财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 04 期, 页码:26 - 36
[6]曾林阳.国际石油期货价格波动对我国通货膨胀率波动的影响——基于Al mon PDL的经验证据[J].财经科学,2008,(12):55-63.
[7]Alquist R,Kilian R,Lutz P.What do we learn fromthe price of crude oil Futures[R].CEPR Discussion Papers,No.6548,2007.
[8]Antell J.Essays on the linkages between financial markets,and risk asymmetries[R].Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration PH.D.Dissertation,2004.
[9]Bhattacharya R,Ghura D.Oil and growth in the Republic of Congo[R].I MF WorkingPaper,No.06,2006.
[10]Bollerslev T,Chou Kroner.ARCH modelinginfinance:Areviewof the theory and em-pirical evidence[J].Journal of Econometrics,1992,52:5-59.
[11]Chen S.Oil price pass-through into inflation[EB/OL].http://ssrn.com/abstract=1085941,2008,9,6.
[12]De Gregorio J,Oscar L,Christopher N.Another pass-through bites the dust?Oilprices and inflation[R].NBER Working Papers,No.417,2007.
[13]Hamilton J D.Oil and the macroeconomy since World WarⅡ[J].The Journal of Polit-ical Economy,1983,91,(2),228-248.
[14]Hooker B,Mark A.Are oil shocks inflationary?Asymmetric and nonlinear specifica-tions versus changes in regi me[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2002,82(6):540-561.
[15]LeBlanc M,Menzie D.Do high oil prices presage inflation?The evidence from G-5countries[J].NBER Working Paper,No.1021,2004.
[16]Lescaroux F,Mignon A.On the influence of oil prices on economic activity and othermacroeconomic and financial variables[J].OPEC Review,2008,32,(1):343-380.
[6]曾林阳.国际石油期货价格波动对我国通货膨胀率波动的影响——基于Al mon PDL的经验证据[J].财经科学,2008,(12):55-63.
[7]Alquist R,Kilian R,Lutz P.What do we learn fromthe price of crude oil Futures[R].CEPR Discussion Papers,No.6548,2007.
[8]Antell J.Essays on the linkages between financial markets,and risk asymmetries[R].Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration PH.D.Dissertation,2004.
[9]Bhattacharya R,Ghura D.Oil and growth in the Republic of Congo[R].I MF WorkingPaper,No.06,2006.
[10]Bollerslev T,Chou Kroner.ARCH modelinginfinance:Areviewof the theory and em-pirical evidence[J].Journal of Econometrics,1992,52:5-59.
[11]Chen S.Oil price pass-through into inflation[EB/OL].http://ssrn.com/abstract=1085941,2008,9,6.
[12]De Gregorio J,Oscar L,Christopher N.Another pass-through bites the dust?Oilprices and inflation[R].NBER Working Papers,No.417,2007.
[13]Hamilton J D.Oil and the macroeconomy since World WarⅡ[J].The Journal of Polit-ical Economy,1983,91,(2),228-248.
[14]Hooker B,Mark A.Are oil shocks inflationary?Asymmetric and nonlinear specifica-tions versus changes in regi me[J].Journal of Money,Credit and Banking,2002,82(6):540-561.
[15]LeBlanc M,Menzie D.Do high oil prices presage inflation?The evidence from G-5countries[J].NBER Working Paper,No.1021,2004.
[16]Lescaroux F,Mignon A.On the influence of oil prices on economic activity and othermacroeconomic and financial variables[J].OPEC Review,2008,32,(1):343-380.
王彬, 李成, 马文涛. 国际石油价格与通货膨胀的溢出效应及动态相关性[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(4): 26–36.