财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 08 期, 页码:65 - 75
⑥本文中指门槛成本c D较高,详见下文。
[1]Antoniades A.Heterogeneous firms,quality,and trade[R].Working Paper,Columbia University,2008.
[2]Baldwin R,Harrigan J.Zeros,quality and space:Trade theory and trade evidence[J].American Economic Journal,2011,3(2):60-88.
[3]Crozet M,Head K,Mayer T.Quality sorting and trade:Firm-level evidence for French Wine[J].Review of Economic Studies,2012,79(2):609-644.
[4]Fajgelbaum P,Grossman G,Helpman E.Income distribution,product quality and international trade[R].NBER Working Paper No.15329,2009.
[5]Funk P.Satiation and underdevelopment[J].Journal of Development Economics,1998,57(2):319-341.
[6]Johnson C R.Trade and prices with heterogeneous firms[R].Working Paper,Prince-ton University,2008.
[7]Kneller R,Yu Z.Quality selection,Chinese exports and theories of heterogeneous firm trade[R].Working Paper,University of Nottingham,2008.
[8]Lu L.International trade and within country income inequality[R].Working Paper,Tsinghua University,2010.
[9]Linder S.An essay on trade and transformation[M].Stockholm:Almqvist and Wick-sell,1961.
[10]Manova K,Zhang Z.Quality heterogeneity across firms and export destinations[R].NBER Working Paper No.15342,2009.
[11]Mayer T,Melitz M,Ottaviano G.Market size,competition,and the product mix of exporters[R].NBER Working Paper No.16959,2011.
[12]Melitz M.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
[13]Melitz M,Ottaviano G.Market size,trade,and productivity[J].Review of Economic Studies,2008,75(1):295-316.
[14]Mitra D,Trindade V.Inequality and trade[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,2005,38(4):1253-1271.
[15]Murphy K M,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Income distribution,market size,and industria-lization[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1989,104(3):537-564.
[16]Zweimuller J.Schumpeterian entrepreneurs meet Engel’s law:The impact of inequality on innovation-driven growth[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2000,5(2):185-206.
⑥本文中指门槛成本c D较高,详见下文。
[1]Antoniades A.Heterogeneous firms,quality,and trade[R].Working Paper,Columbia University,2008.
[2]Baldwin R,Harrigan J.Zeros,quality and space:Trade theory and trade evidence[J].American Economic Journal,2011,3(2):60-88.
[3]Crozet M,Head K,Mayer T.Quality sorting and trade:Firm-level evidence for French Wine[J].Review of Economic Studies,2012,79(2):609-644.
[4]Fajgelbaum P,Grossman G,Helpman E.Income distribution,product quality and international trade[R].NBER Working Paper No.15329,2009.
[5]Funk P.Satiation and underdevelopment[J].Journal of Development Economics,1998,57(2):319-341.
[6]Johnson C R.Trade and prices with heterogeneous firms[R].Working Paper,Prince-ton University,2008.
[7]Kneller R,Yu Z.Quality selection,Chinese exports and theories of heterogeneous firm trade[R].Working Paper,University of Nottingham,2008.
[8]Lu L.International trade and within country income inequality[R].Working Paper,Tsinghua University,2010.
[9]Linder S.An essay on trade and transformation[M].Stockholm:Almqvist and Wick-sell,1961.
[10]Manova K,Zhang Z.Quality heterogeneity across firms and export destinations[R].NBER Working Paper No.15342,2009.
[11]Mayer T,Melitz M,Ottaviano G.Market size,competition,and the product mix of exporters[R].NBER Working Paper No.16959,2011.
[12]Melitz M.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
[13]Melitz M,Ottaviano G.Market size,trade,and productivity[J].Review of Economic Studies,2008,75(1):295-316.
[14]Mitra D,Trindade V.Inequality and trade[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,2005,38(4):1253-1271.
[15]Murphy K M,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Income distribution,market size,and industria-lization[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1989,104(3):537-564.
[16]Zweimuller J.Schumpeterian entrepreneurs meet Engel’s law:The impact of inequality on innovation-driven growth[J].Journal of Economic Growth,2000,5(2):185-206.
鲍晓华, 金毓. 出口质量与生产率进步:收入分配的影响力[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(8): 65–75.