财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 12 期, 页码:15 - 25
[1] 陈斌开,杨依山,许伟. 中国城镇居民劳动收入差距演变及其原因:1990-2005 [J]. 经济研究,2009, (12): 30-42.
[2] 黄新飞,舒元. 中国省际贸易开放与经济增长的内生性研究 [J]. 管理世界,2010, (7): 56-65.
[3] 李磊,刘斌,胡博,等. 贸易开放对城镇居民收入及分配的影响 [J]. 经济学(季刊),2011,(1): 309-326.
[4] 林毅夫,李永军. 出口与中国的经济增长:需求导向的分析 [J]. 经济学(季刊),2003,(4): 779-794.
[5] 刘斌,李磊. 贸易开放与性别工资差距 [J]. 经济学(季刊),2012,(2): 429-460.
[6] Aguayo-Tellez E, Airola J, Juhn C. Did trade liberalization help women? The case of Mexico in the 1990s [A]. Polachek S W, Tatsiramos K. New analyses of worker well-being (Research in Labor Economics, Volume 38) [C]. Bingley:Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014.
[7] Berik G, Rodgers Y M, Zveglich J E. International trade and gender wage discrimination: Evidence from East Asia [J]. Review of Development Economics, 2004, 8(2): 237-254.
[8] Black S, Brainerd E. Importing equality? The impact of globalization on gender discrimination [J]. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2004, 57(4): 540-559.
[9] Cai H, Chen Y, Zhou L. Income and consumption inequality in urban China: 1992-2003 [J]. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2010, 58(3): 385-413.
[10] Chen Z, Ge Y, Lai H, et al. Globalization and gender wage inequality in China [J]. World Development, 2013, 44: 256-266.
[11] Dammert A C, Marchand B U, Wan C. Gender wage-productivity differentials and global integration in China[R].IZA Discussion Paper No. 7159, 2013.
[12] Galor O, Weil D N. The gender gap, fertility, and growth [J]. American Economic Review, 1996, 86(3): 374-387.
[13] Goldberg P K, Pavcnik N. Distributional effects of globalization in developing countries [J]. Journal of Economic Literature, 2007, 45(1): 39-82.
[14] Han J, Liu R, Zhang J. Globalization and wage inequality: Evidence from urban China [J].Journal of International Economics, 2012, 87(2): 288-297.
[15] Juhn C, Ujhelyi G, Villegas-Sanchez C. Men, women, and machines: How trade impacts gender inequality [J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2014, 106: 179-193.
[16] Li S, Song J, Liu X. Evolution of the gender wage gap among China's urban employees [J]. Social Sciences in China, 2011, 32(3): 161-180.
[17] Menon N, Van der Meulen Rodgers Y. International trade and the gender wage gap: New evidence from India's manufacturing sector [J]. World Development, 2009, 37(5): 965-981.
[18] Oostendorp R H. Globalization and the gender wage gap [J]. The World Bank Economic Review, 2009, 23(1): 141-161.
[19] Weinberg B A. Computer use and the demand for female workers [J]. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2000, 53(2): 290-308.
[2] 黄新飞,舒元. 中国省际贸易开放与经济增长的内生性研究 [J]. 管理世界,2010, (7): 56-65.
[3] 李磊,刘斌,胡博,等. 贸易开放对城镇居民收入及分配的影响 [J]. 经济学(季刊),2011,(1): 309-326.
[4] 林毅夫,李永军. 出口与中国的经济增长:需求导向的分析 [J]. 经济学(季刊),2003,(4): 779-794.
[5] 刘斌,李磊. 贸易开放与性别工资差距 [J]. 经济学(季刊),2012,(2): 429-460.
[6] Aguayo-Tellez E, Airola J, Juhn C. Did trade liberalization help women? The case of Mexico in the 1990s [A]. Polachek S W, Tatsiramos K. New analyses of worker well-being (Research in Labor Economics, Volume 38) [C]. Bingley:Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014.
[7] Berik G, Rodgers Y M, Zveglich J E. International trade and gender wage discrimination: Evidence from East Asia [J]. Review of Development Economics, 2004, 8(2): 237-254.
[8] Black S, Brainerd E. Importing equality? The impact of globalization on gender discrimination [J]. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2004, 57(4): 540-559.
[9] Cai H, Chen Y, Zhou L. Income and consumption inequality in urban China: 1992-2003 [J]. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2010, 58(3): 385-413.
[10] Chen Z, Ge Y, Lai H, et al. Globalization and gender wage inequality in China [J]. World Development, 2013, 44: 256-266.
[11] Dammert A C, Marchand B U, Wan C. Gender wage-productivity differentials and global integration in China[R].IZA Discussion Paper No. 7159, 2013.
[12] Galor O, Weil D N. The gender gap, fertility, and growth [J]. American Economic Review, 1996, 86(3): 374-387.
[13] Goldberg P K, Pavcnik N. Distributional effects of globalization in developing countries [J]. Journal of Economic Literature, 2007, 45(1): 39-82.
[14] Han J, Liu R, Zhang J. Globalization and wage inequality: Evidence from urban China [J].Journal of International Economics, 2012, 87(2): 288-297.
[15] Juhn C, Ujhelyi G, Villegas-Sanchez C. Men, women, and machines: How trade impacts gender inequality [J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2014, 106: 179-193.
[16] Li S, Song J, Liu X. Evolution of the gender wage gap among China's urban employees [J]. Social Sciences in China, 2011, 32(3): 161-180.
[17] Menon N, Van der Meulen Rodgers Y. International trade and the gender wage gap: New evidence from India's manufacturing sector [J]. World Development, 2009, 37(5): 965-981.
[18] Oostendorp R H. Globalization and the gender wage gap [J]. The World Bank Economic Review, 2009, 23(1): 141-161.
[19] Weinberg B A. Computer use and the demand for female workers [J]. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2000, 53(2): 290-308.
卢晶亮, 冯帅章. 贸易开放、劳动力流动与城镇劳动者性别工资差距——来自1992-2009年中国省际面板数据的经验证据[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(12): 15–25.