外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:43 - 51
[1]Bygrave W D and Timmons J.Venture capital at the cross-roads[M].Boston:Harvard Business School Press,1992.
[2]Chen H,et al.Buy local?The geography of successful and venture capital expansion[J].Journal of Urban Economics,2010,67(1):1-27.
[3]Christensen J L.Venture capital as regional development strategy[R].Regional Studies Association Conference,Europe at the Margins,2004:1-34.
[4]Cornelius B.The institutionalization of venture capital[J].Technovation,2005,25(6):599-608.
[5]Cumming D and Dai N.Local bias in venture capital invest-ments[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2010,17(3):362-380.
[6]Desrochers P.Geographical proximity and the transmission of tacit knowledge[J].Review of Austrian Economics,2001,14(1):25-46.
[7]Doran A and Bannock G.Publicly sponsored regional venture capital:What can the UK learn from the US experience?[J].Venture Capital:An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance,2000,2(4):255-283.
[8]Ferrary M and Granovetter M.The role of venture capital firms in Silicon Valley’s complex innovation network[J].E-conomy and Society,2009,38(2):326-359.
[9]Florida R L and Kenney M.Venture capital,high technology and regional development[J].Regional Studies,1988,22(1):33-48.
[10]Florida R L and Smith D F.Venture capital formation,in-vestment,and regional industrialization[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1993,83(3):434-451.
[11]Fritsch M and Schilder D.Does venture capital investment really require spatial proximity?An empirical investigation[J].Environment and Planning,2008,40(9):2114-2131.
[12]Fritsch M and Schilder D.The regional supply of venture capital:Can syndication overcome bottlenecks?[J].Economic Geogra-phy,2012,88(1):59-76.
[13]Gebhardt G A.Soft budget constraint explanation for the venture capital cycle[J].German Economic Review,2009,10(1):71-90.
[14]Gompers P and Lerner J.What drives venture capital fund-raising?[R].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity-Micro-economics,1998,(8):149-192.
[15]Gompers P and Lerner J.The venture capital revolution[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2001,15(2):145-168.
[16]Green M B.Venture capital investment in the United States 1995-2002[J].Industrial Geographer,2004,2(1):2-30.
[17]Guilhon B and Sandra M.The dynamics of venture capital in-dustry[J].International Journal of Technology Manage-ment,2006,34(2):146-160.
[18]Gupta A K and Sapienza H J.Determinants of venture capital firms’preferences regarding the industry diversity and geo-graphic scope of their investments[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1992,7(5):347-362.
[19]Kortum S and Lerner J.Does venture capital spur innova-tion?[J].Rand Journal of Economics,2000,31(4):1-37.
[20]Leinbach T R and Amrhein C.A geography of the venture capital industry in the USA[J].Professional Geographer,1987,39(2):146-158.
[21]Lerner J.Geography,venture capital,and public policy[J].Policy Brief,2010,25(3):1-8.
[22]Martin R.The growth and geographical anatomy of venture capitalism in the United Kingdom[J].Regional Studies,1989,23(5):389-403.
[23]Martin R,et al.Taking risks in regions:The geographical a-natomy of Europe’s emerging venture capital market[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2002,2(2):121-150.
[24]Martin R,et al.Spatial proximity effects and regional equity gaps in the venture capital market evidence from Germany and the United Kingdom[J].Environment and Planning,2005,37(7):1207-1231.
[25]Mason C M and Harrison R T.The geography of venture capital investments in the UK[J].Transactions of the Insti-tute of British Geographers,2002,27(4):427-451.
[26]McNaughton R B and Green M B.Spatial patterns of Canadi-an venture capital investment[J].Regional Studies,1989,23(1):9-18.
[27]McNaughton R B and Green M B.Changes in inter-corporate ownership and aggregate industry diversification in the Cana-dian economy1976-1995[J].Journal of Management Histo-ry,2006,12(1):71-89.
[28]Powell W W,et al.The spatial clustering of science and cap-ital:Accounting for biotech firm-venture capital relationships[J].Regional Studies,2002,36(3):291-305.
[29]Sorenson O and Stuart T E.Syndication networks and the spatial distribution of venture capital investments[J].Ameri-can Journal of Sociology,2001,106(6):1546-1588.
[30]Subhash K B.Geography of venture capital financing:A global perspective[J].Journal of Wealth Management,2007,37(3):13-28.
[31]Thompson C.The geography of venture capital[J].Progress in Human Geography,1989,13(1):62-98.
[32]Vass T E.Will more venture capital spur regional innova-tion?[R].Private Capital Market Working Paper,2008:1-6.
[33]Wonglimpiyarat J.Financing innovative businesses through venture capital[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,2009,9(4):380-395.
[34]Wray F.Rethinking the venture capital industry:Relational geographies and impacts of venture capitalists in two UK re-gions[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2012,12(1):297-319.
[35]Zook M A.Grounded capital:Venture financing and the geography of the Internet industry,1994-2000[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2002,2(2):151-177.
[2]Chen H,et al.Buy local?The geography of successful and venture capital expansion[J].Journal of Urban Economics,2010,67(1):1-27.
[3]Christensen J L.Venture capital as regional development strategy[R].Regional Studies Association Conference,Europe at the Margins,2004:1-34.
[4]Cornelius B.The institutionalization of venture capital[J].Technovation,2005,25(6):599-608.
[5]Cumming D and Dai N.Local bias in venture capital invest-ments[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2010,17(3):362-380.
[6]Desrochers P.Geographical proximity and the transmission of tacit knowledge[J].Review of Austrian Economics,2001,14(1):25-46.
[7]Doran A and Bannock G.Publicly sponsored regional venture capital:What can the UK learn from the US experience?[J].Venture Capital:An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance,2000,2(4):255-283.
[8]Ferrary M and Granovetter M.The role of venture capital firms in Silicon Valley’s complex innovation network[J].E-conomy and Society,2009,38(2):326-359.
[9]Florida R L and Kenney M.Venture capital,high technology and regional development[J].Regional Studies,1988,22(1):33-48.
[10]Florida R L and Smith D F.Venture capital formation,in-vestment,and regional industrialization[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1993,83(3):434-451.
[11]Fritsch M and Schilder D.Does venture capital investment really require spatial proximity?An empirical investigation[J].Environment and Planning,2008,40(9):2114-2131.
[12]Fritsch M and Schilder D.The regional supply of venture capital:Can syndication overcome bottlenecks?[J].Economic Geogra-phy,2012,88(1):59-76.
[13]Gebhardt G A.Soft budget constraint explanation for the venture capital cycle[J].German Economic Review,2009,10(1):71-90.
[14]Gompers P and Lerner J.What drives venture capital fund-raising?[R].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity-Micro-economics,1998,(8):149-192.
[15]Gompers P and Lerner J.The venture capital revolution[J].Journal of Economic Perspectives,2001,15(2):145-168.
[16]Green M B.Venture capital investment in the United States 1995-2002[J].Industrial Geographer,2004,2(1):2-30.
[17]Guilhon B and Sandra M.The dynamics of venture capital in-dustry[J].International Journal of Technology Manage-ment,2006,34(2):146-160.
[18]Gupta A K and Sapienza H J.Determinants of venture capital firms’preferences regarding the industry diversity and geo-graphic scope of their investments[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1992,7(5):347-362.
[19]Kortum S and Lerner J.Does venture capital spur innova-tion?[J].Rand Journal of Economics,2000,31(4):1-37.
[20]Leinbach T R and Amrhein C.A geography of the venture capital industry in the USA[J].Professional Geographer,1987,39(2):146-158.
[21]Lerner J.Geography,venture capital,and public policy[J].Policy Brief,2010,25(3):1-8.
[22]Martin R.The growth and geographical anatomy of venture capitalism in the United Kingdom[J].Regional Studies,1989,23(5):389-403.
[23]Martin R,et al.Taking risks in regions:The geographical a-natomy of Europe’s emerging venture capital market[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2002,2(2):121-150.
[24]Martin R,et al.Spatial proximity effects and regional equity gaps in the venture capital market evidence from Germany and the United Kingdom[J].Environment and Planning,2005,37(7):1207-1231.
[25]Mason C M and Harrison R T.The geography of venture capital investments in the UK[J].Transactions of the Insti-tute of British Geographers,2002,27(4):427-451.
[26]McNaughton R B and Green M B.Spatial patterns of Canadi-an venture capital investment[J].Regional Studies,1989,23(1):9-18.
[27]McNaughton R B and Green M B.Changes in inter-corporate ownership and aggregate industry diversification in the Cana-dian economy1976-1995[J].Journal of Management Histo-ry,2006,12(1):71-89.
[28]Powell W W,et al.The spatial clustering of science and cap-ital:Accounting for biotech firm-venture capital relationships[J].Regional Studies,2002,36(3):291-305.
[29]Sorenson O and Stuart T E.Syndication networks and the spatial distribution of venture capital investments[J].Ameri-can Journal of Sociology,2001,106(6):1546-1588.
[30]Subhash K B.Geography of venture capital financing:A global perspective[J].Journal of Wealth Management,2007,37(3):13-28.
[31]Thompson C.The geography of venture capital[J].Progress in Human Geography,1989,13(1):62-98.
[32]Vass T E.Will more venture capital spur regional innova-tion?[R].Private Capital Market Working Paper,2008:1-6.
[33]Wonglimpiyarat J.Financing innovative businesses through venture capital[J].International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,2009,9(4):380-395.
[34]Wray F.Rethinking the venture capital industry:Relational geographies and impacts of venture capitalists in two UK re-gions[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2012,12(1):297-319.
[35]Zook M A.Grounded capital:Venture financing and the geography of the Internet industry,1994-2000[J].Journal of Economic Geography,2002,2(2):151-177.
马军伟. 创业投资集聚研究评介及未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(2): 43–51.