财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 11 期, 页码:83 - 94
[1] 安同良, 周绍东, 皮建才. R&D 补贴对中国企业自主创新的激励效应[J]. 经济研究, 2009, (10): 87-98.
[2] 包群, 邵敏, 侯维忠. 出口改善了员工收入吗?[J]. 经济研究, 2011, (9): 41-54.
[3] 戴觅, 余淼杰, Maitra M. 中国出口企业生产率之谜: 加工贸易的作用[J]. 经济学 (季刊), 2014, (2):675-698.
[4] 戴觅, 余淼杰. 企业出口前研发投入、出口及生产率进步——来自中国制造业企业的证据[J].经济学 (季刊), 2011, (1): 211-230.
[5] 范剑勇, 冯猛.中国制造业出口企业生产率悖论之谜:基于出口密度差别上的检验[J].管理世界, 2013, (8):16-29.
[6] 李春顶, 赵美英.出口贸易是否提高了我国企业的生产率?——基于中国2007年制造业企业数据的检验[J].财经研究, 2010, (4):14-24.
[7] 毛其淋, 盛斌. 中国制造业企业的进入退出与生产率动态演化[J]. 经济研究, 2013, (4): 16-29.
[8] 毛其淋, 盛斌. 贸易自由化、企业异质性与出口动态——来自中国微观企业数据的证据[J]. 管理世界, 2013, (3):48-65.
[9] 邵敏, 包群. 政府补贴与企业生产率——基于我国工业企业的经验分析[J]. 中国工业经济, 2012, (7): 70-82.
[10] 孙灵燕, 李荣林. 融资约束限制中国企业出口参与吗?[J]. 经济学 (季刊), 2012, (1): 231-252.
[11] 田巍, 余淼杰. 企业出口强度与进口中间品贸易自由化: 来自中国企业的实证研究[J]. 管理世界, 2013, (1): 28-44.
[12] 张杰, 李勇, 刘志彪. 出口促进中国企业生产率提高吗?——来自中国本土制造业企业的经验证据: 1999~2003[J]. 管理世界, 2009, (12): 11-26.
[13] Amiti M, Konings J. Trade liberalization, intermediate inputs, and productivity: Evidence from Indonesia[J]. American Economic Review, 2007, 97(5): 1611-1638.
[14] Arnold J M, Hussinger K. Export behavior and firm productivity in German manufacturing:A firm-level analysis[J]. Review of World Economics, 2005, 141(2): 219-243.
[15] Aw B Y, Roberts M J, Winston T. Export market participation, investments in R&D and worker trai-ning, and the evolution of firm productivity[J]. The World Economy, 2007, 30(1): 83-104.
[16] Bernard A B, Wagner J. Exports and success in German manufacturing[J]. Review of World Economics, 1997, 133(1):134-157.
[17] Blalock G, Gertler P J. Learning from exporting revisited in a less developed setting[J]. Journal of Deve-lopment Economics, 2004, 75(2): 397-416.
[18] De Loecker J. Do exports generate higher productivity? Evidence from Slovenia[J]. Journal of international economics, 2007, 73(1): 69-98.
[19] Fryges H, Wagner J. Exports and productivity growth: First evidence from a continuous treatment approach[J]. Review of World Economics, 2008, 144(4): 695-722.
[20] Ge Ying, Lai H, Zhu S C. Intermediate imports and productivity gains from trade liberalization[R]. Working Paper, 2011.
[21] Görg H, Henry M, Strobl E. Grant support and exporting activity[J]. The review of economics and statistics, 2008, 90(1): 168-174.
[22] Greenway D, Kneller R. Exporting, productivity and agglomeration:A difference in difference analysis of matched firms[J]. GEP Research Paper No.45, 2003.
[23] Hausmann R, Hwang J, Rodrik D. What you export matters[J]. Journal of Economic Growth, 2007, 12(1): 1-25.
[24] Helpman E. Trade, FDI, and the organization of firms[R]. National Bureau of Economic Research Paper No.12091, 2006.
[25] Levinsohn J, Petrin A. Estimating production functions using inputs to control for unobservables[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2003, 70(2): 317-341.
[26] Martins P S, Yang Y. The impact of exporting on firm productivity:A meta-analysis of the learning-by-exporting hypothesis[J]. Review of World Economics, 2009, 145(3): 431-445.
[27] Melitz M J. The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J]. Econometrica, 2003, 71(6): 1695-1725.
[28] Shevtsova Y. International trade and productivity:Does destination matter?[R]. Discussion Papers in Economics, No.12/18, 2012.
[29] Van Biesebroeck J. Exporting raises productivity in sub-Saharan African manufacturing firms[J]. Journal of International Economics, 2005, 67(2): 373-391.
[30] Wagner J.The causal effect of exports on firm size and labor productivity:First evidence from a matching approach[J]. Economics Letters, 2002, 77(2):287-292.
[31] Wooldridge J M. Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data[M].MA:MIT press, 2002.
[32] Zheng J, Bigsten A, Hu A. Can China's growth be sustained? A productivity perspective[J]. World Development, 2009, 37(4): 874-888.
[2] 包群, 邵敏, 侯维忠. 出口改善了员工收入吗?[J]. 经济研究, 2011, (9): 41-54.
[3] 戴觅, 余淼杰, Maitra M. 中国出口企业生产率之谜: 加工贸易的作用[J]. 经济学 (季刊), 2014, (2):675-698.
[4] 戴觅, 余淼杰. 企业出口前研发投入、出口及生产率进步——来自中国制造业企业的证据[J].经济学 (季刊), 2011, (1): 211-230.
[5] 范剑勇, 冯猛.中国制造业出口企业生产率悖论之谜:基于出口密度差别上的检验[J].管理世界, 2013, (8):16-29.
[6] 李春顶, 赵美英.出口贸易是否提高了我国企业的生产率?——基于中国2007年制造业企业数据的检验[J].财经研究, 2010, (4):14-24.
[7] 毛其淋, 盛斌. 中国制造业企业的进入退出与生产率动态演化[J]. 经济研究, 2013, (4): 16-29.
[8] 毛其淋, 盛斌. 贸易自由化、企业异质性与出口动态——来自中国微观企业数据的证据[J]. 管理世界, 2013, (3):48-65.
[9] 邵敏, 包群. 政府补贴与企业生产率——基于我国工业企业的经验分析[J]. 中国工业经济, 2012, (7): 70-82.
[10] 孙灵燕, 李荣林. 融资约束限制中国企业出口参与吗?[J]. 经济学 (季刊), 2012, (1): 231-252.
[11] 田巍, 余淼杰. 企业出口强度与进口中间品贸易自由化: 来自中国企业的实证研究[J]. 管理世界, 2013, (1): 28-44.
[12] 张杰, 李勇, 刘志彪. 出口促进中国企业生产率提高吗?——来自中国本土制造业企业的经验证据: 1999~2003[J]. 管理世界, 2009, (12): 11-26.
[13] Amiti M, Konings J. Trade liberalization, intermediate inputs, and productivity: Evidence from Indonesia[J]. American Economic Review, 2007, 97(5): 1611-1638.
[14] Arnold J M, Hussinger K. Export behavior and firm productivity in German manufacturing:A firm-level analysis[J]. Review of World Economics, 2005, 141(2): 219-243.
[15] Aw B Y, Roberts M J, Winston T. Export market participation, investments in R&D and worker trai-ning, and the evolution of firm productivity[J]. The World Economy, 2007, 30(1): 83-104.
[16] Bernard A B, Wagner J. Exports and success in German manufacturing[J]. Review of World Economics, 1997, 133(1):134-157.
[17] Blalock G, Gertler P J. Learning from exporting revisited in a less developed setting[J]. Journal of Deve-lopment Economics, 2004, 75(2): 397-416.
[18] De Loecker J. Do exports generate higher productivity? Evidence from Slovenia[J]. Journal of international economics, 2007, 73(1): 69-98.
[19] Fryges H, Wagner J. Exports and productivity growth: First evidence from a continuous treatment approach[J]. Review of World Economics, 2008, 144(4): 695-722.
[20] Ge Ying, Lai H, Zhu S C. Intermediate imports and productivity gains from trade liberalization[R]. Working Paper, 2011.
[21] Görg H, Henry M, Strobl E. Grant support and exporting activity[J]. The review of economics and statistics, 2008, 90(1): 168-174.
[22] Greenway D, Kneller R. Exporting, productivity and agglomeration:A difference in difference analysis of matched firms[J]. GEP Research Paper No.45, 2003.
[23] Hausmann R, Hwang J, Rodrik D. What you export matters[J]. Journal of Economic Growth, 2007, 12(1): 1-25.
[24] Helpman E. Trade, FDI, and the organization of firms[R]. National Bureau of Economic Research Paper No.12091, 2006.
[25] Levinsohn J, Petrin A. Estimating production functions using inputs to control for unobservables[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2003, 70(2): 317-341.
[26] Martins P S, Yang Y. The impact of exporting on firm productivity:A meta-analysis of the learning-by-exporting hypothesis[J]. Review of World Economics, 2009, 145(3): 431-445.
[27] Melitz M J. The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J]. Econometrica, 2003, 71(6): 1695-1725.
[28] Shevtsova Y. International trade and productivity:Does destination matter?[R]. Discussion Papers in Economics, No.12/18, 2012.
[29] Van Biesebroeck J. Exporting raises productivity in sub-Saharan African manufacturing firms[J]. Journal of International Economics, 2005, 67(2): 373-391.
[30] Wagner J.The causal effect of exports on firm size and labor productivity:First evidence from a matching approach[J]. Economics Letters, 2002, 77(2):287-292.
[31] Wooldridge J M. Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data[M].MA:MIT press, 2002.
[32] Zheng J, Bigsten A, Hu A. Can China's growth be sustained? A productivity perspective[J]. World Development, 2009, 37(4): 874-888.
刘斌, 屠新泉, 王杰. 出口目的地与出口企业生产率[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(11): 83–94.