财经研究 2009 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:5 - 16
[1]如果这个式子得不到满足,那么消费占整个收入的比重要么缩小到0,要么扩大到1,这显然与事实不符。具体推导可参见David Romer(2001),Advanced Macroeconomics,pp:49.60。
[2]Aghion P,Bolton P.Anincomplete contracts approach to financial contracting[J].Re.viewof Economic Studies,1992,(3):473.494.
[3]Acemoglu D,Robinson J A.Why did the West extend the franchise?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2000,(4):1167.1199.
[4]Alesina A,Perotti R.Income distribution,political instability,and invest ment[J].Eu.ropean Economic Review,1996,(5):1170.1189.
[5]Alesina A,Rodrik D.Distributive politics and economic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1994,(2):465.490.
[6]Banerjee A,Newman A.Risk.bearing and the theory of income distribution[J].Review of Economic Studies,1991,(2):211.235.
[7]Barro RJ.Economic growthin a cross section of countries[J].Quarterly Journal of Eco.nomics,1991,(2):407.443.
[8]Barro R J.Inequality and growth in a panel of countries[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2000,(5):5.32.
[9]Benabou R.Inequality and growth[R].NBER Working Paper no.5658,1996.
[10]Benhabib J,Rustichini A.Social conflict and growth[J].Journal of Economic Growth,1996,(3):129.146.
[11]Benhabib J,Spiegal M.Role of human capital in economic development fromaggregate cross.country data[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1994,(2):143.173.
[12]Bertola G.Factor shares and savings in endogenous growth[J].American Economic Review,1993(5):1184.1198.
[13]Castello A.Areassessment of the relationship between inequality and growth:What human capital inequality data say?[R].IVIE Working Paper no.15,2004.
[14]Deininger K,Squire L.A new data set measuring income inequality[J].World Bank E.conomic Review,1996,(3):563.591.
[15]de la Croix D,Doepke M.Inequality and growth:Why differential fertility matters[J].American Economic Review,2003,(4):1091.1113.
[16]Fobes K.A reassessment of the relationship between inequality and growth[J].A.merican Economic Review,2000,(4):869.887.
[17]Glor O,Moav O.From physical to human capital accumulation:Inequality and the process of development[J].Reviewof Economic Studies,2004,(4):1001.1026.
[18]Galor O,Zang H.Fertility,income distribution,and economic growth:Theory and cross.country evidence[J].Japan and the World Economy,1997,(2):197.229.
[19]Galor O,Zeira J.Income distribution and macroeconomics[J].Review of Economic Studies,1993,(1):35.52.
[20]Grossman H,Ki m M.Inequality,predation and welfare[R],NBER Working Papers5704,1996.
[21]Gylfason T,Zoega G.Natural resources and economic growth:The role of invest ment[R].Working Papers Central Bank of Chile142,2002.
[2]Aghion P,Bolton P.Anincomplete contracts approach to financial contracting[J].Re.viewof Economic Studies,1992,(3):473.494.
[3]Acemoglu D,Robinson J A.Why did the West extend the franchise?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2000,(4):1167.1199.
[4]Alesina A,Perotti R.Income distribution,political instability,and invest ment[J].Eu.ropean Economic Review,1996,(5):1170.1189.
[5]Alesina A,Rodrik D.Distributive politics and economic growth[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1994,(2):465.490.
[6]Banerjee A,Newman A.Risk.bearing and the theory of income distribution[J].Review of Economic Studies,1991,(2):211.235.
[7]Barro RJ.Economic growthin a cross section of countries[J].Quarterly Journal of Eco.nomics,1991,(2):407.443.
[8]Barro R J.Inequality and growth in a panel of countries[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2000,(5):5.32.
[9]Benabou R.Inequality and growth[R].NBER Working Paper no.5658,1996.
[10]Benhabib J,Rustichini A.Social conflict and growth[J].Journal of Economic Growth,1996,(3):129.146.
[11]Benhabib J,Spiegal M.Role of human capital in economic development fromaggregate cross.country data[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1994,(2):143.173.
[12]Bertola G.Factor shares and savings in endogenous growth[J].American Economic Review,1993(5):1184.1198.
[13]Castello A.Areassessment of the relationship between inequality and growth:What human capital inequality data say?[R].IVIE Working Paper no.15,2004.
[14]Deininger K,Squire L.A new data set measuring income inequality[J].World Bank E.conomic Review,1996,(3):563.591.
[15]de la Croix D,Doepke M.Inequality and growth:Why differential fertility matters[J].American Economic Review,2003,(4):1091.1113.
[16]Fobes K.A reassessment of the relationship between inequality and growth[J].A.merican Economic Review,2000,(4):869.887.
[17]Glor O,Moav O.From physical to human capital accumulation:Inequality and the process of development[J].Reviewof Economic Studies,2004,(4):1001.1026.
[18]Galor O,Zang H.Fertility,income distribution,and economic growth:Theory and cross.country evidence[J].Japan and the World Economy,1997,(2):197.229.
[19]Galor O,Zeira J.Income distribution and macroeconomics[J].Review of Economic Studies,1993,(1):35.52.
[20]Grossman H,Ki m M.Inequality,predation and welfare[R],NBER Working Papers5704,1996.
[21]Gylfason T,Zoega G.Natural resources and economic growth:The role of invest ment[R].Working Papers Central Bank of Chile142,2002.
刘生龙. 收入不平等对经济增长的倒U型影响:理论和实证[J]. 财经研究, 2009, 35(2): 5–16.