财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 09 期, 页码:15 - 26
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[10]Zhang T,Zou H.The growth impact of intersectoral and intergovernmental allocation of public expenditure:With application to China and India[J].China Economic Review,2001,12:58-81.
[2]Barro R.Government spending in a simple model endogenous growth[J].Journal of Po-litical Economy,1990,98:103-125.
[3]Baxter M,King R.Fiscal policy in general equilibrium[J].American Economic Review,1993,83:315-334.
[4]Canning D,Fay M.The effects of transportation networks on economic growth[R].Discussion paper(Columbia University,New York,NY),1993.
[5]Chen B L.Economic growth with an optimal public spending composition[J].Oxford E-conomic Papers,2006,58:123-136.
[6]Devarajan S,Swarwoop V,Zou H.The composition of public expenditure and economic growth[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1996,37:313-344.
[7]Futagami K,Morita Y,Shibata A.Dynamic analysis of an endogenous growth modelwith public capital[J].Scandinavian Journal of Economics,1993,95:607-625.
[8]Ghosh S,Roy U.Fiscal policy,long-run growth,and welfare in a stock-flow model of public goods[J].The Canadian Journal of Economics,2004,37:742-756.
[9]Xie D,Zou H,Davoodi H.Fiscal decentralization and economic growth in the United States[J].Journal of Urban Economics,1999,45:228-239.
[10]Zhang T,Zou H.The growth impact of intersectoral and intergovernmental allocation of public expenditure:With application to China and India[J].China Economic Review,2001,12:58-81.
李真男. 政府支出结构与税收分配比例的经济增长效应研究——财政分权体制下政府最大化社会福利机制推演[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(9): 15–26.