财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 08 期, 页码:47 - 58
[5]Allen L.The determinants of banks interest margins:A note[J].Journal of Financialand Quantitative Analysis,1988,23:231-235.
[6]Angbazo L.Commercial bank net interest margins,default risk,interest-rate risk,andoff-balance sheet banking[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1997,21:55-87.
[7]Beck T,Demirguc-Kunt A,Levine R.New database on financial development andstructure[R].World Bank Mi meo,1999:1-75.
[8]Beck T,Levine R,Loayza N.Finance and the sources of growth[R].World BankMi meo,1999:1-60.
[9]Demirguc-Kunt A.Institutions,financial markets andfirmdebt maturity[J].Journal ofFinancial Economics,1999,54:295-336.
[10]Demirg-Kunt A,Levine R.Bank-based and market-based financial systems:Cross-country comparisons[R].World Bank Economic Review,2000:1-66.
[11]Dermiguc-Kunt A,Karacaovali B,Laeven L.Deposit insurance around the world:Acomprehensive database[R].The World Bank Working Paper,2005:1-96.
[12]Demirg-Kunt A,Maksi movic V.Law,finance,and firm growth[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1998,53(6):2107-2137.
[13]Ho T,Saunders A.The determinants of bank interest margins:Theory and empiricalevidence[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1981,16:581-600.
[14]La-porta R,Lopez-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Legal determinants of external fi-nance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52(3):1131-1150.
[15]La-porta R,Lopez-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Law and finance[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,December,1998,106(6):1113-1155.
[16]Lederman L,Menendez.Violent cri me:Does social capital matter?[J].EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change,2002,50(3):509-539.
[17]McShane R,Sharpe I.Ati me series cross section analysis of the determinants of Aus-tralian trading bank loan/deposit interest margins:1962-1981[J].Journal of Bankingand Finance,1985,9:115-136.
[18]Saunders A,Schumacher L.The determinants of bankinterest rate margins:Aninter-national study[R].Working Paper No.58,1998:1-66.
[19]Wang K.On the determinants of bank interest margins under credit and interest raterisks[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1997,21:251-271.
[5]Allen L.The determinants of banks interest margins:A note[J].Journal of Financialand Quantitative Analysis,1988,23:231-235.
[6]Angbazo L.Commercial bank net interest margins,default risk,interest-rate risk,andoff-balance sheet banking[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1997,21:55-87.
[7]Beck T,Demirguc-Kunt A,Levine R.New database on financial development andstructure[R].World Bank Mi meo,1999:1-75.
[8]Beck T,Levine R,Loayza N.Finance and the sources of growth[R].World BankMi meo,1999:1-60.
[9]Demirguc-Kunt A.Institutions,financial markets andfirmdebt maturity[J].Journal ofFinancial Economics,1999,54:295-336.
[10]Demirg-Kunt A,Levine R.Bank-based and market-based financial systems:Cross-country comparisons[R].World Bank Economic Review,2000:1-66.
[11]Dermiguc-Kunt A,Karacaovali B,Laeven L.Deposit insurance around the world:Acomprehensive database[R].The World Bank Working Paper,2005:1-96.
[12]Demirg-Kunt A,Maksi movic V.Law,finance,and firm growth[J].Journal of Fi-nance,1998,53(6):2107-2137.
[13]Ho T,Saunders A.The determinants of bank interest margins:Theory and empiricalevidence[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1981,16:581-600.
[14]La-porta R,Lopez-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Legal determinants of external fi-nance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52(3):1131-1150.
[15]La-porta R,Lopez-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Law and finance[J].Journal ofPolitical Economy,December,1998,106(6):1113-1155.
[16]Lederman L,Menendez.Violent cri me:Does social capital matter?[J].EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change,2002,50(3):509-539.
[17]McShane R,Sharpe I.Ati me series cross section analysis of the determinants of Aus-tralian trading bank loan/deposit interest margins:1962-1981[J].Journal of Bankingand Finance,1985,9:115-136.
[18]Saunders A,Schumacher L.The determinants of bankinterest rate margins:Aninter-national study[R].Working Paper No.58,1998:1-66.
[19]Wang K.On the determinants of bank interest margins under credit and interest raterisks[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1997,21:251-271.
马勇, 陈雨露. 究竟是什么决定了一国银行业的发展[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(8): 47–58.