外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 06 期, 页码:
[1]Achrol R S and Gundlach G T. Legal and social safeguards against opportunism in exchange[J]. Journal of Retailing,1999,75(1): 107-124.
[2]Chan R Y K,et al. Environmental orientation and corporate performance: The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and moderating effect of competitive intensity[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(4): 621-630.
[3]Cannon J P,et al. Contracts,norms,and plural form governance[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2000,28(2): 180-194.
[4]Dabholkar P A and Bagozzi R P. An attitudinal model of technologybased selfservice: Moderating effects of consumer traits and situational factors[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2002,30(3): 184-201.
[5]Dwyer F R,et al. Developing buyerseller relationships[J]. Journal of Marketing,1987,51(2): 11-27.
[6]Dyer J H and Singh H. The relational view: Cooperative strategy and sources of interorganizational competitive advantage[J]. Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4): 660-679.
[7]Frazier G L. Interorganizational exchange behavior in marketing channels: A broadened perspective[J]. Journal of Marketing,1983,47(4): 68-78.
[8]Ghoshal S and Moran P. Bad for practice: A critique of the transaction cost theory[J]. Academy of Management Review,1996,21(1): 13-47.
[9]Jap S D and Ganesan S. Control mechanisms and the relationship life cycle: Implications for safeguarding specific investments and developing commitment[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2000,37(2): 227-245.
[10]Jaworski B J and Kohli A K. Market orientation: Antecedents and consequences[J]. Journal of Marketing,1993,57(3): 53-70.
[11]Kang B,et al. The effect of dissolution intention on buyerseller relationships[J]. Journal of Marketing Channels,2012,19(4): 250-271.
[12]Kim S K and Hsieh P H. Interdependence and its consequences in distributorsupplier relationships: A distributor perspective through response surface approach[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2003,40(1): 101-112.
[13]Kleijnen M,et al. An assessment of value creation in mobile service delivery and the moderating role of time consciousness[J]. Journal of Retailing,2007,83(1): 33-46.
[14]Lai F,et al. Relational governance and opportunism in logistics outsourcing relationships: Empirical evidence from China[J]. International Journal of Production Research,2012,50(9): 2501-2514.
[15]Lee Y and Cavusgil S T. Enhancing alliance performance: The effects of contractualbased versus relationalbased governance[J]. Journal of Business Research,2006,59(8): 896-905.
[16]Liu Y,et al. Control mechanisms across a buyersupplier relationship quality matrix[J]. Journal of Business Research,2010,63(1): 3-12.
[17]Luo Y. Partnering with foreign firms: How do Chinese managers view the governance and importance of contracts?[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2002,19(1): 127-151.
[18]Mayer K J and Argyres N S. Learning to contract: Evidence from the personal computer industry[J]. Organization Science,2004,15(4): 394-410.
[19]Mia L and Clarke B. Market competition,management accounting systems and business unit performance[J]. Management Accounting Research,1999,10(2): 137-158.
[20]Morgan R M and Hunt S D. The commitmenttrust theory of relationship marketing[J]. Journal of Marketing,1994,58(3): 20-38.
[21]Palmatier R W,et al. Relationship velocity: Toward a theory of relationship dynamics[J]. Journal of Marketing,2013,77(1): 13-30.
[22]Ping R A. The effects of satisfaction and structural constraints on retailer exiting,voice,loyalty,opportunism,and neglect[J]. Journal of Retailing,1993,69(3): 320-352.
[23]Poppo L and Zenger T. Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?[J]. Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8): 707-725.
[24]Tangpong C,et al. The interaction effect of relational norms and agent cooperativeness on opportunism in buyersupplier relationships[J]. Journal of Operations Management,2010,28(5): 398-414.
[25]Wuyts S and Geyskens I. The formation of buyersupplier relationships: Detailed contract drafting and close partner selection[J]. Journal of Marketing,2005,69(4): 103-117.
[26]Yang D,et al. Dissolution intention in channel relationships: An examination of contributing factors[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(7): 1106-1113.
[27]刘益,张志勇. 控制机制、态度性承诺与市场知识转移间关系研究[J]. 管理科学,2008,21(2): 2-8.
[28]任星耀,朱建宇,钱丽萍,等. 渠道中不同机会主义的管理: 合同的双维度与关系规范的作用研究[J]. 南开管理评论,2012,15(3): 12-21.
[29]万俊毅,敖嘉焯. 企业间交易治理机制研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理,2013,35(3): 25-27.
[30]熊焰. 控制机制、合作行为与供应商绩效关系研究[J]. 管理科学,2009,22(1): 30-38.
[31]张闯,杜楠,夏春玉,等. 渠道成员退出和呼吁: 感知公平与长期导向的作用[J]. 管理科学,2014,27(2): 108-117.
[2]Chan R Y K,et al. Environmental orientation and corporate performance: The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and moderating effect of competitive intensity[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(4): 621-630.
[3]Cannon J P,et al. Contracts,norms,and plural form governance[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2000,28(2): 180-194.
[4]Dabholkar P A and Bagozzi R P. An attitudinal model of technologybased selfservice: Moderating effects of consumer traits and situational factors[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2002,30(3): 184-201.
[5]Dwyer F R,et al. Developing buyerseller relationships[J]. Journal of Marketing,1987,51(2): 11-27.
[6]Dyer J H and Singh H. The relational view: Cooperative strategy and sources of interorganizational competitive advantage[J]. Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4): 660-679.
[7]Frazier G L. Interorganizational exchange behavior in marketing channels: A broadened perspective[J]. Journal of Marketing,1983,47(4): 68-78.
[8]Ghoshal S and Moran P. Bad for practice: A critique of the transaction cost theory[J]. Academy of Management Review,1996,21(1): 13-47.
[9]Jap S D and Ganesan S. Control mechanisms and the relationship life cycle: Implications for safeguarding specific investments and developing commitment[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2000,37(2): 227-245.
[10]Jaworski B J and Kohli A K. Market orientation: Antecedents and consequences[J]. Journal of Marketing,1993,57(3): 53-70.
[11]Kang B,et al. The effect of dissolution intention on buyerseller relationships[J]. Journal of Marketing Channels,2012,19(4): 250-271.
[12]Kim S K and Hsieh P H. Interdependence and its consequences in distributorsupplier relationships: A distributor perspective through response surface approach[J]. Journal of Marketing Research,2003,40(1): 101-112.
[13]Kleijnen M,et al. An assessment of value creation in mobile service delivery and the moderating role of time consciousness[J]. Journal of Retailing,2007,83(1): 33-46.
[14]Lai F,et al. Relational governance and opportunism in logistics outsourcing relationships: Empirical evidence from China[J]. International Journal of Production Research,2012,50(9): 2501-2514.
[15]Lee Y and Cavusgil S T. Enhancing alliance performance: The effects of contractualbased versus relationalbased governance[J]. Journal of Business Research,2006,59(8): 896-905.
[16]Liu Y,et al. Control mechanisms across a buyersupplier relationship quality matrix[J]. Journal of Business Research,2010,63(1): 3-12.
[17]Luo Y. Partnering with foreign firms: How do Chinese managers view the governance and importance of contracts?[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2002,19(1): 127-151.
[18]Mayer K J and Argyres N S. Learning to contract: Evidence from the personal computer industry[J]. Organization Science,2004,15(4): 394-410.
[19]Mia L and Clarke B. Market competition,management accounting systems and business unit performance[J]. Management Accounting Research,1999,10(2): 137-158.
[20]Morgan R M and Hunt S D. The commitmenttrust theory of relationship marketing[J]. Journal of Marketing,1994,58(3): 20-38.
[21]Palmatier R W,et al. Relationship velocity: Toward a theory of relationship dynamics[J]. Journal of Marketing,2013,77(1): 13-30.
[22]Ping R A. The effects of satisfaction and structural constraints on retailer exiting,voice,loyalty,opportunism,and neglect[J]. Journal of Retailing,1993,69(3): 320-352.
[23]Poppo L and Zenger T. Do formal contracts and relational governance function as substitutes or complements?[J]. Strategic Management Journal,2002,23(8): 707-725.
[24]Tangpong C,et al. The interaction effect of relational norms and agent cooperativeness on opportunism in buyersupplier relationships[J]. Journal of Operations Management,2010,28(5): 398-414.
[25]Wuyts S and Geyskens I. The formation of buyersupplier relationships: Detailed contract drafting and close partner selection[J]. Journal of Marketing,2005,69(4): 103-117.
[26]Yang D,et al. Dissolution intention in channel relationships: An examination of contributing factors[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2012,41(7): 1106-1113.
[27]刘益,张志勇. 控制机制、态度性承诺与市场知识转移间关系研究[J]. 管理科学,2008,21(2): 2-8.
[28]任星耀,朱建宇,钱丽萍,等. 渠道中不同机会主义的管理: 合同的双维度与关系规范的作用研究[J]. 南开管理评论,2012,15(3): 12-21.
[29]万俊毅,敖嘉焯. 企业间交易治理机制研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理,2013,35(3): 25-27.
[30]熊焰. 控制机制、合作行为与供应商绩效关系研究[J]. 管理科学,2009,22(1): 30-38.
[31]张闯,杜楠,夏春玉,等. 渠道成员退出和呼吁: 感知公平与长期导向的作用[J]. 管理科学,2014,27(2): 108-117.
钱丽萍, 罗小康, 杨翩翩. 渠道控制机制如何抑制关系退出倾向——兼论竞争强度的调节作用[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(6): 0.