924.
[4]Brown A D.Making sense of inquiry sensemaking[J].Journal of Management Studies,2000,37(1):45-75.
[5]Brown A D.Authoritative sensemaking in a public inquiry re-port[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(1):95-112.
[6]Christianson M K,et al.Learning through rare events:Signifi-cant interruptions at the Baltimore&Ohio Railroad Museum[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):846-860.
[7]Cyert R M and March J G.A behavioral theory of the firm[M].Englewood Cliffs:Prentice-Hall,1963.
[8]Day G S and Schoemaker P J H.Driving through the fog:Managing at the edge[J].Long Range Planning,2004,37(2):127-142.
[9]Garud R,et al.Dealing with unusual experiences:A narrative perspective on organizational learning[J].Organization Sci-ence,2011,22(3):587-601.
[10]Gavetti G.Cognition and hierarchy:Rethinking the micro-foundations of capabilities’development[J].Organization Sci-ence,2005,16(6):599-617.
[11]Gioia D A and Chittipeddi K.Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1991,12(6):433-448.
[12]Hoffman A J and Ocasio W.Not all events are attended e-qually:Toward a middle-range theory of industry attention to external events[J].Organization Science,2001,12(4):414-434.
[13]Isabella L A.Evolving interpretations as a change unfolds:How managers construe key organizational events[J].Aca-demy of Management Journal,1990,33(1):7-41.
[14]Kaplan S.Research in cognition and strategy:Reflections on two decades of progress and a look to the future[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(3):665-695.
[15]Lampel J,et al.Experiencing the improbable:Rare events and organizational learning[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):835-845.
[16]Madsen P M.These lives will not be lost in vain:Organiza-tional learning from disaster in US coal mining[J].Organiza-tion Science,2009,20(5):861-875.
[17]Madsen P M and Desai V.Failing to learn?The effects of failure and success on organizational learning in the global or-bital launch vehicle industry[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(3):451-476.
[18]Maitlis S and Sonenshein S.Sensemaking in crisis and change:Inspiration and insights from Weick(1988)[J].Jour-nal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):551-580.
[19]Mills C and O’Connell A.Making sense of bad news:The media,sensemaking,and organizational crisis[J].Canadian Journal of Communication,2003,28(3):323-339.
[20]Narayanan V K,et al.The cognitive perspective in strategy:An integrative review[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(1):305-351.
[21]Ocasio W.Towards an attention-based view of the firm[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(Special Issue):187-206.
[22]Ocasio W.Attention to attention[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1286-1296.
[23]Rerup C.Attentional triangulation:Learning from unexpect-ed rare crises[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):876-893.
[24]Starbuck W H.Cognitive reactions to rare events:Percep-tions,uncertainty,and learning[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):925-937.
[25]Tripsas M and Gavetti G.Capabilities,cognition,and inertia:Evidence from digital imaging[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,2000,21(10/11):1147-1161.
[26]Weber K and Glynn M A.Making sense with institutions:Context,thought and action in Karl Weick’s theory[J].Or-ganization Studies,2006,27(11):1639-1660.
[27]Weick K E.Reflections on enacted sensemaking in the Bhopal disaster[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):537-550.
[28]Wicks D.Institutionalized mindsets of invulnerability:Differ-entiated institutional fields and the antecedents of organiza-tional crisis[J].Organization Studies,2001,22(4):659-692.
[29]Zollo M.Superstitious learning with rare strategic decisions:Theory and evidence from corporate acquisitions[J].Organiza-tion Science,2009,20(5):894-908.
[1]Argote L and Miron-Spektor E.Organizational learning:From experience to knowledge[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1123-1137.
[2]Barr P S.Adapting to unfamiliar environmental events:A look at the evolution of interpretation and its role in strategic change[J].Organization Science,1998,9(6):644-669.
[3]Beck T E and Plowman D A.Experiencing rare and unusual e-vents richly:The role of middle managers in animating and guiding organizational interpretation[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):909-924.
[4]Brown A D.Making sense of inquiry sensemaking[J].Journal of Management Studies,2000,37(1):45-75.
[5]Brown A D.Authoritative sensemaking in a public inquiry re-port[J].Organization Studies,2004,25(1):95-112.
[6]Christianson M K,et al.Learning through rare events:Signifi-cant interruptions at the Baltimore&Ohio Railroad Museum[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):846-860.
[7]Cyert R M and March J G.A behavioral theory of the firm[M].Englewood Cliffs:Prentice-Hall,1963.
[8]Day G S and Schoemaker P J H.Driving through the fog:Managing at the edge[J].Long Range Planning,2004,37(2):127-142.
[9]Garud R,et al.Dealing with unusual experiences:A narrative perspective on organizational learning[J].Organization Sci-ence,2011,22(3):587-601.
[10]Gavetti G.Cognition and hierarchy:Rethinking the micro-foundations of capabilities’development[J].Organization Sci-ence,2005,16(6):599-617.
[11]Gioia D A and Chittipeddi K.Sensemaking and sensegiving in strategic change initiation[J].Strategic Management Journal,1991,12(6):433-448.
[12]Hoffman A J and Ocasio W.Not all events are attended e-qually:Toward a middle-range theory of industry attention to external events[J].Organization Science,2001,12(4):414-434.
[13]Isabella L A.Evolving interpretations as a change unfolds:How managers construe key organizational events[J].Aca-demy of Management Journal,1990,33(1):7-41.
[14]Kaplan S.Research in cognition and strategy:Reflections on two decades of progress and a look to the future[J].Journal of Management Studies,2011,48(3):665-695.
[15]Lampel J,et al.Experiencing the improbable:Rare events and organizational learning[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):835-845.
[16]Madsen P M.These lives will not be lost in vain:Organiza-tional learning from disaster in US coal mining[J].Organiza-tion Science,2009,20(5):861-875.
[17]Madsen P M and Desai V.Failing to learn?The effects of failure and success on organizational learning in the global or-bital launch vehicle industry[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(3):451-476.
[18]Maitlis S and Sonenshein S.Sensemaking in crisis and change:Inspiration and insights from Weick(1988)[J].Jour-nal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):551-580.
[19]Mills C and O’Connell A.Making sense of bad news:The media,sensemaking,and organizational crisis[J].Canadian Journal of Communication,2003,28(3):323-339.
[20]Narayanan V K,et al.The cognitive perspective in strategy:An integrative review[J].Journal of Management,2011,37(1):305-351.
[21]Ocasio W.Towards an attention-based view of the firm[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(Special Issue):187-206.
[22]Ocasio W.Attention to attention[J].Organization Science,2011,22(5):1286-1296.
[23]Rerup C.Attentional triangulation:Learning from unexpect-ed rare crises[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):876-893.
[24]Starbuck W H.Cognitive reactions to rare events:Percep-tions,uncertainty,and learning[J].Organization Science,2009,20(5):925-937.
[25]Tripsas M and Gavetti G.Capabilities,cognition,and inertia:Evidence from digital imaging[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,2000,21(10/11):1147-1161.
[26]Weber K and Glynn M A.Making sense with institutions:Context,thought and action in Karl Weick’s theory[J].Or-ganization Studies,2006,27(11):1639-1660.
[27]Weick K E.Reflections on enacted sensemaking in the Bhopal disaster[J].Journal of Management Studies,2010,47(3):537-550.
[28]Wicks D.Institutionalized mindsets of invulnerability:Differ-entiated institutional fields and the antecedents of organiza-tional crisis[J].Organization Studies,2001,22(4):659-692.
[29]Zollo M.Superstitious learning with rare strategic decisions:Theory and evidence from corporate acquisitions[J].Organiza-tion Science,2009,20(5):894-908.
邓少军, 赵付春. 组织非常规偶发事件认知研究评介与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(2): 35–42.