财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 11 期, 页码:84 - 93
[5]张俊妮,陈玉宇.产业集聚,所有制结构和外商投资企业的区位选择[D].经济发展论坛工作论文,FED Working Papers Series,No.FC20050036,2005.
[6]Christian H A L,V Ioan.Agglomeration economies and the location of foreign direct in-vestment:Empirical evidence from Romania[R].MPRA Paper No.5137,2007.
[7]Deichmann J,S Karidis,S Sayek.Foreign direct investment in Turkey:Regional determi-nants[J].Applied Economics,2003,35(16):1767-1778.
[8]Devereux M P,R Griffith,H Simpson.Agglomeration,regional grants and firm location[R].The Institute for Fiscal Studies,WP04/06,2003.
[9]Ellison G,E Glaeser.The geographic concentration of industry:Does natural advantageexplain agglomeration?[J].American Economic Review,1999,89(2):311-316.
[10]Fujita M,P R Krugman,A J Venables.The spatial economy:Cities,regions and inter-national trade[M].Cambridge,Mass achusetts:MIT Press,1999.
[11]Gao Ting.Regional industrial growth:Evidence from Chinese industries[J].RegionalScience and Urban Economics,2004,34(1):101-124.
[12]Glaser E L,H D Kallal,J A Scheinkman,A Shleiffer.Growth in cities[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1992,100(6):1126-1152.
[13]Harris C.The market as a factor in the localization of industry in the United States[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1954,64:315-348.
[14]Henderson J V,A Kuncoro,M Turner.Industrial development in cities[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1995,103(5):1067-1085.
[15]Jacobs J.The economy of cities[M].New York:Random House,1969.
[16]Keeble D,S Walker.New firms,small firms and dead firms:Spatial patterns and deter-minants in the United Kingdom[J].Journal Regional Studies,1994,28(4):411-427.
[17]Krugman P.Increasing returns and economic geography[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1991,99(3):483-499.
[18]Marshall A.Principles of economics[M].London:MacMillan,1920.
[19]Ohlin B.Interregional and international trade[M].Harvard University Press,1933.
[20]Otsuka A.Determinants of new firm formation in Japan:A comparison of the manufac-turing and service sectors[J].Economics Bulletin,2008,18(5):1-7.
[21]Rocha N.Firm location determinants:Empirical evidence for france[R].HEID Work-ing Paper No.08/2008,2008.
[5]张俊妮,陈玉宇.产业集聚,所有制结构和外商投资企业的区位选择[D].经济发展论坛工作论文,FED Working Papers Series,No.FC20050036,2005.
[6]Christian H A L,V Ioan.Agglomeration economies and the location of foreign direct in-vestment:Empirical evidence from Romania[R].MPRA Paper No.5137,2007.
[7]Deichmann J,S Karidis,S Sayek.Foreign direct investment in Turkey:Regional determi-nants[J].Applied Economics,2003,35(16):1767-1778.
[8]Devereux M P,R Griffith,H Simpson.Agglomeration,regional grants and firm location[R].The Institute for Fiscal Studies,WP04/06,2003.
[9]Ellison G,E Glaeser.The geographic concentration of industry:Does natural advantageexplain agglomeration?[J].American Economic Review,1999,89(2):311-316.
[10]Fujita M,P R Krugman,A J Venables.The spatial economy:Cities,regions and inter-national trade[M].Cambridge,Mass achusetts:MIT Press,1999.
[11]Gao Ting.Regional industrial growth:Evidence from Chinese industries[J].RegionalScience and Urban Economics,2004,34(1):101-124.
[12]Glaser E L,H D Kallal,J A Scheinkman,A Shleiffer.Growth in cities[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1992,100(6):1126-1152.
[13]Harris C.The market as a factor in the localization of industry in the United States[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1954,64:315-348.
[14]Henderson J V,A Kuncoro,M Turner.Industrial development in cities[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,1995,103(5):1067-1085.
[15]Jacobs J.The economy of cities[M].New York:Random House,1969.
[16]Keeble D,S Walker.New firms,small firms and dead firms:Spatial patterns and deter-minants in the United Kingdom[J].Journal Regional Studies,1994,28(4):411-427.
[17]Krugman P.Increasing returns and economic geography[J].Journal of Political Econo-my,1991,99(3):483-499.
[18]Marshall A.Principles of economics[M].London:MacMillan,1920.
[19]Ohlin B.Interregional and international trade[M].Harvard University Press,1933.
[20]Otsuka A.Determinants of new firm formation in Japan:A comparison of the manufac-turing and service sectors[J].Economics Bulletin,2008,18(5):1-7.
[21]Rocha N.Firm location determinants:Empirical evidence for france[R].HEID Work-ing Paper No.08/2008,2008.
刘修岩, 张学良. 集聚经济与企业区位选择——基于中国地级区域企业数据的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(11): 84–93.