财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 02 期, 页码:94 - 104
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[14]Cho Dong-Sung.A dynamic approach to international competitiveness:The case ofKorea[J].Journal of Far Eastern Business,1994,(1):17-36.
[15]Kambhampati Uma S.Industry competitiveness:Leadership identity and market shares[J].Applied Economics Letters,2000,(7):569-573.
[16]Kopp Raymond J.The measurement of productive efficiency:A reconsideration[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1981,96:477-503.
[17]Oral Muhittin,Reisman Arnold.Measuring industrial competitiveness[J].IndustrialMarketing Management,1988,(17):263-272.
[18]Peter J Buckley,Christopher L Pass,Kate Resccott.Measures of international competi-tiveness:Acritical survey[J].Journal of Marketing Management,1988,(4):175-200.
[19]Porter ME.The competitive advantage of nations[M].London:The Macmillan Press1990.
[20]Waddock Sandra A,Graves Samuel B.Industry competitiveness as a function in R&Dand capital goods[J].Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings,1989,(1):344-348.
[10]Arthur Francis,P K MTharakan.The competitiveness of Europeanindustry[M].Lon-don and New York:Routledge,1989.
[11]Artto E W.Relative total costs:An approachto competitiveness measurement of indus-tries[J].Management International Review,1987,(2):47-58.
[12]Carlin W,A Glyn,J Reenen.Export market performance of OECDcountries:An empir-ical examination of the role of cost competitiveness[J].The Economic Journal,2001,111:128-162.
[13]Charnes A,Cooper W W,Rhodes E.Measuring the efficiency of decision making units[J].European Journal of Operational Research,1978,(6):429-444.
[14]Cho Dong-Sung.A dynamic approach to international competitiveness:The case ofKorea[J].Journal of Far Eastern Business,1994,(1):17-36.
[15]Kambhampati Uma S.Industry competitiveness:Leadership identity and market shares[J].Applied Economics Letters,2000,(7):569-573.
[16]Kopp Raymond J.The measurement of productive efficiency:A reconsideration[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1981,96:477-503.
[17]Oral Muhittin,Reisman Arnold.Measuring industrial competitiveness[J].IndustrialMarketing Management,1988,(17):263-272.
[18]Peter J Buckley,Christopher L Pass,Kate Resccott.Measures of international competi-tiveness:Acritical survey[J].Journal of Marketing Management,1988,(4):175-200.
[19]Porter ME.The competitive advantage of nations[M].London:The Macmillan Press1990.
[20]Waddock Sandra A,Graves Samuel B.Industry competitiveness as a function in R&Dand capital goods[J].Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings,1989,(1):344-348.
王玉, 许俊斌, 南洋. 中国各地区制造业竞争力及其影响因素的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(2): 94–104.