外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:71 - 80
[1]Ackerman J M,et al.You wear me out:The vicarious deple-tion of self-control[J].Psychological Science,2009,20(3):326-332.
[2]Barnes C M and Wagner D T.Changing to daylight saving time cuts into sleep and increases workplace injuries[J].Jour-nal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(5):1305-1317.
[3]Barnes C M,et al.Lack of sleep and unethical conduct[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2011,115(2):169-180.
[4]Boucher H C,et al.The idea of money counteracts ego deple-tion effects[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2012,48(4):804-810.
[5]Bucciol A,et al.Temptation and productivity:A field experi-ment with children[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Or-ganization,2011,78(12):126-136.
[6]Christian M S and Ellis A P J.Examining the effects of sleep deprivation on workplace deviance:A self-regulatory perspec-tive[J].Academy of Management Journal,2011,54(5):913-934.
[7]DeWall C N,et al.How leaders self-regulate their task per-formance:Evidence that power promotes diligence,depletion,disdain[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psycho-logy,2011,100(1):47-65.
[8]Diestel S and Schmidt K-H.Costs of simultaneous coping with emotional dissonance and self-control demands at work:Results from two German samples[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(3):643-653.
[9]Fennis B M,et al.Acts of benevolence:A limited-resource account of compliance with charitable requests[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2009,35(6):906-924.
[10]Freeman N and Muraven M.Don’t interrupt me!Task in-terruption depletes the self’s limited resources[J].Motivation and Emotion,2010,34(3):230-241.
[11]Gailliot M T,et al.Stereotypes and prejudice in the blood:Sucrose drinks reduce prejudice and stereotyping[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2009,45(1):288-290.
[12]Gino F,et al.Unable to resist temptation:How self-control depletion promotes unethical behavior[J].Organizational Be-havior and Human Decision Processes,2011,115(2):191-203.
[13]Hagger M S,et al.Ego depletion and the strength model of self-control:A meta-analysis[J].Psychological Bulletin,2010,136(4):495-525.
[14]Hofmann W,et al.Everyday temptations:An experience sampling study of desire,conflict,and self-control[J].Jour-nal of Personality and Social Psychology,2012,102(6):1318-1335.
[15]Inzlicht M,et al.Stereotype threat spillover:How coping with threats to social identity affects aggression,eating,deci-sion making and attention[J].Journal of Personality and So-cial Psychology,2010,99(3):467-481.
[16]Lim J and Dinges D F.A meta-analysis of the impact of short-term sleep deprivation on cognitive variables[J].Psy-chological Bulletin,2010,136(3):375-389.
[17]Masicampo E J and Baumeister R F.Unfulfilled goals inter-fere with tasks that require executive functions[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2011,47(2):300-311.
[18]Moller A C,et al.Choice and ego-depletion:The modera-ting role of autonomy[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2006,32(8):1024-1036.
[19]Muraven M,et al.Lack of autonomy and self-control:Per-formance contingent rewards lead to greater depletion[J].Motivation and Emotion,2007,31(4):322-330.
[20]Muraven M.Building self-control strength:Practicing self-control leads to improved self-control performance[J].Jour-nal of Experimental Social Psychology,2010,46(2):465-468.
[21]Restubog S L D,et al.Yielding to(cyber)-temptation:Ex-ploring the buffering role of self-control in the relationship be-tween organizational justice and cyberloafing behavior in the workplace[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2010,45(2):247-251.
[22]Righetti F and Finkenauer C.If you are able to control your-self,I will trust you:The role of perceived self-control in in-terpersonal trust[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psy-chology,2011,100(5):874-886.
[23]Schmidt K H and Neubach B.Self-control demands:A source of stress at work[J].International Journal of Stress Management,2007,14(4):398-416.
[24]Thau S and Mitchell M S.Self-gain or self-regulation impair-ment?Tests of competing explanations of the supervisor a-buse and employee deviance relationship through perceptions of distributive justice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,95(6):1009-1031.
[25]Tice D M,et al.Restoring the self:Positive affect helps im-prove self-regulation following ego depletion[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2007,43(3):379-384.
[26]Vohs K D,et al.Making choices impairs subsequent self-control:A limited-resource account of decision making,self-regulation,and active initiative[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,94(5):883-898.
[27]Wagner D T,et al.Lost sleep and cyberloafing:Evidence from the laboratory and a daylight saving time quasi-experi-ment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(5):1068-1076.
[28]Zyphur M J,et al.Self-regulation and performance in high-fidelity simulations:A extension of ego-depletion research[J].Human Performance,2007,20(2):103-118.
[2]Barnes C M and Wagner D T.Changing to daylight saving time cuts into sleep and increases workplace injuries[J].Jour-nal of Applied Psychology,2009,94(5):1305-1317.
[3]Barnes C M,et al.Lack of sleep and unethical conduct[J].Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2011,115(2):169-180.
[4]Boucher H C,et al.The idea of money counteracts ego deple-tion effects[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2012,48(4):804-810.
[5]Bucciol A,et al.Temptation and productivity:A field experi-ment with children[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Or-ganization,2011,78(12):126-136.
[6]Christian M S and Ellis A P J.Examining the effects of sleep deprivation on workplace deviance:A self-regulatory perspec-tive[J].Academy of Management Journal,2011,54(5):913-934.
[7]DeWall C N,et al.How leaders self-regulate their task per-formance:Evidence that power promotes diligence,depletion,disdain[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psycho-logy,2011,100(1):47-65.
[8]Diestel S and Schmidt K-H.Costs of simultaneous coping with emotional dissonance and self-control demands at work:Results from two German samples[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,96(3):643-653.
[9]Fennis B M,et al.Acts of benevolence:A limited-resource account of compliance with charitable requests[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2009,35(6):906-924.
[10]Freeman N and Muraven M.Don’t interrupt me!Task in-terruption depletes the self’s limited resources[J].Motivation and Emotion,2010,34(3):230-241.
[11]Gailliot M T,et al.Stereotypes and prejudice in the blood:Sucrose drinks reduce prejudice and stereotyping[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2009,45(1):288-290.
[12]Gino F,et al.Unable to resist temptation:How self-control depletion promotes unethical behavior[J].Organizational Be-havior and Human Decision Processes,2011,115(2):191-203.
[13]Hagger M S,et al.Ego depletion and the strength model of self-control:A meta-analysis[J].Psychological Bulletin,2010,136(4):495-525.
[14]Hofmann W,et al.Everyday temptations:An experience sampling study of desire,conflict,and self-control[J].Jour-nal of Personality and Social Psychology,2012,102(6):1318-1335.
[15]Inzlicht M,et al.Stereotype threat spillover:How coping with threats to social identity affects aggression,eating,deci-sion making and attention[J].Journal of Personality and So-cial Psychology,2010,99(3):467-481.
[16]Lim J and Dinges D F.A meta-analysis of the impact of short-term sleep deprivation on cognitive variables[J].Psy-chological Bulletin,2010,136(3):375-389.
[17]Masicampo E J and Baumeister R F.Unfulfilled goals inter-fere with tasks that require executive functions[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2011,47(2):300-311.
[18]Moller A C,et al.Choice and ego-depletion:The modera-ting role of autonomy[J].Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,2006,32(8):1024-1036.
[19]Muraven M,et al.Lack of autonomy and self-control:Per-formance contingent rewards lead to greater depletion[J].Motivation and Emotion,2007,31(4):322-330.
[20]Muraven M.Building self-control strength:Practicing self-control leads to improved self-control performance[J].Jour-nal of Experimental Social Psychology,2010,46(2):465-468.
[21]Restubog S L D,et al.Yielding to(cyber)-temptation:Ex-ploring the buffering role of self-control in the relationship be-tween organizational justice and cyberloafing behavior in the workplace[J].Journal of Research in Personality,2010,45(2):247-251.
[22]Righetti F and Finkenauer C.If you are able to control your-self,I will trust you:The role of perceived self-control in in-terpersonal trust[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psy-chology,2011,100(5):874-886.
[23]Schmidt K H and Neubach B.Self-control demands:A source of stress at work[J].International Journal of Stress Management,2007,14(4):398-416.
[24]Thau S and Mitchell M S.Self-gain or self-regulation impair-ment?Tests of competing explanations of the supervisor a-buse and employee deviance relationship through perceptions of distributive justice[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,95(6):1009-1031.
[25]Tice D M,et al.Restoring the self:Positive affect helps im-prove self-regulation following ego depletion[J].Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,2007,43(3):379-384.
[26]Vohs K D,et al.Making choices impairs subsequent self-control:A limited-resource account of decision making,self-regulation,and active initiative[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,94(5):883-898.
[27]Wagner D T,et al.Lost sleep and cyberloafing:Evidence from the laboratory and a daylight saving time quasi-experi-ment[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,2012,97(5):1068-1076.
[28]Zyphur M J,et al.Self-regulation and performance in high-fidelity simulations:A extension of ego-depletion research[J].Human Performance,2007,20(2):103-118.
王忠军, 袁德勇, 龙立荣. 工作中自我损耗的来源、影响与应对研究探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(2): 71–80.