财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 06 期, 页码:107 - 119
[6]Anenberg S C,West J J,Fiore A M,et al.Intercontinental impacts of ozone pollution on human mortality[J].Environmental Science&Technology,2009,43(17):6482-6487.
[7]Brown P.Race,class,and environmental health:A review and systematization of the Iiterature[J].Environmental Research,1995,69(1):15-30.
[8]Charafeddine R,Boden L.Does income inequality modify the association between air pol-lution and health[J].Environmental Research,2008,106(1):81-88.
[9]Chay K,Dobkin C,Greenstone M.The Clean Air Act of1970and adult mortality[J].Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,2003,27(3):279-300.
[10]Coneus K,Katharina Spiess C.Pollution exposure and child health:evidence for infants and toddlers in Germany[J].Journal of Health economics,2012,31(1):180-196.
[11]Currie J,Neidell M,Schmieder J.Air pollution and infant health:Lessons from New Jersey[J].Journal of Health Economics,2009,28(3):688-703.
[12]Ebenstein A.The consequences of industrialization:Evidence from water pollution and digestive cancers in china[J].The Reviews of Economics and Statistics,2012,94(1):186-201.
[13]Gerking S,Starley L.An economic analysis of air pollution and health:The case of st.Louis[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,1986,68(1):115-121.
[14]Greenstone M,Hanna R.Environmental regulations,air and water pollution,and infant mortality in India[R].NBER Working Paper,No.17210,2011.
[15]Grossman M.On the concept of health capital and the demand for health[J].Journal of Political Economy,1972,80(2):223-255.
[16]Li Y,Wang W,Kan H,et al.Air quality and outpatient visits for asthma in adults dur-ing the2008Summer Olympic Games in Beijing[J].Science of The Total Environment,2010,408(5):1226-1227.
[17]Moretti E,Neidell M.Pollution,health and avoidance behavior:Evidence from the protsof Los Angeles[R].NBER Working Paper No.14939,2009.
[18]Narayan P K,Narayanb S.Does environmental quality influence health expenditures?Empirical evidence from a panel of selected OECD countries[J].Ecological Economics,2008,65(2):367-374.
[19]WHO.Reducing risk,promoting healthy life[R].World Health Report,2002.
[20]Yogev-Baggio T,Bibi H,Dubnov J,et al.Who is affected more by air pollution-sick or health?Some evidence from a health survey of schoolchildren living in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant in Northern Israel[J].Health Place2010,16(2):399-408.
[6]Anenberg S C,West J J,Fiore A M,et al.Intercontinental impacts of ozone pollution on human mortality[J].Environmental Science&Technology,2009,43(17):6482-6487.
[7]Brown P.Race,class,and environmental health:A review and systematization of the Iiterature[J].Environmental Research,1995,69(1):15-30.
[8]Charafeddine R,Boden L.Does income inequality modify the association between air pol-lution and health[J].Environmental Research,2008,106(1):81-88.
[9]Chay K,Dobkin C,Greenstone M.The Clean Air Act of1970and adult mortality[J].Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,2003,27(3):279-300.
[10]Coneus K,Katharina Spiess C.Pollution exposure and child health:evidence for infants and toddlers in Germany[J].Journal of Health economics,2012,31(1):180-196.
[11]Currie J,Neidell M,Schmieder J.Air pollution and infant health:Lessons from New Jersey[J].Journal of Health Economics,2009,28(3):688-703.
[12]Ebenstein A.The consequences of industrialization:Evidence from water pollution and digestive cancers in china[J].The Reviews of Economics and Statistics,2012,94(1):186-201.
[13]Gerking S,Starley L.An economic analysis of air pollution and health:The case of st.Louis[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,1986,68(1):115-121.
[14]Greenstone M,Hanna R.Environmental regulations,air and water pollution,and infant mortality in India[R].NBER Working Paper,No.17210,2011.
[15]Grossman M.On the concept of health capital and the demand for health[J].Journal of Political Economy,1972,80(2):223-255.
[16]Li Y,Wang W,Kan H,et al.Air quality and outpatient visits for asthma in adults dur-ing the2008Summer Olympic Games in Beijing[J].Science of The Total Environment,2010,408(5):1226-1227.
[17]Moretti E,Neidell M.Pollution,health and avoidance behavior:Evidence from the protsof Los Angeles[R].NBER Working Paper No.14939,2009.
[18]Narayan P K,Narayanb S.Does environmental quality influence health expenditures?Empirical evidence from a panel of selected OECD countries[J].Ecological Economics,2008,65(2):367-374.
[19]WHO.Reducing risk,promoting healthy life[R].World Health Report,2002.
[20]Yogev-Baggio T,Bibi H,Dubnov J,et al.Who is affected more by air pollution-sick or health?Some evidence from a health survey of schoolchildren living in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant in Northern Israel[J].Health Place2010,16(2):399-408.
卢洪友, 祁毓. 环境质量、公共服务与国民健康——基于跨国(地区)数据的分析[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(6): 107–119.