外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 05 期, 页码:50 - 59
[1]Ahuja G.Collaboration networks,structural holes,and inno-vation:A longitudinal study[J].Administrative Science Quar-terly,2000,45(3):425-455.
[2]Cantwell J and Piscitello L.Accumulating technological com-petence:Its changing impact on corporate diversification and internationalization[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2000,9(1):21-51.
[3]Chow C K-W and Fung M K-Y.Measuring the technological leadership of international joint ventures in a transforming e-conomy[J].Journal of Business Research,1997,39(2):147-157.
[4]Das T K and Teng B S.Between trust and control:Developing confidence in partner cooperation in alliances[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(3):491-512.
[5]Draulans J,et al.Building alliance capability:Management techniques for superior alliance performance[J].Long range Planning,2003,36(2):151-166.
[6]Dyer H,et al.The relational view:Cooperative strategy and sources of inter-organizational competitive advantage[J].A-cademy of Management Journal,1998,23(4):660-679.
[7]Dyer H J and Nobeoka K.Creating and managing a high-per-formance knowledge-sharing network:The Toyota case[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):345-367.
[8]Freeman C.Technological infrastructure and international competitiveness[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2004,13(3):541-569.
[9]Gawer A and Henderson R.Platform owner entry and innova-tion in complementary markets:Evidence from Intel[J].Journal of Economics&Management Strategy,2007,16(1):1-34.
[10]Gulati R.Does familiarity breed trust?The implications of repeated ties for contractual choice in alliances[J].Academy of Management Journal,1995,38(1):85-112.
[11]Gulati R.Alliances and networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(4):293-317.
[12]Han K,et al.Value cocreation and wealth spillover in open inno-vation alliances[J].MIS Quarterly,2012,36(1):291-315.
[13]Heimeriks K H and Duysters G.Alliance capability as a me-diator between experience and alliance performance:An em-pirical investigation into the alliance capability development process[J].Journal of Management Studies,2007,44(1):25-49.
[14]Helena Y,et al.Social capital,knowledge acquisition,and knowledge exploitation in young technology-based firms[J].Strategic Management Journal,2001,22(7):587-613.
[14]Inkpen A C and Tsang E W K.Social capital,networks,and knowledge transfer[J].Academy of Management Review,2005,30(1):146-166.
[15]Kale P,et al.Alliance capability,stock market response,and long-term alliance success:The role of the alliance function[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8):747-767.
[16]Kale P and Singh H.Building firm capabilities through learn-ing:The role of the alliance learning process in alliance capa-bility and firm-level alliance success[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(10):981-1000.
[17]Khanna T.The scope of alliances[J].Organization Science,1998,9(3):340-355.
[18]Kim J and Finkelstein S.The effects of strategic and market complementarity on acquisition performance:Evidence from the US commercial banking industry,1989-2001[J].Strate-gic Management Journal,2009,30(6):617-646.
[19]Kodama M.Innovation through boundary management—A case study in reforms at Matsushita electric[J].Technova-tion,2007,27(1/2):15-29.
[20]Mahmood I P,et al.Where can capabilities come from?Net-work ties and capability acquisition in business groups[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(8):820-848.
[21]Meyer K E,et al.Institutions,resources,and entry strategy in emerging economies[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30(1):61-80.
[22]Nielsen B B and Nielsen S.Learning and innovation in inter-national strategic alliances:An empirical test of the role of trust and tacitness[J].Journal of Management Studies,2009,46(6):1031-1056.
[23]Oliver C.Determinants Of interorganizational relationships:Integration and future directions[J].Academy of Management Review,1990,15(2):241-265.
[24]Perrons,R.K.The open kimono:How Intel balances trust and power to maintain platform leadership[J].Research Poli-cy,2009,38(8):1300-1312
[25]Phelps C C.A longitudinal study of the influence of alliance network structure and composition on firm exploratory inno-vation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(4):890-913.
[26]Revilla E and Villena V H.Knowledge integration taxonomy in buyer-supplier relationships:Trade-offs between efficiency and innovation[J].International Journal of Production Eco-nomics,2012,140(2):854-864.
[27]Rodan S and Galunic C.More than network structure:How knowledge heterogeneity influences managerial performance and innovativeness[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(6):541-562.
[28]Schreiner M,et al.What really is alliance management capa-bility and how does it impact alliance outcomes and success?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30(13):1395-1419.
[29]Shah R H and Swaminathan V.Factors influencing partner selection in strategic alliances:The moderating role of alliance context[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(5):471-494.
[30]Shaner J and Maznevski M.The relationship between net-works,institutional development,and performance in foreign investments[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(5):556-568.
[31]Ulrich,K T and Ellison D J.Beyond make-buy:Internaliza-tion and integration of design and production[J].Production Operation Management,2005,14(3):315-331.
[32]Van de Ven A H and Grazman D N.Technological innova-tion,learning,and leadership[A].Garud R,et al(Eds.).Technological innovation:Oversights and foresights[C].New York:Cambridge University,1997:279-305.
[33]Yao Z,et al.Knowledge complementarity,knowledge absorp-tion effectiveness,and new product performance:The explo-ration of international joint ventures in China[J].International Business Review,2013,22(1):216-227.
[34]Zaheer A and Bell G G.Benefiting from network position:Firm capabilities,structural holes and performance[J].Strate-gic Management Journal,2005,26(9):809-825.
[2]Cantwell J and Piscitello L.Accumulating technological com-petence:Its changing impact on corporate diversification and internationalization[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2000,9(1):21-51.
[3]Chow C K-W and Fung M K-Y.Measuring the technological leadership of international joint ventures in a transforming e-conomy[J].Journal of Business Research,1997,39(2):147-157.
[4]Das T K and Teng B S.Between trust and control:Developing confidence in partner cooperation in alliances[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(3):491-512.
[5]Draulans J,et al.Building alliance capability:Management techniques for superior alliance performance[J].Long range Planning,2003,36(2):151-166.
[6]Dyer H,et al.The relational view:Cooperative strategy and sources of inter-organizational competitive advantage[J].A-cademy of Management Journal,1998,23(4):660-679.
[7]Dyer H J and Nobeoka K.Creating and managing a high-per-formance knowledge-sharing network:The Toyota case[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):345-367.
[8]Freeman C.Technological infrastructure and international competitiveness[J].Industrial and Corporate Change,2004,13(3):541-569.
[9]Gawer A and Henderson R.Platform owner entry and innova-tion in complementary markets:Evidence from Intel[J].Journal of Economics&Management Strategy,2007,16(1):1-34.
[10]Gulati R.Does familiarity breed trust?The implications of repeated ties for contractual choice in alliances[J].Academy of Management Journal,1995,38(1):85-112.
[11]Gulati R.Alliances and networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(4):293-317.
[12]Han K,et al.Value cocreation and wealth spillover in open inno-vation alliances[J].MIS Quarterly,2012,36(1):291-315.
[13]Heimeriks K H and Duysters G.Alliance capability as a me-diator between experience and alliance performance:An em-pirical investigation into the alliance capability development process[J].Journal of Management Studies,2007,44(1):25-49.
[14]Helena Y,et al.Social capital,knowledge acquisition,and knowledge exploitation in young technology-based firms[J].Strategic Management Journal,2001,22(7):587-613.
[14]Inkpen A C and Tsang E W K.Social capital,networks,and knowledge transfer[J].Academy of Management Review,2005,30(1):146-166.
[15]Kale P,et al.Alliance capability,stock market response,and long-term alliance success:The role of the alliance function[J].Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8):747-767.
[16]Kale P and Singh H.Building firm capabilities through learn-ing:The role of the alliance learning process in alliance capa-bility and firm-level alliance success[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(10):981-1000.
[17]Khanna T.The scope of alliances[J].Organization Science,1998,9(3):340-355.
[18]Kim J and Finkelstein S.The effects of strategic and market complementarity on acquisition performance:Evidence from the US commercial banking industry,1989-2001[J].Strate-gic Management Journal,2009,30(6):617-646.
[19]Kodama M.Innovation through boundary management—A case study in reforms at Matsushita electric[J].Technova-tion,2007,27(1/2):15-29.
[20]Mahmood I P,et al.Where can capabilities come from?Net-work ties and capability acquisition in business groups[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(8):820-848.
[21]Meyer K E,et al.Institutions,resources,and entry strategy in emerging economies[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30(1):61-80.
[22]Nielsen B B and Nielsen S.Learning and innovation in inter-national strategic alliances:An empirical test of the role of trust and tacitness[J].Journal of Management Studies,2009,46(6):1031-1056.
[23]Oliver C.Determinants Of interorganizational relationships:Integration and future directions[J].Academy of Management Review,1990,15(2):241-265.
[24]Perrons,R.K.The open kimono:How Intel balances trust and power to maintain platform leadership[J].Research Poli-cy,2009,38(8):1300-1312
[25]Phelps C C.A longitudinal study of the influence of alliance network structure and composition on firm exploratory inno-vation[J].Academy of Management Journal,2010,53(4):890-913.
[26]Revilla E and Villena V H.Knowledge integration taxonomy in buyer-supplier relationships:Trade-offs between efficiency and innovation[J].International Journal of Production Eco-nomics,2012,140(2):854-864.
[27]Rodan S and Galunic C.More than network structure:How knowledge heterogeneity influences managerial performance and innovativeness[J].Strategic Management Journal,2004,25(6):541-562.
[28]Schreiner M,et al.What really is alliance management capa-bility and how does it impact alliance outcomes and success?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2009,30(13):1395-1419.
[29]Shah R H and Swaminathan V.Factors influencing partner selection in strategic alliances:The moderating role of alliance context[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(5):471-494.
[30]Shaner J and Maznevski M.The relationship between net-works,institutional development,and performance in foreign investments[J].Strategic Management Journal,2011,32(5):556-568.
[31]Ulrich,K T and Ellison D J.Beyond make-buy:Internaliza-tion and integration of design and production[J].Production Operation Management,2005,14(3):315-331.
[32]Van de Ven A H and Grazman D N.Technological innova-tion,learning,and leadership[A].Garud R,et al(Eds.).Technological innovation:Oversights and foresights[C].New York:Cambridge University,1997:279-305.
[33]Yao Z,et al.Knowledge complementarity,knowledge absorp-tion effectiveness,and new product performance:The explo-ration of international joint ventures in China[J].International Business Review,2013,22(1):216-227.
[34]Zaheer A and Bell G G.Benefiting from network position:Firm capabilities,structural holes and performance[J].Strate-gic Management Journal,2005,26(9):809-825.
郝斌, 刘石兰, 任浩. 企业间领导力理论和实践溯源与层次结构探讨[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(5): 50–59.