财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 05 期, 页码:55 - 65
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[10]Céline Azéma,Andrew Delios.Tax competition and FDI:The special case of developingcountries[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,2008,(1):85-108.
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[13]Haaparanta P.Competition for foreign direct invest ments[J].Journal of Public Eco-nomics,1996,63(1):141-153.
[14]Haufler A,I Wooton.Country size and tax competition for foreign direct invest ment[J].Journal of Public Economics,1999,71:121-139.
[15]Brander J A,Spencer B J.Export subsidies and international market share rivalry[J].Journal of International Economics,1985,18:83-100.
[16]Eckhard Janeba.Tax competitionini mperfectly competitive markets[J].Journal of In-ternational Economics,1998,44:135-153.
[17]Richard G Harris,Nicolas Schmitt.Strategic export policy with foreign direct invest-ment and i mport substitution[J].Journal of Development Economics,2001,64:293-312.
[5]Head K,Ries J,Swenson D.Agglomeration benefits and location choice:Evidence fromJapanese manufacturinginvest ments in the United States[J].Journal of International E-conomics,1995,38:223-247.
[6]Hines J R.Altered states:Taxes and thelocation of foreign direct invest ment in America[J].American Economic Review,1996,86:1076-1094.
[7]Devereux M,Griffith R.Taxes and the location of production:Evidence froma panel ofUS multinationals[J].Journal of Public Economics,1998,68:335-367.
[8]Lucas R.On the determinants of direct foreign invest ment:Evidence from East andSoutheast Asia[J].World Development.1993.21(3):391-406.
[9]Wei S J.Natural openness and good government[R].2000,Working Paper No.2411,The World Bank.
[10]Céline Azéma,Andrew Delios.Tax competition and FDI:The special case of developingcountries[J].Journal of the Japanese and International Economies,2008,(1):85-108.
[11]Minlz Jack M,Tsiopoulos,Thomas.Corporate income taxation and foreign direct in-vest ment in central and eastern Europe[R].ForeignInvest ment Advisory Service Occa-sional Paper,1992,No4,World Bank.
[12]Black D,W.Hoy L.Bidding for firms[J].American Economic Review,1989,79:1249-1256.
[13]Haaparanta P.Competition for foreign direct invest ments[J].Journal of Public Eco-nomics,1996,63(1):141-153.
[14]Haufler A,I Wooton.Country size and tax competition for foreign direct invest ment[J].Journal of Public Economics,1999,71:121-139.
[15]Brander J A,Spencer B J.Export subsidies and international market share rivalry[J].Journal of International Economics,1985,18:83-100.
[16]Eckhard Janeba.Tax competitionini mperfectly competitive markets[J].Journal of In-ternational Economics,1998,44:135-153.
[17]Richard G Harris,Nicolas Schmitt.Strategic export policy with foreign direct invest-ment and i mport substitution[J].Journal of Development Economics,2001,64:293-312.
林龙辉, 向洪金, 冯宗宪. 出口导向贸易政策与发展中国家间FDI竞争——基于寡占竞争模型的理论分析[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(5): 55–65.